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Motorstorm 1.2 Uptade (Yeni)

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  • quote:

    Apologies for the delay in getting these to you but its time to share the Update notes with everyone to show the new features and fixes coming your way in the next couple of weeks.
    As you'll see as you read through, a full reset of all Ranks will also happen when the update becomes available*. With the ranks being a little messed up with the Boost exploiters and the rank bug we think it’s the best solution.This has been changed - please refer to this reply for more information.
    The update will be free and should arrive by the middle of May and it will be required to play online. Once it’s ready the update will be installed when you next select the Online option.
    Any questions then please ask away as I'm passing a summary of feedback from the community back to the developer team.

    Game List Improvement
    - Game Status' is now displayed with the game list in the online lobby making it easier to find a session where you'll be able to join and race promptly.

    Host Identification
    - Within the game lobby the host is now clearly identified by a 'host' icon visible to all players and updated during host migration.

    Boost Exploit
    - A bug involving the boost system that allowed a player to use boost in an exploitative manner has been resolved.

    Buddy List Size
    - This has been updated to support up to 50 friends.

    Text Cut-off
    - When playing in standard definition all messages will now display as intended.

    Improved Stability Online
    - Online gameplay stability has been improved.

    Audio issues
    - All known issues with 5.1 / 7.1 surround have been fixed. Audio issues within the front-end have been resolved.

    Player Ranking
    - Players were found to be ranked incorrectly due to a bug. Because of this all online rankings will be reset and the ranking system should now function correctly.Evolution and Sony apologise for this measure but it will result in a fairer and more stable ranking system for all players.

    - Races will be forced to start after a fixed countdown which should dramatically reduce the waiting times in lobbies. Hosts may delay this countdown up to three times.

    Save Data Corruption
    - When quitting the game using the PS button it was possible to corrupt the save game data. This will no longer occur.

    Lobby Information
    - Upcoming track and current lap details will be displayed in lobbies.

    Vehicle Damage
    - When restarting a single player race during a death camera the damage wasn't always reset at the start of the next race. This has now been resolved.

    Missing Audio
    - Audio effects were missing from the death camera, these have now been reinstated.

    Name Tags
    - Added ability to switch the player name tags on / off during online races using a single button press (L1)


  • "it will be required to play online"

    Bu cümleden ben Japon versiyon Online desteği olmayan Motorstorm'a da artık bu desteğin geleceğini anladım, güzel.
  • Her oyun böyle update sunarsa yandık valla , buna ne kota dayanır nede para.
  • Ücretsiz dostum bu tip güncellemeler.
  • weycell biliyoruz ücretsiz olduğunu 56 k dan beri yıllardır internet kullanıyoruz

    demek istediğim olay her oyun için update gelmesi , kotalı kullanıcıya ters bir durum.
  • Buna ne kota dayanır ne para diyince güncellemenin paralı olduğunu düşündüğünü sandım hemen celallenmene gerek yoktu.

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi Weycell 61 -- 27 Nisan 2007; 17:21:21 >
  • Evet kotalı kullanıcılar yandı ( ben dahil ) demekki neymiş kotasız bi tane adsl açtırmak gerekiyomuş
  • Yapay Zeka’dan İlgili Konular
    Daha Fazla Göster
  • Bi update geldiydi o 1.1 update miydi??
  • Nasıl update edeceğiz?
  • bu yeni update : )) ama hala yeni harita yok araba yok
  • quote:

    Orjinalden alıntı: rebel_rude boy_X

    Her oyun böyle update sunarsa yandık valla , buna ne kota dayanır nede para.

    Kotan ne kadar bilmiyorum ama .. Ben sana bir tavsiye vereyim.

    9gb 49ytl bence bu yeterde artar bile.. ben Mart ayında geçiş yaptım..
  • bir türlü update yapamadim. nasil yapiliyor. 1.1 yüklü ancak 1.2 yi yükleyemedim. online a girince 1.1 i kendiliiginden yüklüyordu. 1.2 de böyle bisey çikmadi. help me??


    Orjinalden alıntı: soulfly1

    Nasıl update edeceğiz?
  • quote:

    Orjinalden alıntı: SonS_oF_Liberty

    bir türlü update yapamadim. nasil yapiliyor. 1.1 yüklü ancak 1.2 yi yükleyemedim. online a girince 1.1 i kendiliiginden yüklüyordu. 1.2 de böyle bisey çikmadi. help me??


    Orjinalden alıntı: soulfly1

    Nasıl update edeceğiz?

    Eğer otomatikmen uptade etmediyse dha uptade çıkmamıştır. Çıkınca anlaşılır zati
  • arkadaslar adamlar bizim kotali kullanip kullanmadigimiza bakmiyo heralde honkongda 100mb baglanti 40$limit diye bisi yok biz 3gb limitli 1mb baglantiya 29ytl veriyoz yapmayin ya ornek bu tabi avrupada 8-10mb 15-20$ turkiye bu konuda cok geri herseyde oldu gibi en iyisi ya 1mb limitsiz kullancan yada 6gb olandan baska care yok
  • orada yazıyor bak oyun mayısın ortalarında çıkacak diye.yani daha var
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