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    Orijinalden alıntı: Bartug148


    Orijinalden alıntı: RappeR07


    Orijinalden alıntı: SuMMerMaN


    Ailene güzel selamlar yolladım


    Benim selamlar pek güzel değil

  • quote:


    Orijinalden alıntı: RappeR07


    Orijinalden alıntı: SuMMerMaN


    Ailene güzel selamlar yolladım

    bende 5 tane selam yolladım bi film vardı onun ismini andım hani sarp apak oynuyodu adı sansürlü bi film
  • ip address display host ip address
    ip adjmss [<mss>] change TCP MSS (maximum segment size)
    ip adjTcp <iface> [<mss>]
    ip alias <iface> create a new alias for interface (defaultexisting aliases are enif0:0 enif0:1)
    ip aliasdis <0|1> enable|disable routing between Alias
    ip antiprobe <0|1> 1:yes 0:no
    ip arp add <hostid> ether <ether addr> add arp
    ip arp drop <hostid> [ether] drop arp
    ip arp flush flush arp
    ip arp publish add proxy arp
    ip arp replydif [<0:No|1:yes>] Disable/Enable ARP reply between LAN and WAN ethernet interface
    ip arp resolve <hostid> resolve IP address
    ip arp status display arp status
    ip dhcp <iface name> set dhcp configuration
    ip dhcp <iface name> server arpcount <num> set IP probing count (default: 4)
    ip dhcp <iface name> server dnsserver <dns1> <dns2> set IP of DNS servers for clients (default: use DNS proxy)
    ip dhcp <iface name> server gateway <gateway IP> set IP of default gateway for clients (default: IP of interface)
    ip dhcp <iface name> server hostname <hostname-prefix> set host-name prefix for served in pool (default dhcp)
    ip dhcp <iface name> server leasetime <period> set lease time for server (default: 259600 seconds)
    ip dhcp <iface name> server netmask <netmask> set netmask for clients in pool (default: /24)
    ip dhcp <iface name> server pool <start IP> <num> set base and number of IP addresses in pool
    ip dhcp <iface name> server rebindtime <period> set rebind time for clients (default: 226800 seconds)
    ip dhcp <iface name> server renewaltime <period> set renewal time for clients (default: 129600 seconds)
    ip dhcp <iface name> server reset reset DHCP leases
    ip dhcp <iface name> status . display iface DHCP information iface-name: enif1, enif0
    ip dhcp <iface name> client release release DHCP client IP
    ip dhcp <iface name> client renew renew DHCP client IP
    ip dns default <ip>
    ip dns query address <ip address> [tm] DNSの逆引き
    ip dns query debug <num>
    ip dns query name <host name> [tm] DNSの正引き
    ip dns query status
    ip dns query table
    ip dns server
    ip dns stats clear clear dns statistics
    ip dns stats disp display dns statistics
    ip dns table display dns table
    ip httpd debug [on|off] HTTPD debug
    ip icmp echo [on|off] turn on/off echo response
    ip icmp status display icmp statistic counter
    ip icmp trace [on|off] turn on/off trace for debugging
    ip icmp discovery <iface name> [on|off] turn on/off icmp router discovery response
    ip ident [on|off] Reject IDENT packet switch [on:Deny, off:Reject]
    ip ifconfig display all ifconfig
    ip ifconfig <iface> display <iface> ifconfig
    ip ifconfig <iface> [/<bits>][gateway] setup <iface>
    ip igmp debug
    ip igmp forwardall
    ip igmp iface <iface>
    ip igmp querier
    ip igmp robustness
    ip igmp status
    ip nat iamt IAMT Table を表示する
    ip nat iface <iface> display dynamic NAT table by interface
    ip nat incikeport [<yes|no>]
    ip nat lookup <set #>
    ip nat loopback [on|off] Enable/disable LAN user to use Internet IP to access internal server on the LAN
    ip nat new-lookup <set #>
    ip nat reset NATのリセット
    ip nat resetport
    ip nat server clear clear working buffer
    ip nat server disp
    ip nat server edit
    ip nat server load <set#>
    ip nat server save
    ip nat service
    ip nat timeout generic [seconds] change UDP NAT timeout time, default is 180 seconds
    ip nat timeout gre
    ip nat timeout iamt
    ip nat timeout reset
    ip nat timeout tcp [seconds] change TCP connection phase timeout time, default is 270 seconds
    ip nat timeout tcpother [seconds] change TCP data phase timeout time, default is 9000 seconds
    ip nat update
    ip ping <hostid> ping remote host
    ip pong <hostid> [<size> <time-interval>]
    ip rip accept <gateway> drop an entry from the RIP information
    ip rip activate Initial the RIP listener list
    ip rip dialin_user [show/in/out/both/none] Dialin users RIP direction
    ip rip merge [on|off] RIP merging
    ip rip mode <iface> [in|out] [mode] mode: 0 - 3
    ip rip refuse <gateway> add an entry to the RIP refuse list
    ip rip request
    ip rip reverse [on|off] RIP Poisoned Reverse
    ip rip status display rip statistic counters
    ip rip trace turn on/off rip trace 0:off 1:on
    ip route add <dest addr>[/<bits>] <gateway> [<metric>] add route
    ip route addiface <dest addr>[/<bits>] <iface> [<metric>] add iface
    ip route addprivate <dest addr>[/<bits>] <gateway> [<metric>] add private route
    ip route drop <host address> [/bits] drop a route
    ip route errcnt clear clear routing statistic counters
    ip route errcnt disp disp routing statistic counters
    ip route flush flush route table
    ip route lookup <host address> [/bits] show host route table
    ip route status display routing table
    ip samenet <iface1> [<iface2>]
    ip status display ip statistic counters
    ip tcp ceiling <value> TCP maximum round trip time
    ip tcp floor <value> TCP minimum rtt
    ip tcp irtt <value> TCP default init rtt
    ip tcp kick
    ip tcp limit <value> TCP output window limit (default 2 segments)
    ip tcp mss <size> TCP input MSS
    ip tcp reset reset a TCP connection
    ip tcp rtt set smooth round trip time for specified TCP
    ip tcp status <tcb> [<interval>] display TCP statistic counters
    ip tcp syndata [on|off] TCP syndata piggyback
    ip tcp trace [on|off] turn on/off trace for debugging
    ip tcp window [size] TCP input window size
    ip tftp stats display TFTP Statistics
    ip tftp support
    ip udp status dump UDP statistics and control blocks
    ip uninet <iface>
    ip xparent break <iface> detach this interface by breaking any transparent bridging with other interfaces
    ip xparent join <iface> display interfaces that are joined in a transparent bridge with this interface
    ip xparent join <iface 1> <iface 2> join other interfaces in a transparent bridge with the first interface

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