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  • house on haunted hill

    bende yukardaki şey çıktı sinema bölümünden kopyalamıştım

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi Sudden_Death -- 20 Mart 2010; 0:51:54 >

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  • 3 guys 1 hammer

    ceza alabilirim ama forumda yazıyordu aratıp izledim ceza alırsın diyen olursa editlerim .
  • Dnepropetrovsk maniacs

    bakın benim bir suçum yok azcık araştırmak istedim.neyseki izlemedim.Ne ifade koycağımı şaşırdım.
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    Orijinalden alıntı: kritios

    Benim konuya atmak içinmi kopyaladın bunları

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  • Energy Systems Engineering Department

    Energy, being one of the basic factor of economic and social development, is an indispensable necessity of life. The need for the most effective, most efficient and the cleanest use of energy is emerging when rapidly developing technology along with increased human needs and the released emissions are considered together.

    Energy Systems Engineer is the person who uses the available resources effectively, efficiently and cleanly;plans and manages all the stages of the energy generation; knows the details of the national and international energy legislations; supervises and develops the studies in the field of energy and related fields; has the perspective and analytical thinking skills.

    In the developing and changing energy world, educating Energy Systems Engineers who have the knowledge and skills in the field of economics and law, will provide Turkey to have a right in the world’s energy arena. Besides, it will also play an important role in carrying the Turkey’s targets to high above in the base of energy efficiency, personal needs and environmental factors.

    Energy Systems Engineering graduates are directly employed in the energy sector as they may also be employed in side sectors and suppliers. Thermal power plants, hydroelectric plants, solar plants, wind power plants, biofuel production, nuclear power plants, energy planning, energy efficiency, fuel, production-distribution-marketing, bureaucracy and media are the examples of the sub-sectors that our graduates may work in.

    Mission and Vision

    Our mission is to educate energy systems engineers who have the actual knowledge and ability, and fulfill the professional and ethical responsibilities; to have academic staff who are the one of the active-driving force in energy sector and can produce scientific knowledge through research and academic papers and illuminate the society with the gained knowledge.

    As a contemporary university, Our Vision is to have graduates who adopt universal merits and are enterpreneur, self confident and creative; to educate academic staff who collaborate with the energy sector and turn out with solutions to sector’s problems; to become modern and leading department in our research field.

  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: Sgt. Roach


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