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  • Berbat durumdayım. G*t gibi ortada kaldım. Dün gece oturdum cevap yazmaya çalıştım, bilgisayarın önü göl oldu ama toplam 5 cümle yazamadım. Bütün yaşama isteğim bi anda yok oldu, yardım edin.

    Oturdum yazdım birşeyler, içimden ne geçtiyse artık. İngilizce konusunda sıkıntı çekenler için akşam çevirilerini de yapıcam, şimdi çıkmam gerek.

    Son mesajı:

    Sorry mosquito ! Oh fuck, I'm a real shit , I don't write at all. But with long school day , and all the work that teachers give to us, it's quite difficult... And I thought about a lot , a lot of important things Deniz... I really have to talk with you... You know, you made me feel so good, so happy, so...in love with you, really, first in this amazing work camp, and then during august and beginig of septembre with your fantastic e-mais. I just wanted to go home, to see your pictures, to write you, to tell you everything I wanted, to read your e-mails, to know your life, your family, everything about you, everything you like, you don't like, your stories with your friends... My only dream, my only wish was to leave France, and jump in a plane to Turkey to be all the time with you. You're an amazing boy, you have beauty, you're so smart, nice, generous, funny, sexy ,different ...believe me But , you know, I can't just live like this. You're so far, we can see each other only in february, it's so long ... i would like wait for you. But honestly, I can't . And I think about your life too, this is not fair for both of us. We have to live our life, every minutes of every day, we are young, and I really hope I will see you in the future, I think our love story is not really over you know, because I really believed in it. but just now, during some time, I can't . We have to enjoy our life in the real world. Because you know, when i thought about you, it was like a dream, I wanted to fly, to come to you. I really hope you'll understand what I said... I really don't want to hurt you, believe me, it's really not funny for me But it's not a "breaking down" you know, it's like ; we have to live . Please, you have to understand.


    Lucie, I understand how you feel, what you think. Honestly. I think it's typical for girls; when you stand against a difficulty or a problem, you always chose the easiest way. I don't blame you for this but it's the opposite for me, well maybe it was. When I'm in trouble, I always try to find a way out, try to resolve it... fight for what I believe, what I feel. This time, it was my last fight, I know. From now on, I really don't know what to do, how to handle with. I'm not that strong, I feel. I can say that I still feel the same for you but at this point, it's nonsense because I know no matter what I say or what I do, I can't change what you think. It was really hard, to live here without you. It hurts, believe me. But now, it's a little different that I know you're not with me anymore. It kills. A piece inside me says, "she's right, enough." but my heart doesn't want to accept. It can't. But, okay. So'll be it. The worst thing is, you wrote all I feel. In past tense, with your words. I have nothing to do now. Hope you'll be happy, find a boy better than me and never forget me. Last time I write "I love you." but I don't even know if you can still feel it. I lost my last fight, time to retire. And don't worry about me, you didn't hurt me. It's quite different and easy. Oh I'm so stupid, I believed that it'll last forever. My thoughts and feelings wouldn't change anything. I had to stop this at the beginning. It brings only pain. But I don't know if you remember, in the airport, I said "I really tried not to love you, but I couldn't, sorry." My mistake. I want you to be happy, maybe not as my little pretty kedi but somehow. By the way, I understood your worth again with your last e-mail. My best friends girlfriend told him "I don't want to be with you anymore, I don't even like you. Bye." You're the best.

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi Tisikkirlir Sipirmin -- 17 Eylül 2011; 12:34:08 >

  • Senin için üzüldüm dostum ama kız bir yerde de haklı.
  • Geçmiş olsun ama zaten yürümesi zormuş
  • cam açtıysa sorun yok.

    şaka la şaka bişicik olmaz
  • ya sığıra bak ya
  • Kız haklı hacı. Böyle çok sürdüremezdiniz zaten.
  • konuşuyorsan sev git bence

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi Ignite -- 17 Eylül 2011; 12:25:05 >
  • Yapay Zeka’dan İlgili Konular
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  • Google translateden anladığıma göre arada mesafe var diye ayrılık olmuş doğru mudur ?
  • Kızın haklı olduğunu anlıyorum ben, ama kabullenemiyorum. Canım acıyor.


    Evet hocam.
  • Türkçe çevirisinide yazarsan mantıklı yorum yapabilirim
  • Herkes kızın haklı olduğunu söylemişte, gerçekten anlıyormusunuz acaba?

    Burası Türk forumu arkadaş, türkçe yaz ki bizde anlayalım. Ona göre yorumlayalım. Çeviri programlarıyla çıkan sonuçlar kızın söylemek istediği şeyle çok farklı olabilir
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: GökaLp.

    Herkes kızın haklı olduğunu söylemişte, gerçekten anlıyormusunuz acaba?

    Burası Türk forumu arkadaş, türkçe yaz ki bizde anlayalım. Ona göre yorumlayalım. Çeviri programlarıyla çıkan sonuçlar kızın söylemek istediği şeyle çok farklı olabilir

    Çeviri programı falan derken? Basit bi dille yazmış kız zaten kim anlayamayacak ki? Böyle uzaktan uzağa olmuyor diyo özetle
  • anladığım kadar sanal ilişki ve gerçekte buluşamayacaklari için kız ayrılmış
  • quote:

    I want you to be happy, maybe not as my little pretty kedi but somehow.

  • hadi başın sağolsun madem
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: D3XTER


    I want you to be happy, maybe not as my little pretty kedi but somehow.

    Bildigimiz kedi. Birkac kelime ogrettim de... Bu arada sanal iliski degil, ama kiz fransiz. Mesafe cok :/
  • Atla uçağa.

    Anlayabiliyorum mesajı bu benim için iyi senin için kötü olmuş.
  • Yazık üzüldüm..
  • Kız başından sonuna kadar haklı dostum zaten yürümezdi öyle ama yinede üzüldüm
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: Gitarist®

    Atla uçağa.

    Anlayabiliyorum mesajı bu benim için iyi senin için kötü olmuş.

    Ucaga ancak ocak ortasinda atlayabilmem sorun zaten. Basit ingilizce kizin da benim de isime geliyor, kelime eksiklerimiz cok. Anladiysan ne mutlu.
Sayfa: 123
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