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Can, could ve would'u ayıramıyorum.

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  • Bunları basitçe açıklayabilecek biri var mı? Mesela "i can cook from different countries" ile i would cook..." arasında bi fark göremiyorum. Yani ikisi de kullanılabiliyor burada. Nasıl ayıracağım. Bir de could var o hepten kafamı karıştırıyor. Diğer sorum ise bildiğiniz gibi was, i,you,we,they'den sonra, were ise he,she,it'ten sonra kullanılıyor. Ama bazı cümlelerde "you were" gibi ifadeler kullanılıyor. Bunu anlamı nedir? Were sadece he,she ve it'ten sonra kullanılmıyor muydu?

  • up arkadaşlar

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  • bu ve benzeri fiiller "modal verb" olarak geçiyor. maalesef bu üçünün arasında tek bir fark yok. birbiri ile aynı anlamda kullanıldıkları durumlar da mevcut. internette modal verb kullanımını detaylı anlatan çeşitli kaynaklar mevcut.

    mesela aşağıda "can could would" diye google aramasının birinci ve üçüncü sonuçlarını bulabilirsin:



  • Öncelikle bir yanlış anlaşılmayı düzeltmek istiyorum izninizle:

    I was
    You were
    He/She/It was

    We were
    You were
    They were

    Yani çoğul olunca ve "sen" öznesi ile birlikte were kullanılıyor. İstisna var ama nadir kullanılan, karmaşık bir konu. "English Subjunctive Mood" diye aratarak bulabilirsin.

    Can, could ve would konusuna gelince... Bunların tek bir kullanımları yok. Kısaca en çok kullanılan halleriyle açıklamak istiyorum.

    CAN + FİİL

    1) Yetenek belirtir.

    -I can swim.(Yüzebilirim.)

    -Mehmet can not do that.(Mehmet onu yapamaz.)

    2) İhtimal belirtir.

    -I can visit you tomorrow.(Yarın sana uğrayabilirim.)

    3) İzin almak için sorulan bir soruda kullanılabilir.

    -Can I go out? (Dışarı çıkabilir miyim?)

    2 ve 3. maddelerde daha çoğunlukla may ve might kullanılır ama can de nadir değildir.


    1) Can'in geçmiş zamanıdır. Geçmişte yapabildiğin ama artık yapamadığın şeyler için kullanılır.

    -I could swim when I was younger.(Gençken yüzebiliyordum.)

    2) Şartlı durumlarda can yerine kullanılır.

    -I could buy this house if you leave.(Eğer gidersen ben bu evi alabilirim.)


    1) Gerçek dışı bir durum hakkında konuşurken kullanılır.

    -If I were you, I would do the same.(Senin yerinde olsam ben de aynısını yapardım.)

    (Buradaki "I were" kullanımı yukarıda istisna dediğim konuya giriyor.)

    2) Will'in, yani gelecek zaman, geçmiş zamandaki halidir.

    -I believed you would pass the exam.(Sınavı geçeceğine inanmıştım/inanıyordum.)

    3) Geçmiş zaman alışkanlıklarımız için kullanılır.

    -I would smoke when I was younger. (Gençken sigara içerdim.)

    Her birinin birkaç tane daha kullanım yeri var, elimden geldiğince en önemli kullanımlarını anlatmaya çalıştım. Umarım yararlı olmuştur.

    Bu arada I can cook, pişirebilirim anlamına geliyor ve geniş zamana atıfta bulunuyor. I would cook ise pişirirdim. Cümlenin devamına göre anlamı değişebilir.

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi Mavi Penguen -- 21 Eylül 2018; 14:30:28 >
    < Bu ileti mobil sürüm kullanılarak atıldı >

  • Örnek olarak gitmek fiilini kullanalım;
    can gidebilirim
    would gidecektim
    could gidebilirdim
    Diye hatırlıyorum yine emin olan arkadaşlar teyit ederlerse iyi olur
  • Teşekkürler arkadaşlar

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  • Direct Method kitaplarında bu şekilde açıklanıyor, bence çok mantıklı.

    Can vs. Could

    Can – has three main uses:
    1) Ability
    2) Possibility and
    3) Permission.
    However there are some other used of Can, as you’ll see below.

    1. To express ability
    Can means to be (physically) able to do something OR to know how to do something.
    • Birds can fly.
    • Elephants can't fly.
    • I can speak two languages.

    2. To express a possibility (in general)
    This refers to a theoretical possibility.
    Note: we don't use can to talk about future possibilities. For this you would use may or might.
    • It can get cold there at night so take a jacket.
    • I know you can win the competition.
    • Well, I think your car can be repaired, but it's not going to be cheap.

    3. To offer to do something for others
    Can is used when you offer to help someone or to do something for them.
    • You don't need to walk home. I can take you there if you like.
    • Can I carry your bags for you?

    4. To ask for or give permission / To request something
    Can is used to ask for / request permission or to give permission.

    Note: Can't is used to refuse permission.
    • You can use my umbrella, I don't need it right now.
    • Can I sit in that chair please?
    • Mary, you can play outside if you like.
    • Can I ask you a question?
    • You can't go to the park. It will still be wet from the rain last night.
    • We can't leave the room until the assignment is completed.

    5. Can't: Something that is forbidden or not allowed
    • You can drive as fast as you want on the German motorways.
    • You can't smoke in the restaurant.
    • You cannot drive a car without a license.

    6. Can't: when you are sure that something isn't true or something is surprising
    • It can't be dark outside! It's only 4.30pm!
    • They can't have landed on the moon, I'm sure it's a hoax.

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi slimx -- 23 Eylül 2018; 15:48:0 >

  • Yapay Zeka’dan İlgili Konular
    Daha Fazla Göster
    Could is similar to Can and often replaces Can in the past tense (though not always)

    1. To express ability in the past
    • I could ride a horse when I was younger but now I can't.
    • She could juggle eight balls when she was only 10 years old.
    • He could read when he was three years old.

    2. Polite word used to ask for permission or to request something (in the present)
    • Could I please use your bathroom?
    • Could we move on to the next topic now please?
    • Could you pass me the salt please?
    • I'm busy right now, could you call back later?

    3. General permission in the past
    • In high school, we couldn't leave the classroom without a pass.
    • He couldn't go to the concert because his mother wouldn't let him.

    4. A suggestion when asked what to do (choices and opportunities)
    • He could try and fix it himself.
    • We could go to the movies if you are interested.

    5. Couldn't: Sure that something is untrue
    Just like can't, you can use couldn't when you are sure that something isn't true or real.
    • That couldn't be my cat meowing outside, it was hit by a car last week.
    • He couldn't have painted that. He has no artistic ability at all.

    6. Could + have + past participle: To express a possibility in the past
    To express that something was possible but did not happen.
    • We were lucky because it could have rained but it didn't.
    • Why did you do that? You could have broken your leg.

    7. Could + have + past participle: Unrealized past ability
    This is used to say that someone was able to do something, but they did not try to do it. Sometimes this is a form of criticism.
    • She could have married anyone she wanted to.
    • Why did you sit there doing nothing? You could have helped me.

    8. Could: A conditional form of Can
    Would + Can = Could. Note: Would be able to can replace could in the following examples.
    • If we had some oranges I could make you some fresh juice.
    • I could write the letter if you told me what to include.

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi slimx -- 23 Eylül 2018; 15:48:12 >

  • Şimdi 'COULD' ve 'WOULD' açıkcası ayrıntı farkı büyüktür.
    Could - kabiliyet belirtirken
    Would - yapılan,yapılıcağı olayı belirtir.

    Bu konu'da Direct Method kitaplarından alınmıştır.

    O yüzden WILL vs. WOULD farkıda buraya yazayım.

    We use ‘will’:

    - To talk about the future – to say what we believe will happen.

    - To talk about what people want to do or are willing to do.

    - To make promises and offers.

    ‘Would’ is the past tense form of will.
    Because of this it is used:

    - To talk about the past.

    - To talk about hypotheses – things that are imagined rather than true.

    - For politeness.


    We use ‘will’:
    - To say what we believe will happen in the future:
    We'll be late.
    We will have to take the train.

    We use would as the past tense of ‘will’:

    - To say what we believed would happen:

    I thought I would be late …… so I would have to take the train.

    Offers and promises

    - We use I will or We will to make offers and promises:

    I’ll give you a lift home after the party.
    We will come and see you next week.


    - To talk about what people want to do or are willing to do:

    We’ll see you tomorrow.
    Perhaps dad will lend me the car.

    We use would as the past tense of ‘will’:

    - To talk about what people wanted to do or were willing to do:

    We had a terrible night. The baby wouldn’t go to sleep. He kept waking up and crying.
    Dad wouldn’t lend me the car, so we had to take the train.

    - To talk about something that we did often in the past because we wanted to do it:

    When they were children they used to spend their holidays at their grandmother’s at the seaside. They would get up early every morning and they’d have a quick breakfast then they would run across the road to the beach.


    We use ‘will’ in conditionals with ‘if’ and unless to say what we think will happen in the future or present:

    I’ll give her a call if I can find her number.
    You won’t get in unless you have a ticket.

    We use would to talk about hypotheses, about something which is possible but not real:

    - To talk about the result or effect of a possible situation:

    It would be very expensive to stay in a hotel.

    - In conditionals with words like if and what if. In these sentences the main verb is usually in the past tense:

    I would give her a call if I could find her number.
    If I had the money I'd buy a new car.

    You would lose weight if you exercised more.

    If he got a new job he would probably make more money.
    What if he lost his job? What would happen then?

    We use conditionals to give advice:

    Dan will help you if you ask him.

    (Past tenses are more polite :)

    Dan would help you if you asked him.

    Phrases with would:

    - Would you…, would you mind (not) -ing, for requests:

    Would you carry this for me please?
    Would you mind carrying this?
    Would you mind not telling him that?

    - Would you like ...; would you like to ..., for offers and invitations:

    Would you like to come round tomorrow?
    Would you like another drink?

    - I would like …; I’d like … (you)(to) ..., to say what we want or what we want to do:

    I’d like that one please.
    I’d like to go home now.

    - I’d rather… (I would rather) to say what we prefer:

    I’d rather have that one.
    I’d rather go home now.

    - I would think, I would imagine, I'd guess, to give an opinion when we are not sure or when we want to be polite:

    It’s very difficult I would imagine.
    I would think that’s the right answer.

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi slimx -- 23 Eylül 2018; 15:49:46 >

  • Bu farkı'da komple ayrı tabiki. Bunu resim olarak aktarcam çünkü biraz fazla yazdım.

    "Can be" ve "Could be" komple farklı senaryolarda kullanılır.

    Direct Method Book 6 (C1)
    Can, could ve would'u ayıramıyorum.

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi slimx -- 23 Eylül 2018; 15:55:18 >
  • Teşekkür ederim

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  • Could kelimesi bildiğim kadarı ile kibar bir dille bir şeyi belirtmek için kullanıyor.

    Could you please check it?(Lütfen kontrol edebilir misiniz?)
    Can you please check it?(Kontrol edebilir misin?)

    Ben böyle biliyorum.Yanlışta olabilir.Genellikle bir şey rica edeceksem "Could" kullanıyorum ben.
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