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YARDIM EDİN: Warning: The boot devices have been changed.

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2 Misafir (1 Mobil) - 1 Masaüstü1 Mobil
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  • Uzun süredir bilgisayarım ilk açılışında.....

    Warning: The boot devices have been changed. BBS boot priority will be affected. Please enter setup to check"

    ......şeklinde bir hatayla karşılaşıyorum F1'e bastığımda açılmaya devam ediyor ve bazende hiç hatasız açılıyor... Biosu güncelledim ama yine düzelmedi. Yardımlarınızı dört gözle bekliyorum, şimdiden es geçmeyip yardımcı olan herkeze teşekkür ediyorum..

    Abit AN8-V anakart
    120gb pata harddisk
    2*512 ddr kingston rem..
    ati-1600 pro ekran kartı
    dvd yazıcı

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi bukemul -- 18 Mart 2007; 14:43:56 >

  • siyah ekranda dvd ve cd sürücücünü görüyor mu bir bak. Eğer açılışta önceki açılışta gördüğü bir sürücüyü görmezse veriri o uyarıyı.
  • siyah ekranda dvd/cd sürücüleri görüyor ama faklı olarak biostan kapatmama rağmen slave kanalı tekrar açık görülmeye başlıyor..

    sadece bu ayarda durup dururken değişiklik oluyor...

    biosa girip düzeltiyorum ama.. bir müddet sonra tekrar aynı şey olmaya başlıyor...
  • arkadaşlar yabancı sitelerde bu konularla ilgili bu yazılara rasladım ama ingilizcem yeterli olmadığı için birşey anlayamadım...

    hihi again,
    Just to bits of information which might be relevent

    Firstly, I forgot to mention that she has an external HDD connected to the computer - but it was actually turned off when this error message came up. So shouldn't it mean it technically wasn't there?

    Secondly, even after the fresh reformat, there was already adware/bugs on the computer (a msn dud error message came up today, spybot/adaware found them). She hasn't really used the internet much though, the only source I can think is the files she backed up beforehand and then transferred contained the virus? (In which case it is possible for a particular old file to cause the above problem?)

    thanks heaps!
    Whirlpool Forums Addict This is a bios problem not a windows problem. Should be moved to PC hardware.

    I would start looking around your mainboard forums or searching google for your mainboard and the error message.
    Whirlpool Enthusiast Reaper writes...
    I would start looking around your mainboard forums or searching google for your mainboard and the error message.

    So are you saying this is most likely something wrong with the motherboard? or just the settings in the bios?

    any hints, tips, suggestions welcome :)

    ps: mods, feel free to move to 'Hardware' if its more appropriate
    Whirlpool Forums Addict pyko writes...
    So are you saying this is most likely something wrong with the motherboard? or just the settings in the bios?

    I would be leaning more toward a bios problem (bug or setting) that may be fixed by updating the bios (read the manual or website on flashing the bios). Can also try resetting it to defaults within the bios (choose fail safe/defaults, save and restart)

    I take it that message was in your BIOS screen.

    Your probably OK but I would do a backup or image your drive just in case

    It occurred during the boot up, not in the BIOS per se. I don't recall *when exactly* in the boot sequence I saw it, but methinks it was early on.

    Drive is backed up.
    If you want to do some poking around, try googleing the error message (I ran a search on "bbs boot priority".)

    I mention it, because I had never even run across this error message and have no real idea as to what might be causing it. Then I find that it's (apparently) something that's a lot more common than I knew. Plus there doesn't seem to be a common solution, which would probably be way too easy. Rather it looks system specific, which makes the troubleshooting a little more challenging.

    But it might be worth a looksee, just to give you some (more) things to ponder.
    I did google it before I posted. The results that came back'”at least the ones I read'”were inconclusive and I didn't (at that point) have time to wade through the haystack looking for the needle.

    I actually intented to post this in Technical Mojo. Oh well.

    here is how I setup my machine to boot to SATA vs IDE. First remove the IDE drive while doing your install, windows likes to put boot info on IDE drives even if you tell it to install on the SATA drive. set your boot device to SCSI in the bios (most mobo's call it this) boot to your installation and make sure you have your SATA drivers for the OS you wish to install. After the install then plug in the IDE drive and make sure that SCSI is above the Hard Drive in the boot order

    Sorted! I changed the IDE to master and it booted. Thanks for your help today - points awarded for your persistent assistance.

    Windows is already on the sata drive and boots fine. The problem is the computer is not trying to boot to the sata drive if an IDE is present. I am looking at his manual and the mobo assigns the sata an IDE channel. So I'm sure that's not it.

    Thank you very much I'm glad you got it working. Didn;t even think the drive had to be the master weird!

    But I'll remember that.

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