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'was not declared in this scope' hatası

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  • Merhaba, bir Midi klavye projesi üstündeyim. Acemi olduğum için bazı şeylere çözüm bulamıyorum. Bir blogdan bulduğum kodda hatalar var.
    Öncelikle #include expects "FILENAME" or <FILENAME> hatası aldım. Bunu biraz araştırıp include <wire.h> tanımladığımda düzeldi fakat ikinci include un ne için yazıldığını çözemedim.
    İkinciyi sildiğimde ise 'lt' was not declared in this scope. hatasını çözemedim. Sırf denemek için lt ye değer verdiğimde ise if(octave < 4) satırında expected ')' before ';' token şeklinde bi hata aldım. Yardımcı olursanız çok sevinirim.
    Kod şu şekilde;

    // MultiButtonMIDIOctave.ino
    // Driving MIDI using a Multiple Buttons
    // Added variables for Octave, Transpose and Velocity
    // Rob Ives 2012
    // This code is released into the Public Domain.


    int keyispressed[16]; //Is the key currently pressed?
    int noteisplaying[16]; //Is the Note currently playing?
    unsigned char data1; //data from chip 1
    unsigned char data2; //data from chip 2
    int octave = 2; //set currently played octave
    int transpose = 0; //transpose notes on the board
    int velocity = 127; //set note velocity
    //--- Octave LED output pins
    int octave1 = 8;
    int octave2 = 9;
    int octave3 = 10;
    int octave4 = 11;
    //--- Octave Switches
    int octaveup = 7;
    int octavedown = 6;
    //--- Pot
    int potpin = 2;

    void setup() //The Setup Loop
    Wire.begin(); // setup the I2C bus
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i &lt; 16; i++) { //Init variables
    keyispressed[i] = 1; //clear the keys array (High is off)
    noteisplaying[i] = 0; //no notes are playing
    //--- Set up pins
    pinMode(octaveup, INPUT);
    pinMode(octavedown, INPUT);
    pinMode(octave1, OUTPUT);
    pinMode(octave2, OUTPUT);
    pinMode(octave3, OUTPUT);
    pinMode(octave4, OUTPUT);

    MIDI.begin(); //initialise midi library
    displayoctave(); //display the current octave

    void loop() //the main loop
    void readkeys() { //Read the state of the I2C chips. 1 is open, 0 is closed.
    Wire.requestFrom(0x38, 1); // read the data from chip 1 in data1
    if (Wire.available()){
    data1 = Wire.read();

    Wire.requestFrom(0x39, 1); // read the data freom chip 2 into data2
    if (Wire.available()){
    data2 = Wire.read();

    for (unsigned char i = 0; i &lt; 8; i++) {// puts data bits from chip 1 into keys array keyispressed[i] = ((data1 &gt;&gt; i) &amp; 1); // set the key variable to the current state. chip 1
    keyispressed[i + 8] = ((data2 &gt;&gt; i) &amp; 1); //chip 2
    void sendMIDI() { // Send MIDI instructions via the MIDI out
    int note; //holder for the value of note being played

    velocity = analogRead(potpin)/8;// Read velocity from the pot
    for (unsigned char i = 0; i &lt; 16; i++) { //for each note in the array
    if (keyispressed[i] == LOW){ //the key on the board is pressed
    if(!noteisplaying[i]){ //if the note is not already playing send MIDI instruction to start the note
    note = i + (octave*12) + transpose;
    MIDI.sendNoteOn(note,velocity,1); // Send a Note ( vel.127 ch. 1)
    noteisplaying[i] = note; // set the note playing flag to TRUE and store the note value
    if(noteisplaying[i]){ //if the note is currently playing, turn it off
    note = noteisplaying[i]; //retrieve the saved note value incase the octave has changed
    MIDI.sendNoteOff(note,0,1); // Stop the note
    noteisplaying[i] = 0; // clear the note is playing flag
    void checkoctave(){
    int up = digitalRead(octaveup);
    int down = digitalRead(octavedown);

    if(up == HIGH){ //up button pressed
    if(octave &lt; 4){ octave++; } while(up == HIGH){// wait until button is released up = digitalRead(octaveup); delay(20); } displayoctave(); } if(down == HIGH){ //down button pressed if(octave &gt; 1){
    while(down == HIGH){// wait until button is released
    down = digitalRead(octavedown);
    void displayoctave(){
    // clear all the LEDs
    digitalWrite(octave1, LOW);
    digitalWrite(octave2, LOW);
    digitalWrite(octave3, LOW);
    digitalWrite(octave4, LOW);
    // ...and then display the current octave
    switch(octave){ // display the current actave
    case 1: digitalWrite(octave1, HIGH);
    case 2: digitalWrite(octave2, HIGH);
    case 3: digitalWrite(octave3, HIGH);
    case 4: digitalWrite(octave4, HIGH);

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