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Have you ever Been Abroad?

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  • If you ever been abroad, which countries are you stayed?

    If i have a grammar error, please forgive me.

  • Not yet, but I want to do so. Diffirent cultures can make you more realistic, I believe that.
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: Hekim18

    Not yet, but I want to do so. Diffirent cultures can make you more realistic, I believe that.

    Absolutely right. You said everything that i want to say.
  • I haven't ever been abroad. Perhaps, I might go abroad in third year of my academic education.
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: Sendromkaan

    I haven't ever been abroad. Perhaps, I might go abroad in third year of my academic education.

    As long as you are almost sure that student exchange process is made with ease in your faculty, you should take the chance and experience studying abroad. Yet with a notice of fact, all of a sudden the whole event would turn out to be a torture with the help of intensive bureaucracy. I hope you won't experience any difficulties whatsoever.
  • 4 times :)
  • ferdinnand

    I know the experience of being abroad will be very beneficial for me and I want to try it as possible as I can. And also I know the damn bureaucracy to do it. But a person who loves roses will endure this pain.


    Where have you been Furkan? I want to know this and also I want to hear your experiences. Please tell us what have you learned from those places?
  • Yapay Zeka’dan İlgili Konular
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  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: Sendromkaan


    I know the experience of being abroad will be very beneficial for me and I want to try it as possible as I can. And also I know the damn bureaucracy to do it. But a person who loves roses will endure this pain.

    well said, good luck then.
  • I went Germany last year with my school mates. That was wonderful...

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi Aelin-uial -- 13 Temmuz 2010; 23:18:58 >
  • I have never been abroad. But I want to go USA next summer with Work And Travel.

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi V_lkan -- 13 Temmuz 2010; 23:53:33 >
  • China, Russia, Greece, India, Kazakhistan, Uzbekistan
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: Uygurca

    China, Russia, Greece, India, Kazakhistan, Uzbekistan


    I will go to the USA for my academic career.

    Maybe firstly, i choose a tour companies for see the Japan, Korea or Thailand.
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: V_lkan

    I have never been abroad. But I want to go USA next summer with Work And Travel.

    Bu cümleyi But ile bölmemiz pek doğru değil tek cümle yazsaydınız daha doğru olabilirdi. Ayrıca; "go" fiilinden sonra to getirmeniz gerekmekteydi. Bir de; USA, UK, Netherlands, Sudan gibi ülkeler ülke isimlerinin başına "the" alırlar. USA,UK gibi ülkeler Birleşik Devletler olduğu için; Sudan ve Netherlands bir istisna. O yüzden cümleninizi şu şekilde yazmanız daha doğru olabilirdi:
    I have never been abroad but I want to go to the USA...
    *Amacım yanlış anlaşılmasın lütfen, sadece tavsiye.
  • @Razer;

    It should be ''If you ever been abroad, which countries did you visit?'' in the first message.

    And, it should be ''Maybe firstly, I choose a tour companies to see the Japan, Korea or Thailand.''

    ''I'' must always be written as a capital letter, no matter its position in the sentence.
  • Yes. UK, France, Spain, Portugal, Switzerland, Italy and 3 weeks later, I will be on the way of Greece. :)
  • I had been in Jackson Hole, Wyoming USA. I was working at Four Seasons Jackson Hole. I hope, i'll be there again for 10/11 ski season. Ski is ROCK!!!
  • No, I've never unfortunately been abroad but I'd like to a lot! Moscow, London and Seoul are amongst the cities I'd like to see one day.
  • Not yet but i want to going to london

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi Nef'i -- 17 Temmuz 2010; 21:32:02 >
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: Hekim


    Orijinalden alıntı: V_lkan

    I have never been abroad. But I want to go USA next summer with Work And Travel.

    Bu cümleyi But ile bölmemiz pek doğru değil tek cümle yazsaydınız daha doğru olabilirdi. Ayrıca; "go" fiilinden sonra to getirmeniz gerekmekteydi. Bir de; USA, UK, Netherlands, Sudan gibi ülkeler ülke isimlerinin başına "the" alırlar. USA,UK gibi ülkeler Birleşik Devletler olduğu için; Sudan ve Netherlands bir istisna. O yüzden cümleninizi şu şekilde yazmanız daha doğru olabilirdi:
    I have never been abroad but I want to go to the USA...
    *Amacım yanlış anlaşılmasın lütfen, sadece tavsiye.

    Ne demek, teşekkür ederim.

  • Actually,I have stayed in Manchester for one week and I'm going to remain at 5 weeks.Except this city,I have never been in other cities.
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