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  • interlude (c6)

    Server 1 yıl önceki osirisin neredeyse aynısı klan halinde gelenlere aio veriliyor(20 kişi online olması şartıyla)

    Dagger hastaları epic l ta +10 evasion var %10patack/atack speed.

    Mageler %18 cspeed +2wit %10 pdef li epic r ya da m atağı çok olan tit r sizi bekliyor.

    okculara tit l %12p atack dex+3 con+1 daha da fazlası

    Retail C4/C5/Interlude Features:
    - Interlude Client Supporting
    - Fishing (From C4)
    - Raidbosses (From C4)
    - Seven Signs (From C4)
    - Castle Sieges (From C4)
    - Noblesses & Heroes System (From C4)
    - Clan Wars (From C4)
    - Community Server (From C4)
    - Max Level 80 (From C5)
    - C5/Interlude Clan System (From C5)
    -> New Clan levels 6/7/8 by giving reputation points
    -> Subclans (Academy, Royal Guards, Order of Knights)
    -> Clan Skills
    - Demonic Sword Weapons (Zariche and Dual Akamanah) (From C5)
    - Divine Insiration passive Skill. (From C5)
    - 3 Skill Action Bars (From C5)
    - Hero Skills (From C5)
    - Weapon Augementation (From Interlude)
    - Primeval Island (From Interlude)
    - Shadow Weapons (From Interlude)
    - Duelling System (From Interlude)
    - Symbol Skills (or level 80 skills) (From Interlude)

    Custom Protection System:
    - Custom Client Side dll Protection. To prevent the walkers and the 3rd party programs which send double packets to the server to dublicate items/skills.
    - Custom Server Side Login Protection. To prevent OOG (Out of Game) walkers.
    - Custom Server Side dll protection, which fixes one by one the exploits that players can try IG (In Game).

    Notice: We can say that we use a good protection system. But there is chance for everything.
    Our Job is to Update the protection as fast as we can.
    The Protection system is close on 95%. And our Antibot is 99% Retail.


    Ceriel (x45)

    - Exp: x45
    - SP: x10
    - Adena: x200
    - Spoil: x5 (x3 quanity)
    - Drop: x5 (x5 quanity)
    - Seal Stones: x5

    Here you can find all the features that exist on our server. Also there are some other information about our server customs, etc...

    Custom items:
    - Epic Custom Armors (Heavy/Light/Robe/Mask/Shield)
    - Dynasty Armors (Heavy/Light/Robe)

    - Dynasty Weapons
    ~> Dynasty Sword
    ~> Dynasty Two Handed Sword: Bestows Focus, Health or Light.
    ~> Dynasty Phantom: Bestows Acumen, Mana Up or Conversion.
    ~> Dynasty Bow: Bestows Focus, Evasion or Critical Damage.
    ~> Dynasty Knife: Bestows Focus, Evasion or Critical Damage.
    ~> Dynasty Halberd: Bestows Anger, Critical Stun or Light.
    ~> Dynasty Cudgel: Bestows Anger, Health or Risk Focus.
    ~> Dynasty Mace: Bestows Mana Up, Conversion or Acumen.
    ~> Dynasty Bagh-Nakh: Bestows Risk Haste, Risk Evasion or Haste.
    ~> Dynasty Blade*Dynasty Blade: P.Atk of dual swords will increase more than one-handed type weapon when enchanted. Increases Critical Attack by 64. Enhances damage to target during PvP.

    Skills Modifications:
    - Griefbuffing skill to avoid the grief buffs from others.
    - Buff Time: 1hour
    - Dances Time: 1hour
    - 3rd Time Buffs: ~> Prophesy of Water: 45min ~> Prophesy of Wind: 45min ~> Prophesy of Fire: 45min
    - 3rd Class Buffs/Dances: 1hour
    - Siren/Cat buff: 2 mins

    Custom Misc Items:

    - Custom tattoo's.
    ~> Tattoo of Power: Special underwear item which increase your P.Attack.
    ~> Tattoo of Fire: Special underwear item which increase your Reflect Damage.
    ~> Tattoo of Resolve: Special underwear item which increase your Speed.
    ~> Tattoo of Flame: Special underwear item which increase your M. Attack.
    ~> Tattoo of Bravery: Special underwear item which increase your Critical Chance.
    ~> Tattoo of Blood: Special underwear item which increase your Bleed resist.
    ~> Tattoo of Absolute: Special underwear item which increase your max HP.
    ~> Tattoo of Soul: Special underwear item which increase your Attack Speed.
    ~> Tattoo of Avadon: Special underwear item which increase your Casting Speed.
    ~> Tattoo of Doom: Special underwear item which increase your P. Defense only when you have equiped a Heavy Armor.
    ~> Tattoo of Pledge: Special underwear item which increase your P. Def only when you have equiped a Light Armor.
    ~> Tattoo of Divine: Special underwear item which increase your Hold/sleep/stun resist.

    Custom NPCs:
    - Global Gatekeeper
    Teleport to every place on the world for little ammount of adena's.
    - GM Shops (Armors/Weapons/Miscs)
    - Seal/Unselaer Mammon
    - NPC Buffer
    ~> All normall buffs from 1st/2nd occupations. 3rd Class buffs are not included
    ~> Price per Buff: 1k (All players who are 61 level and less won't pay for buffs).
    ~> You can buff also your pet with the same prizes.

    Custom Zone:
    ~> Elven Ruins [Party Farming Zone] (76-80+)

    A place special designed to get lifestones (all grades and levels) by spoiling. You will need a full party to farm there.

    Custom Drops:
    Re-made drops and spoils, so that materials drop quantity will be x3 and
    spoil quantities will be x4 for those items listed below:
    - Animal Bone, Stem, Iron Ore, Varnish, Suede, Animal Skin, Thread, Coal, Charcoal, Silver Nugget, Mithril Ore, Adamantite Nugget
    , Braided Hemp, Cokes, Steel, Coarse Bone Powder, Leather, Cord, High Grade Suede, Compound Braid, Oriharukon, Crafted Leather
    , Metallic Fiber, Reinforcing Plate, Reinforcing Agent, Asofe, Thons, Enria, Mold Glue, Mold Lubricant, Mold Hardener

    - Custom Spawn Points to avoid the Spawnkills.
    - Clan Penalties have removed. Only Leave penalty is reduced to 5hours.
    - Mana Potions (Give 250 MP instant).
    - Super Mana Potions (Give a large ammount of MP instanlty. You can buy them from our Event NPC). [NOT YET]
    - Super CP Potions (Give a bigger ammount of CP instanlty. Have some seconds delay. You can buy them from our Event NPC). [NOT YET]
    - 2 Sieges per end of second week. (Depends on Seven Signs)
    - Items for Nobless/Subclass are aviable in our Misc shop (items like lunargents,hellfires etc..)

    Olympiad Information:
    - The competition cycle will be 2 weeks , and the competition time will be 20.00 - 24.00 everyday.

    Raidboss Respawn Time:
    - For usual raid bosses the respawn time is 12 hours.
    - Subclass/Nobless Raidbosses respawn time is 7 hours.
    - Hallate's Infernium Scepter respawn time is 6 hours.
    - Kernon's Infernium Scepter respawn time is 6 hours.
    - Golkonda's Infernium Scepter respawn time is 6 hours.
    - Flame Of Splendor Barakiel respawn time is 6 hours.

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi turkrock -- 24 Mayıs 2010; 2:24:28 >

  • Hayırlı olsun paşam ama yine tek tip class ların olduğu bir servera benziyor.
  • Eski tecrüberelerimden yararlanarak söylüyorum bu statlarla oynadığım l2osiriste her klas tan esit sayıda vardı diyebilirim dagger olsun archer olsun mage olsun ...Denemeye değer.
  • abicim kafayı yemek lazım burda oynamak için, bu kadar çok custom ne ya , ne gerek var ? Custom adı üstünde GM kafasına göre stat veriyo, nasıl dengeyi sağlayabilir ki ? Büyük firmalar şirketler anca yapabilir bu balance işini, GM nasıl yapsın, Bırakın Custom u, düz Custom olmayan serverlar dururken burda oynamak onca Mats i kasmak hiçte akıl karı değil,
  • Dengenin nasıl sağlandığını önceki mesajımda anlattım. Eğer denge olmasaydı her clastan adam aynı anda pvp yapmazdı bi carda yoğunlaşma olurdu.Ha şimdi diceksin bu açılan eskisiyle aynımı?Statlar neredeyse aynı ama dediğim gibi server yeni zaten şuan kimsede custom armor yok yavaş yavaş armorunu düzersin , biraz pvp biraz spoil , zaten herşeyi birden elde edersen ne zevki kalır ki.
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