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BMW X5 Yangın tehlikesi

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  • Potential dead battery or electrical fire

    Electrical & Lights, August 07, 2013, Model Year(s):2009, 2010

    Quick take:

    Vehicles equipped with a diesel engine could experience a dead battery condition or possible electrical fire.

    What should you do?:

    BMW will notify owners during August of 2013. If don't receive notification and you feel you should, please contact your dealer for further instruction. They may ask for your vehicle identification number (VIN), so please have it handy when you call.


    The fuel filter on vehicles with a diesel engine is equipped with an electric heater to warm the diesel fuel in cold climate conditions. This heater could experience and electrical overload and fail to turn off as designed. Having the fuel heater stay on while the ignition is off could result in a dead battery. The heater could also overheat and potentially cause and electrical fire. Dealers will replace the diesel fuel filter heater on affected vehicles to complete this recall.


    Diesel motorlu 2009 ve 2010 model yılı araçlarda yakıt filtresindeki ısıtıcının gerektiği gibi çalışmayıp bataryayı boşaltması yahut yangın tehlikesi.

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi oldsalt -- 5 Eylül 2013; 14:50:11 >

  • Böyle birşeyi o zamanlar okumuştum.ama doğruluğundan emin değildim

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