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10.10 Catalyst driver cikti!

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    performans artislari:

    Performance Improvements

    The following performance improvements were observed with this release of AMD
    Catalyst 10.10:
    􀁺 Aliens vs. Predator™ DirectX 11 Benchmark
    􀂃 Performance increases up to 6% on ATI Radeon HD 5800 Series single and
    AMD Catalyst™ Release Note Version 10.10 8
    􀂃 Performance increases up to 5% on ATI Radeon HD 5700 Series single and
    􀂃 Performance increases up to 5% on ATI Radeon HD 5600 Series
    􀂃 Performance increases up to 5% on ATI Radeon HD 5500 Series
    􀂃 Performance increases up to 4% on ATI Radeon HD 5400 Series

    􀁺 BattleForge™
    􀂃 Performance increases up to 6% on ATI Radeon HD 5800 Series single and
    CrossFire configurations with anti-aliasing enabled
    􀂃 Performance increases up to 5% on ATI Radeon HD 5700 Series single and
    CrossFire configurations with anti-aliasing enabled

    􀁺 Crysis Warhead®
    􀂃 Performance increases up to 9% on Single ATI Radeon HD 5800 Series products
    with anti-aliasing enabled

    􀁺 Far Cry™ 2
    􀂃 Performance increases up to 7% on Single ATI Radeon HD 5800 Series products

    􀁺 Metro 2033™
    􀂃 Performance increases up to 7% on ATI Radeon HD 5800 Series single and
    CrossFire configurations
    􀂃 Performance increases up to 8% on ATI Radeon HD 5700 Series single and
    CrossFire configurations
    􀂃 Performance increases up to 5% on ATI Radeon HD 5600 Series in DirectX 11
    and 10 modes
    􀂃 Performance increases up to 5% on ATI Radeon HD 5500 Series in DirectX 11
    and 10 modes
    􀂃 Performance increases up to 4% on ATI Radeon HD 5400 Series in DirectX 11
    and 10 modes

    􀁺 S.T.A.L.K.E.R.™ : Call of Pripyat Benchmark
    􀂃 Performance increases up to 7% on single ATI Radeon HD 5800 Series products

    􀁺 Unigine™ Heaven
    􀂃 Performance increases up to 9% on ATI Radeon HD 5800 Series single and
    CrossFire configurations with anti-aliasing enabled
    􀂃 Performance increases up to 8% on ATI Radeon HD 5700 Series single and
    CrossFire configurations with anti-aliasing enabled

    􀁺 World in Conflict™
    􀂃 Performance increases up to 9% on ATI Radeon HD 5600 Series
    􀂃 Performance increases up to 10% on ATI Radeon HD 5500 Series


    Catalyst™ Application Profiles

    The following application profiles are available with this release of AMD Catalyst 10.10:
    􀁺 Multiplayer Medal of Honor™ (DirectX® 9/DirectX® 10/DirectX® 11) CrossFire™
    􀁺 Darksider™ (DirectX 9) performance and CrossFire anti-aliasing update
    􀁺 NBA 2K11™ (DirectX 9) CrossFire update
    􀁺 Stone Giant™ (DirectX 10/DirectX 11) CrossFire update
    􀁺 Civilization V™ (DirectX 10/DirectX 11) tweak CrossFire update
    􀁺 H.A.W.X.™ 2 (DirectX 10/DirectX 11) CrossFire update
    􀁺 Formula 1™ (DirectX 10/DirectX 11) CrossFire update
    􀁺 World of Warcraft™ (DirectX 11) version CrossFire update

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi mhamadko -- 22 Ekim 2010; 22:37:56 >

  • 4800 series diye seciyorum bi suit geliyor bir de app teknolojisi edition diye geliyor hangisini indiriyoruz neymis bu app?

     10.10 Catalyst driver cikti!
  • app teknolojili olan father torque kullanıcısının dediğine göre içinde opencl sürücüsü de barındırıyormuş farklı olarak. ama niye ayrı vermişler anlamadık ? ben onu indirip kuracagım sanırım ama şaşırdım ben de
  • opencl olayi ise tamamdir ayri veriyorlar beta filan diye indirmistim daha once ama niye boyle yapiyorlar bilmiyorum.video isleri ile ugrasanlar icin filan olsa gerek oyunlarda bir farki oldugunu sanmiyorum bilen varsa soylesin.
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