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  • quote:

    Orjinalden alıntı: Mehmet Ali


    Orjinalden alıntı: mafidan

    upper intermediate English
    That's all!!

    imzandan anlaşıyor.Rezil bir ingilizcen var...

    kardeş sen amerikalımısın?

    be nu avatar ne bu imza.yok öyleyse neden "Mehmet Ali" ?
  • wallah gurban ben biraz harranca biliyem
    iyicene bi ingilizce
    bi de flamanca biliyem ama konuşamiyem sadece anliyem anam belçikadaki harranda doğmiştir de
  • jeg kender Dansk.
  • As truputi moku lietuviu kalba

    ik kan een klein beetje nederlands

    я скучаю


    all of them kolpa.. i dont know anything about thoose languages. but i know a little bit english. and it is enough to bağlamaking a girl from other countries..
  • ihr denkt wenn ihr englisch könnt,seit ihr die besten.
    Aber ist es nicht, das beste sprache ist türkisch.
    Enlisch ist das schlesteste sprache der welt.

    Türk demek türkce demektir, ne mutlu türküm diyene
  • üst orta ingilizce
    üst orta osmanlıca
    ileri düzeyde arapça

    ama en çok Türkçe konuşurken haz alıyorum
  • quote:

    Orjinalden alıntı: Mehmet Ali


    Orjinalden alıntı: Arthur


    Orjinalden alıntı: Mehmet Ali


    Orjinalden alıntı: mafidan

    upper intermediate English
    That's all!!

    imzandan anlaşıyor.Rezil bir ingilizcen var...

    kardeş sen amerikalımısın?

    be nu avatar ne bu imza.yok öyleyse neden "Mehmet Ali" ?

    yep, but what's it to you?

    What a good thing for you Now you've got a job to do. (Correcting the people here ) Atleast you've prooved that you're a useful man

    I wonder if you're going to try to correct me


    Sufficient degree English!!

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi St_arican -- 26 Nisan 2005, 22:36:51 >
  • quote:

    Orjinalden alıntı: X-GeN


    Orjinalden alıntı: Mehmet Ali


    Orjinalden alıntı: Arthur


    Orjinalden alıntı: Mehmet Ali


    Orjinalden alıntı: mafidan

    upper intermediate English
    That's all!!

    imzandan anlaşıyor.Rezil bir ingilizcen var...

    kardeş sen amerikalımısın?

    be nu avatar ne bu imza.yok öyleyse neden "Mehmet Ali" ?

    yep, but what's it to you?

    What a good thing for you Now you've got a job to do. (Correcting the people here ) Atleast you've prooved that you're a useful man

    I wonder if you're going to try to correct me

    offff... mehmet alii.. look at X-gen
    if that guy would put laf to me like that , i could kill him...

  • Take it easy....
  • quote:

    Orjinalden alıntı: Mehmet Ali


    Orjinalden alıntı: X-GeN


    Orjinalden alıntı: Mehmet Ali


    Orjinalden alıntı: Arthur


    Orjinalden alıntı: Mehmet Ali


    Orjinalden alıntı: mafidan

    upper intermediate English
    That's all!!

    imzandan anlaşıyor.Rezil bir ingilizcen var...

    kardeş sen amerikalımısın?

    be nu avatar ne bu imza.yok öyleyse neden "Mehmet Ali" ?

    yep, but what's it to you?

    What a good thing for you Now you've got a job to do. (Correcting the people here ) At least you've prooved that you're a useful man

    I wonder if you're going to try to correct me

    useful???.I'm not a tool.I can't be used.

    I wrote it on purpose

    We're going to see who's getting punished

    Why are you waisting your precious time here? Go and stick around your American friends (If you have)

  • quote:

    Orjinalden alıntı: ZİW®O


    Orjinalden alıntı: Mehmet Ali


    Orjinalden alıntı: X-GeN


    Orjinalden alıntı: Mehmet Ali


    Orjinalden alıntı: Arthur


    Orjinalden alıntı: Mehmet Ali


    Orjinalden alıntı: mafidan

    upper intermediate English
    That's all!!

    imzandan anlaşıyor.Rezil bir ingilizcen var...

    kardeş sen amerikalımısın?

    be nu avatar ne bu imza.yok öyleyse neden "Mehmet Ali" ?

    yep, but what's it to you?

    What a good thing for you Now you've got a job to do. (Correcting the people here ) At least you've prooved that you're a useful man

    I wonder if you're going to try to correct me

    Suck my c*ck.You did lots of silly mistakes.I'll punish u right now...


    Correcting THE people???This is the silliest mistake i've ever read.THE can't be used here.You must have wanted to mean Correcting people's mistakes.

    useful???.I'm not a tool.I can't be used.You should have written helpful instead of this dumb word.

    got it??you greenhorn.You gotta learn lots of things.And then speak.

    If you'll ever swear again MEHMET ALİ FUCKARIM SENİ HABERİN OLA

    To the bastard who is also known as Mehmet Ali:

    First of all, I would like to make it clear that you are an unnecessary piece of crap which makes the mistake of referring itself as a "human being". Who are you to curse other people just because of some mistakes they have made. What, you've become an English Literature expert all of a sudden??! There are a lot of people in the world today who cannot speak English very well. However, it doesn't give you any right to curse and attempt to embrass other people. AT LEAST THEY ARE AWARE THAT THEY DON'T SPEAK ENGLISH VERY WELL. English is not a tool that you can show off and curse people with. Therefore, shut your mouth and do not open it again. You think your English is perfect? Give me a break! If you'll ever curse anyone again, you can make sure that I'll make you regret. Just try it, you bastard.

    May you go to hell.

    Yours but not sincerely,


    PS: I seriously doubt that you do have a "cock" at all.

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi sturmovik -- 27 Nisan 2005, 19:51:44 >

  • quote:

    Orjinalden alıntı: Mehmet Ali


    Orjinalden alıntı: sturmovik


    Orjinalden alıntı: ZİW®O


    Orjinalden alıntı: Mehmet Ali


    Orjinalden alıntı: X-GeN


    Orjinalden alıntı: Mehmet Ali


    Orjinalden alıntı: Arthur


    Orjinalden alıntı: Mehmet Ali


    Orjinalden alıntı: mafidan

    upper intermediate English
    That's all!!

    imzandan anlaşıyor.Rezil bir ingilizcen var...

    kardeş sen amerikalımısın?

    be nu avatar ne bu imza.yok öyleyse neden "Mehmet Ali" ?

    yep, but what's it to you?

    What a good thing for you Now you've got a job to do. (Correcting the people here ) At least you've prooved that you're a useful man

    I wonder if you're going to try to correct me

    Suck my c*ck.You did lots of silly mistakes.I'll punish u right now...


    Correcting THE people???This is the silliest mistake i've ever read.THE can't be used here.You must have wanted to mean Correcting people's mistakes.

    useful???.I'm not a tool.I can't be used.You should have written helpful instead of this dumb word.

    got it??you greenhorn.You gotta learn lots of things.And then speak.

    If you'll ever swear again MEHMET ALİ FUCKARIM SENİ HABERİN OLA

    To the bastard who is also known as Mehmet Ali:

    First of all, I would like to make it clear that you are an unnecessary piece of crap which makes the mistake of referring itself as a "human being". Who are you to curse other people just because of some mistakes they have made. What, you've become an English Literature expert all of a sudden??! There are a lot of people in the world today who cannot speak English very well. However, it doesn't give you any right to curse and attempt to embrass other people. AT LEAST THEY ARE AWARE THAT THEY DON'T SPEAK ENGLISH VERY WELL. English is not a tool that you can show off and curse people with. Therefore, shut your mouth and do not open it again. You think your English is perfect? Give me a break! If you'll ever curse anyone again, you can make sure that I'll make you regret. Just try it, you bastard.

    May you go to hell.

    Yours but not sincerely,


    PS: I seriously doubt that you do have a "cock" at all.

    Don't doubt..What do you think you have in your pussy now???

    A few things i gotta add.I live in THE U.S.A.He is the most dominant country, i guess.So that i know how to speak English.And i betcha nobody can speak it better than me here.But some fuckers speak like they're the best.Don't make me laugh.

    Grammar lesson:

    1-A country is either IT or THEM. Not HE.
    2-There is no such thing as "The U.S.A.". It is either USA or the US.
    3-"So that"? What the hell does that mean? So is already a connecting word
    4- "i" is the 9th letter of the English alphabet. "I" is the first person singular pronoun.
    5- "Some fuckers"? There is a word "motherfucker", but I bet "fucker" is your very own "production".

    I don't care if you live in the US buddy. I spoke to a lot of Americans and let me tell you this, their English SUCKED. I do not claim that I am the best since I'm not a bragging son-of-a-bitch like you, but I have no doubt whatsoever that my English is far better than yours, make no mistake.

    You think that just because you live in the US, you're better than anyone else? Let me tell you that, you fag, 90% of the Americans are idiots. That's a fact and you are no exception.

    If you do still claim that there is no mistake, I advise you to go and read some grammar books before trying to speak or write English.

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi sturmovik -- 27 Nisan 2005, 20:17:00 >

  • quote:

    Orjinalden alıntı: Mehmet Ali


    Orjinalden alıntı: sturmovik


    Orjinalden alıntı: Mehmet Ali


    Orjinalden alıntı: sturmovik


    Orjinalden alıntı: ZİW®O


    Orjinalden alıntı: Mehmet Ali


    Orjinalden alıntı: X-GeN


    Orjinalden alıntı: Mehmet Ali


    Orjinalden alıntı: Arthur


    Orjinalden alıntı: Mehmet Ali


    Orjinalden alıntı: mafidan

    upper intermediate English
    That's all!!

    imzandan anlaşıyor.Rezil bir ingilizcen var...

    kardeş sen amerikalımısın?

    be nu avatar ne bu imza.yok öyleyse neden "Mehmet Ali" ?

    yep, but what's it to you?

    What a good thing for you Now you've got a job to do. (Correcting the people here ) At least you've prooved that you're a useful man

    I wonder if you're going to try to correct me

    Suck my c*ck.You did lots of silly mistakes.I'll punish u right now...


    Correcting THE people???This is the silliest mistake i've ever read.THE can't be used here.You must have wanted to mean Correcting people's mistakes.

    useful???.I'm not a tool.I can't be used.You should have written helpful instead of this dumb word.

    got it??you greenhorn.You gotta learn lots of things.And then speak.

    If you'll ever swear again MEHMET ALİ FUCKARIM SENİ HABERİN OLA

    To the bastard who is also known as Mehmet Ali:

    First of all, I would like to make it clear that you are an unnecessary piece of crap which makes the mistake of referring itself as a "human being". Who are you to curse other people just because of some mistakes they have made. What, you've become an English Literature expert all of a sudden??! There are a lot of people in the world today who cannot speak English very well. However, it doesn't give you any right to curse and attempt to embrass other people. AT LEAST THEY ARE AWARE THAT THEY DON'T SPEAK ENGLISH VERY WELL. English is not a tool that you can show off and curse people with. Therefore, shut your mouth and do not open it again. You think your English is perfect? Give me a break! If you'll ever curse anyone again, you can make sure that I'll make you regret. Just try it, you bastard.

    May you go to hell.

    Yours but not sincerely,


    PS: I seriously doubt that you do have a "cock" at all.

    Don't doubt..What do you think you have in your pussy now???

    A few things i gotta add.I live in THE U.S.A.He is the most dominant country, i guess.So that i know how to speak English.And i betcha nobody can speak it better than me here.But some fuckers speak like they're the best.Don't make me laugh.

    Grammar lesson:

    1-A country is either IT or THEM. Not HE.
    2-There is no such thing as "The U.S.A.". It is either USA or the US.
    3-"So that"? What the hell does that mean? So is already a connecting word
    4- "i" is the 9th letter of the English alphabet. "I" is the first person singular pronoun.
    5- "Some fuckers"? There is a word "motherfucker", but I bet "fucker" is your very own "production".

    I don't care if you live in the US buddy. I spoke to a lot of Americans and let me tell you this, their English SUCKED. I do not claim that I am the best since I'm not a bragging son-of-a-bitch like you, but I have no doubt whatsoever that my English is far better than yours, make no mistake.

    You think that just because you live in the US, you're better than anyone else? Let me tell you that, you fag, 90% of the Americans are idiots. That's a fact and you are no exception.

    If you do still claim thet there is no mistake, I advise you to go and read some grammar books before trying to speak or write English.

    İşte sıçış anı...Amerika her zaman her koşulda HE olarak okunur.İSTİSNADIR ve seni denemek için yaptım.

    Allah allah! Nerenden uydurdun lan? "HE" imiş. Senin ABD dediğin yer Hakkari olmasın? Git de biraz gramer öğren öyle gel. Sen altına sıçmakla meşgulken biz essay yazıyorduk yavrum

  • Arkadaşlar bu şekilde birbirinize sataşacaksanız bu konunun devam etmesine izin vermiyorum.
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