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MATLAB yükleme problemi

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  • Konu İstatistikleri Yükleniyor
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  • Arkadaşlar Matlab 7.0(r14) yüklerken şu hata mesajını alıyorum. Yükleme yaptığım cd ler temiz. başka cd lerdede aynı hatayı veriyor.

    " The installer cannot read the mwinstall.dll file that is probably due to a CD reader which can only read files with an eight.three naming convention. Please see the technical support page atwww.mathworks.com for assistance."

    Matlabın sitesinde matlab 6 da aynı hata için şu çözümü önermişler ,

    This issue has been addressed in the R12.1 Professional Version of MATLAB and in the R12 Student Version of MATLAB PC installer.

    This error is caused when trying to run the PC Installer in a directory that contains a space in it or in a directory whose parent directory contains a space. For example, downloading and installing files from the following location would cause this problem:

    C:\Program Files\temp

    If you encounter this problem, you will NOT have to redownload the files. To correct this problem, there are two solutions:

    1) After running the Installer.exe file the first time, several files are extracted and the setup.exe file is automatically implemented. The use of setup.exe causes the problems with the missing DLL file. After running the Installer.exe file, a file called jins.exe will be created within the temporary directory. If you run the jins.exe file, you should not encounter the problem relating to the missing DLL file.

    2) Move all the downloaded files into a directory that does not contain any spaces within it or its parent directories.

    For example:



    İngilizcem pek iyi olmadığı için yarım yamalak halletmeye çalıştım ama olmadı. sınava çalışmam gerek , acil yardıma ihtiyacım var .

  • Yapay Zeka’dan İlgili Konular
    Ssd Windows Yükleme Sorunu
    4 yıl önce açıldı
    W7 Usb sorunu (kod 43) çözümü
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