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★★★ HTC 10 Kulübü ★★★ (9. sayfa)

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  • Arkadaşlar htc 10da boomsound olacağı kesinleşti,htc twitter hesabından bu resim paylaşıldı.
    ★★★ HTC 10 Kulübü ★★★

    bence telefonun ön yüzünde 2 hoparlör olacak alttaki 5 çizgi şeklindeki yer ise telefon ahizesi olacak.
  • Evet, Boomsound kesinleşti gibi. Tuşların konumunu sineye çekip alırım artık. Bir M7 bu kadar heyecan vermişti bana. iphonedan Htcye döneceğim sanki. İnşaallah kronik sorunları çıkmaz.

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  • Bence sakin olup tanıtılmasini bekleyin hic belli olmaz, sizdirilanlarin dogru oldugu tartisilir. Ayrica sizdirilan fotograflari sevdim ben o htc yazisinin ustundeki bosluk kafa karistirici ama Samsunga o kadarda benzeyecegeni sanmiyorum one tus koydu diye oyle izlenim veriyor. Yani Samsungda direk iPhonedan arakladi o tasarimi sonucta.

    < Bu ileti mobil sürüm kullanılarak atıldı >
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: Jeopol

    parmak izi icin o tusun gelmesini sartti. onu kabul ediyoruz. bizim itirazimiz o tusun konumuna. o tusun ustunde yine bir tus sigacak kadar bosluk birakmislar. eskisinden farki htc yazisinin kalkmasi. en azindan ortalasalardi, o bile daha iyi gorunum saglardi.
    Bu mesaja eklenen görseller:

    ★★★ HTC 10 Kulübü ★★★

    Boşluğun biraz daha az olması konusunda hemfikirim(ama çok az) . M7 kullanıcısı olarak kapasitif tuşları olan bir telefonda bunun önemi büyük. Çünkü m7 de bu mesafe az sürekli home tuşuna basıyor insan yanlışlıkla. Görüntü olarak hoş durmasada kullanımda rahatlık sağlayacağını düşünüyorum.

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi dead_game -- 24 Mart 2016; 14:58:44 >

  • daha once hosuma gıtmemıstı ama suan ısındım cıhaza 12 nısanda bakalım neler gorecegız
    Bu mesaja eklenen görseller:

    ★★★ HTC 10 Kulübü ★★★★★★ HTC 10 Kulübü ★★★

  • Telefon 11 nisanda tanıtılacakmış.
    Yardırarak geliyor arkadaşlar. Okuyunuz :


    With their latest sneak peek tweet simply saying “World First, World Class, Front and Back. You’ll see. #powerof10“, everyone is more than interested in finding out what exactly HTC has planned for their devices, as for what we know so far, here’s a quick round-up of all the information.

    Powered by Snapdragon 820, a Dual-core 2.15 GHz Kryo & Dual-core 1.6 GHz Kryo, and backed up by the Adreno 530 GPU, HTC One M10 is sure to be able to hold its own against other flagships.

    As far as performance goes, most next generation flagships are going to be running on the same processor and similar graphic processing units, the only significant difference in performance that we can expect to notice is going to be in how HTC optimizes their device

    The HTC One M10 is going to run on the latest version of Android, v6.0.1 (Marshmallow), it’ll have an internal storage capacity of up to 32 GB while also having an extendable storage capacity (via microSD) of up to 200 GB, with a screen of just over 5 inches, AMOLED screen and the capability to record HD video without effort, the HTC One M10 also has a USB 3.0 Type-C connector so it’s future proof along with high speed charging capabilities.

    On the bad side of things, we have an irremovable battery which has been the common negative aspect of many of the latest flagships, even thought the external storage space is extendable up to 200 GB, the internal space is still only 32 GB, which can be filled up rather quickly with only a few videos.

    Release Date

    The HTC One M10 is due to be announced in April, which is also when we can expect to hear more about the release date as well as further specifications and features, and just like the other HTC phones, we can expect HTC Dot View to be fully compatible with the One M10.

    Until further announcements by HTC, all we can do is speculate about the various specifics, all we can know for sure is that HTC has promised us a couple of excellent cameras, both back and front ones, this, along with any upcoming sneak peeks that HTC throws our way is sure to make the next few weeks exciting for HTC fans.

    Rumor has it that the M10 is going to be the next big thing in the world of smartphones. This sophisticated modern generation smartphone is going to be a force to be reckoned with on the global market. The HTC One M10 might not be announced until end of February, but when it does arrive it could have a lot more features and tech specs than most high-end smartphones out there. Here is a sneak preview of what to expect;

    Incredible Waterproof Design
    This is going to be quite a different phone. The company officials recently disclosed that HTC plans to make major improvements to the innovation and design of the M10 which is going to be their 2016 flagship. No one is certain as to what form that innovation will take, but rumors have it that quite a number of prototypes have been rejected, causing launch postponement. This could be a sign that the manufacturer wants to get it perfect. Smart phone experts also predict that the HTC One M10 could be waterproof!
    Wireless Charging Technology
    Experts also anticipate that the phone will feature wireless charging technology. That isn’t quite surprising because wireless charging is becoming more and more popular, but it is a feature which the current high-end HTC One series lack. However, analysts fear that this feature could prove a challenge to incorporate without a change to the design since metal cases do not tend to work well for it. Perhaps the phone will have an entire new look no one knows for sure. But what we can assure you is that HTC’s M10 series is bound to be more powerful than most high-end smartphones that you know.
    Powerful Processor
    The HTC One M10 is likely to have the latest Qualcomm Snapdragon 820 processor as this processor seems to be all the rage this year. It is also highly anticipated for other high-end smartphones that are also yet to come out.
    QHD Display
    According to our latest intelligence, it seems like the phone could also be in for a screen upgrade. Most high-end smartphones today feature Quad High Definition or QHD displays, therefore there is great chance of the M10 following suit. QHD display offers a resolution that is 4 times higher than standard display. It is the latest display technology used in modern TVs, laptops, PC monitors, top-of-the-range smartphones and many other devices that have displays.
    Powerful Camera
    We have also heard that the M10 is going to come with a 23 Mega Pixel camera hence you can expect better picture quality. This is going to be the real deal for selfie lovers.
    Other things that we expect to see in this incredible phone are;

    A fingerprint scanner incorporated into the home button for those who value having fingerprint protection on their phones. This technology brings in an additional level of security as well as privacy.
    A powerful 3000 mAh battery that can last longer, so you don’t have to worry about your battery going dead. Currently, most smartphones come with a 2800mAh battery.
    If you are looking for a Smartphone that is compact and incredibly powerful, HTC line of phones are recommendable and you can find great reviews on sites like cnet or similar. These sophisticated phones with practical functionalities are popular among the majority of phone buyers on a global scale. A top-of-the-range Smartphone like HTC One M10 (although not yet released) or HTC Desire 620 can handle a wide range of tasks besides providing communication. These devices have certainly become the new means to getting things done.

  • beklemedeyiz bakalım.
    m9 ukamerası yüzünden satmıştım.tek kötü yanı bence kamerasıydı.
    bakalım bu nasıl olacak.
    kronik bir sorun çıkmazsa alacağım.
    note 5 kullanıyorum ama bir htc olamıyor maalesef.bişeyler hep eksik ve memnuniyet vermiyor.
    yeni güncelleme geldi,telefon stabil,hızlı ama pili sömürüyor resmen.
    herkes bişeyler diyor ama 3-4 saat ekran alırsan öp başına koy.
    neyse beklemediyim şahsen.
  • excalibur666 E kullanıcısına yanıt
    Bir çok arkadaş m8 in kamerası m9 dan daha iyiydi diyor ama hangi karşılaştırmaya baktıysam m9 un kamerası daha iyi ve detay daha yüksek. Nasıl çıkacam bu işin içinden ikisinden birini alma arefesindeyim sizin mesajınızı görünce yazayım dedim. :)
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: sistemli adam

    Telefon 11 nisanda tanıtılacakmış.
    Yardırarak geliyor arkadaşlar. Okuyunuz :


    With their latest sneak peek tweet simply saying “World First, World Class, Front and Back. You’ll see. #powerof10“, everyone is more than interested in finding out what exactly HTC has planned for their devices, as for what we know so far, here’s a quick round-up of all the information.

    Powered by Snapdragon 820, a Dual-core 2.15 GHz Kryo & Dual-core 1.6 GHz Kryo, and backed up by the Adreno 530 GPU, HTC One M10 is sure to be able to hold its own against other flagships.

    As far as performance goes, most next generation flagships are going to be running on the same processor and similar graphic processing units, the only significant difference in performance that we can expect to notice is going to be in how HTC optimizes their device

    The HTC One M10 is going to run on the latest version of Android, v6.0.1 (Marshmallow), it’ll have an internal storage capacity of up to 32 GB while also having an extendable storage capacity (via microSD) of up to 200 GB, with a screen of just over 5 inches, AMOLED screen and the capability to record HD video without effort, the HTC One M10 also has a USB 3.0 Type-C connector so it’s future proof along with high speed charging capabilities.

    On the bad side of things, we have an irremovable battery which has been the common negative aspect of many of the latest flagships, even thought the external storage space is extendable up to 200 GB, the internal space is still only 32 GB, which can be filled up rather quickly with only a few videos.

    Release Date

    The HTC One M10 is due to be announced in April, which is also when we can expect to hear more about the release date as well as further specifications and features, and just like the other HTC phones, we can expect HTC Dot View to be fully compatible with the One M10.

    Until further announcements by HTC, all we can do is speculate about the various specifics, all we can know for sure is that HTC has promised us a couple of excellent cameras, both back and front ones, this, along with any upcoming sneak peeks that HTC throws our way is sure to make the next few weeks exciting for HTC fans.

    Rumor has it that the M10 is going to be the next big thing in the world of smartphones. This sophisticated modern generation smartphone is going to be a force to be reckoned with on the global market. The HTC One M10 might not be announced until end of February, but when it does arrive it could have a lot more features and tech specs than most high-end smartphones out there. Here is a sneak preview of what to expect;

    Incredible Waterproof Design
    This is going to be quite a different phone. The company officials recently disclosed that HTC plans to make major improvements to the innovation and design of the M10 which is going to be their 2016 flagship. No one is certain as to what form that innovation will take, but rumors have it that quite a number of prototypes have been rejected, causing launch postponement. This could be a sign that the manufacturer wants to get it perfect. Smart phone experts also predict that the HTC One M10 could be waterproof!
    Wireless Charging Technology
    Experts also anticipate that the phone will feature wireless charging technology. That isn’t quite surprising because wireless charging is becoming more and more popular, but it is a feature which the current high-end HTC One series lack. However, analysts fear that this feature could prove a challenge to incorporate without a change to the design since metal cases do not tend to work well for it. Perhaps the phone will have an entire new look no one knows for sure. But what we can assure you is that HTC’s M10 series is bound to be more powerful than most high-end smartphones that you know.
    Powerful Processor
    The HTC One M10 is likely to have the latest Qualcomm Snapdragon 820 processor as this processor seems to be all the rage this year. It is also highly anticipated for other high-end smartphones that are also yet to come out.
    QHD Display
    According to our latest intelligence, it seems like the phone could also be in for a screen upgrade. Most high-end smartphones today feature Quad High Definition or QHD displays, therefore there is great chance of the M10 following suit. QHD display offers a resolution that is 4 times higher than standard display. It is the latest display technology used in modern TVs, laptops, PC monitors, top-of-the-range smartphones and many other devices that have displays.
    Powerful Camera
    We have also heard that the M10 is going to come with a 23 Mega Pixel camera hence you can expect better picture quality. This is going to be the real deal for selfie lovers.
    Other things that we expect to see in this incredible phone are;

    A fingerprint scanner incorporated into the home button for those who value having fingerprint protection on their phones. This technology brings in an additional level of security as well as privacy.
    A powerful 3000 mAh battery that can last longer, so you don’t have to worry about your battery going dead. Currently, most smartphones come with a 2800mAh battery.
    If you are looking for a Smartphone that is compact and incredibly powerful, HTC line of phones are recommendable and you can find great reviews on sites like cnet or similar. These sophisticated phones with practical functionalities are popular among the majority of phone buyers on a global scale. A top-of-the-range Smartphone like HTC One M10 (although not yet released) or HTC Desire 620 can handle a wide range of tasks besides providing communication. These devices have certainly become the new means to getting things done.

    Batarya 2800 mah mi diyor ??? Bu nasil bi istir.

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  • Tüm dünya ile aynı anda yani 12 Nisan Salı günü ülkemizde de tanıtılacak olan HTC 10, PhoneArena tarafından ortaya çıkartılan bir görsele göre AnTuTu testinde tüm rakiplerine fark atıyor.

    AnTuTu Benchmark testinden tam 156091 puan alan HTC 10, birinci sıraya yerleşirken Xiaomi Mi5, Galaxy S7 edge, iPhone 6s gibi modelleri arkasında bırakıyor.

    ★★★ HTC 10 Kulübü ★★★

    Ortaya çıkan bilgilere göre 5.1 inç büyüklüğünde Quad HD ekranla cam arasında boşluğun yer almadığı Super LCD 5 ekranla gelecek olan HTC 10, gücünü piyasanın en iddialı işlemcilerinden olan Snapdragon 820’den alıyor.

    4 GB RAM ve arttırılabilir 32 GB dahili depolama alanının eşlik ettiği HTC 10, parmak izi okuyucu, USB Type-C gibi yenilikleri de bünyesinde barındıracak.

  • 12 aydan daha uzun süredir M8 veya M9 sahibi olanlara HTC10 için 100$ gibi bir indirim gibi bir kampanyadan bahsediliyor. HTCnin Uh-Oh koruma garantisinden bahsedilmiş. 1 yıl süreyle cihazın bozulması kırılması gibi durumlarda yeni cihaz verilen kampanyada kaskoyu deldirmeyenler bu 100$ kampanyasından faydalanabilecekmiş. Tabi ülkemizde bu durum nasıl işleyecek bilinmiyor.


  • samsunggalaxygrandduos kullanıcısına yanıt
    Abi aylardır bekliyorum Htc konusu olmasa Samsung yeni telefon mu çıkardı diyecem bu nasıl bi hayal kırıklığı hay Allah'ım ya..
  • Parmak izinin üzeri ve ön kameranın altı boomsound ise tadından yenmez.. Allah aşkına bu telefonun neresi Samsung'a benziyor..
  • Hayatım boyunca hiç kullanmadım 3 seneir iphone kullanıyorum (5s ve 6+) daha önce android olarak s3 kullanmıştım sonra illallah ettim. Bir daha kullanmam dedim anak hep içime bi htc aşkı var. Herkes şikayetçi ve fiyat politikasından ötürü batmak üzere ama beni neden çok çekiyo telefon. Şuan iphone dan gayet memnun olmama rağmen :)
  • MikaHakkinen kullanıcısına yanıt
    Ön tarafı yılların alışılageldik Samsung'u s3,s4,s5,6,7 hepsi aynı. Siz benzetemiyorsanız samsung telefon hiç gördünüz mü onu sorgulayın. :) ben bu telefonu aylardır bekledim sonuç hüsran sırf birilerinin tasarımına benzşyoe diye elimde onun çakmasını gezdiriyormuş düşüncesinden ne yazık ki o kadar para vermem. Bu zaman kadar ki htc tasarımı = özgünlük demekti..

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi KararsızHerif -- 25 Mart 2016; 13:27:31 >
    < Bu ileti mobil sürüm kullanılarak atıldı >
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: sistemli adam

    Telefon 11 nisanda tanıtılacakmış.
    Yardırarak geliyor arkadaşlar. Okuyunuz :


    With their latest sneak peek tweet simply saying “World First, World Class, Front and Back. You’ll see. #powerof10“, everyone is more than interested in finding out what exactly HTC has planned for their devices, as for what we know so far, here’s a quick round-up of all the information.

    Powered by Snapdragon 820, a Dual-core 2.15 GHz Kryo & Dual-core 1.6 GHz Kryo, and backed up by the Adreno 530 GPU, HTC One M10 is sure to be able to hold its own against other flagships.

    As far as performance goes, most next generation flagships are going to be running on the same processor and similar graphic processing units, the only significant difference in performance that we can expect to notice is going to be in how HTC optimizes their device

    The HTC One M10 is going to run on the latest version of Android, v6.0.1 (Marshmallow), it’ll have an internal storage capacity of up to 32 GB while also having an extendable storage capacity (via microSD) of up to 200 GB, with a screen of just over 5 inches, AMOLED screen and the capability to record HD video without effort, the HTC One M10 also has a USB 3.0 Type-C connector so it’s future proof along with high speed charging capabilities.

    On the bad side of things, we have an irremovable battery which has been the common negative aspect of many of the latest flagships, even thought the external storage space is extendable up to 200 GB, the internal space is still only 32 GB, which can be filled up rather quickly with only a few videos.

    Release Date

    The HTC One M10 is due to be announced in April, which is also when we can expect to hear more about the release date as well as further specifications and features, and just like the other HTC phones, we can expect HTC Dot View to be fully compatible with the One M10.

    Until further announcements by HTC, all we can do is speculate about the various specifics, all we can know for sure is that HTC has promised us a couple of excellent cameras, both back and front ones, this, along with any upcoming sneak peeks that HTC throws our way is sure to make the next few weeks exciting for HTC fans.

    Rumor has it that the M10 is going to be the next big thing in the world of smartphones. This sophisticated modern generation smartphone is going to be a force to be reckoned with on the global market. The HTC One M10 might not be announced until end of February, but when it does arrive it could have a lot more features and tech specs than most high-end smartphones out there. Here is a sneak preview of what to expect;

    Incredible Waterproof Design
    This is going to be quite a different phone. The company officials recently disclosed that HTC plans to make major improvements to the innovation and design of the M10 which is going to be their 2016 flagship. No one is certain as to what form that innovation will take, but rumors have it that quite a number of prototypes have been rejected, causing launch postponement. This could be a sign that the manufacturer wants to get it perfect. Smart phone experts also predict that the HTC One M10 could be waterproof!
    Wireless Charging Technology
    Experts also anticipate that the phone will feature wireless charging technology. That isn’t quite surprising because wireless charging is becoming more and more popular, but it is a feature which the current high-end HTC One series lack. However, analysts fear that this feature could prove a challenge to incorporate without a change to the design since metal cases do not tend to work well for it. Perhaps the phone will have an entire new look no one knows for sure. But what we can assure you is that HTC’s M10 series is bound to be more powerful than most high-end smartphones that you know.
    Powerful Processor
    The HTC One M10 is likely to have the latest Qualcomm Snapdragon 820 processor as this processor seems to be all the rage this year. It is also highly anticipated for other high-end smartphones that are also yet to come out.
    QHD Display
    According to our latest intelligence, it seems like the phone could also be in for a screen upgrade. Most high-end smartphones today feature Quad High Definition or QHD displays, therefore there is great chance of the M10 following suit. QHD display offers a resolution that is 4 times higher than standard display. It is the latest display technology used in modern TVs, laptops, PC monitors, top-of-the-range smartphones and many other devices that have displays.
    Powerful Camera
    We have also heard that the M10 is going to come with a 23 Mega Pixel camera hence you can expect better picture quality. This is going to be the real deal for selfie lovers.
    Other things that we expect to see in this incredible phone are;

    A fingerprint scanner incorporated into the home button for those who value having fingerprint protection on their phones. This technology brings in an additional level of security as well as privacy.
    A powerful 3000 mAh battery that can last longer, so you don’t have to worry about your battery going dead. Currently, most smartphones come with a 2800mAh battery.
    If you are looking for a Smartphone that is compact and incredibly powerful, HTC line of phones are recommendable and you can find great reviews on sites like cnet or similar. These sophisticated phones with practical functionalities are popular among the majority of phone buyers on a global scale. A top-of-the-range Smartphone like HTC One M10 (although not yet released) or HTC Desire 620 can handle a wide range of tasks besides providing communication. These devices have certainly become the new means to getting things done.

    Su geçirmez felan diyo ne diyo bu hocam!?

    < Bu ileti mobil sürüm kullanılarak atıldı >

  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: uygar2580

    12 aydan daha uzun süredir M8 veya M9 sahibi olanlara HTC10 için 100$ gibi bir indirim gibi bir kampanyadan bahsediliyor. HTCnin Uh-Oh koruma garantisinden bahsedilmiş. 1 yıl süreyle cihazın bozulması kırılması gibi durumlarda yeni cihaz verilen kampanyada kaskoyu deldirmeyenler bu 100$ kampanyasından faydalanabilecekmiş. Tabi ülkemizde bu durum nasıl işleyecek bilinmiyor.


    Güzel bi uygulama tabi burada geçerli olursa.

    < Bu ileti mobil sürüm kullanılarak atıldı >

  • 5.5 inç olmalıydı bnece 5.1 inç kucuk kalıyor artık
  • Bu telefonu samsung a benzetenlere hayret ettim. Ama yapacak bhir sey yok. Dileyen fritoz e bile benzetebilir. Sonucta begenen alip kullanacak.

    < Bu ileti mini sürüm kullanılarak atıldı >
  • Yahu arkada ön tarafı bildiğin Samsung işte bunu söylememek için ya göz sahibi olmamak ya da marka fanı olmak toz kondurmayan olmaz lazım. Ön taraf = samsung.

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