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VirtualBox Hdd Gösterememe

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  • Toshia usb hddmi virtualboxta kurduğum xp görmüyor. Aygıtlar usbden herhangi bi aygıtı seçince görüyo ama hddye basınca şöyle bi hata veriyo.

     VirtualBox Hdd Gösterememe

    Diğer aygıtlara bastığımda hemen görüyor. Yardım edin lütfen. 15 gb dosyayı ağdan atmakla uğraşamam ki onuda bilmiyorum

    Hdd normal windows7 ana sistemimde görünüyo sağlıklı çalışmakta :S

  • sağolunya
  • Buldum çözümü:

    1. First and most important, if you are already running your virtual machine(s), USB capture is not going to work for most devices. So, shutdown ALL virtual machines for the moment (properly from within each machine).  
    2. Open the Device Manager. The easiest way to find it is in the control panel.
    3. Locate the device you want to capture. If there is no driver installed then it might appear in the 'Other devices' section as 'Unknown device'. If so skip the next 2 steps.
    4. click the menu View->Devices by Connection
    5. click on all '+' to expand the tree until you find the device you want, keep an eye out for ones with USB in it. The exact hierarchy is dependant on your hardware.
    6. If the name of the device is not clear, make sure its the right one by unplugging it. The one you unplug will disappear in the device manager window within 2 seconds. Plug it back in to make it reappear.
    7. right click on the device you want to capture and select 'Properties' from the pop-up menu
    8. a properties dialog will appear, click on the 'Details' tab
    9. click on the 'Property' dropdown and select 'Hardware Ids'
    10. there should be a line of text similar to 'USB\Vid_06CD&PID_011C&REV_0001' Write this down if you can't see it while the VirtualBox control window is up. These are the values needed. Note that they will change when a virtual machine captures them.
    11. go to (or start) the VirtualBox control window.
    12. select the Virtual machine you wish to associate with this USB device
    13. click on the 'USB' in the 'Details' pane or click 'Settings' then 'USB' from the settings dialog
    14. click on the empty filter (blue circle), this will add a new [blank] entry (I could not make this work by using the one with the '+' sign on it, don't know why)
    15. double click on the new entry to bring up a 'USB Filter Details' dialog
    16. enter the 3 four digit hexadecimal numbers from the hardware ID string from Device Manager as follows
    four characters following 'Vid_' -> Vender ID:
    four characters following 'PID' -> Product ID:
    four characters following 'REV_' -> Revision:
    in this case
    Vender ID: 06CD
    Product ID: 011C
    Revision: 0001
    17. You can optionally change the name but do not enter any other values. Click 'OK' to exit the 'USB Filter Details' dialog.
    18. Click 'OK' to exit the Settings dialog
    19. repeat steps above for other devices or virtual machines
    20. If this is the second time trying these instructions, unplug and plug back in the USB device at this point.
    21. Start your virtual machine(s).
    22. Capture the USB device by selecting it from the USB icon menu in the lower right corner of the virtual machine window. This should cause the device listed in the (Host) Device Manager to change to 'Virtual Box USB'

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