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  • The Elder Scrolls Online 6 Haziran'da High Isle'ı Dünyaya Tanıtıyor

    Bu yılın The Elder Scrolls Online 2022 Küresel Duyuru yayınında açıklanan macerasında “Breton Efsanesi” ön planda olacak. The Elder Scrolls serisinde hiç görülmemiş bir dünyada geçecek olan The Elder Scrolls Online: High Isle Bölümü; PC/Mac ve Stadia'da 6 Haziran 2022'de, Xbox ve PlayStation konsollarında ise 21 Haziran 2022'de çıkacak.

    ESO'nun 20 milyonu aşkın oyuncusu ortaçağ kültürü ve mimarisiyle dolu, görkemli kaleler ve heyecan verici turnuva alanlarıyla kaplı cennet gibi bir adayı deneyimleyecek. Bu yılki bölümün hikâyesi, politik entrikalara odaklanacak. High Isle da Three Banners War'a son verecek barış müzakereleri için ittifak temsilcilerinin gelebileceği mükemmel bir mekân. Zirveyi düzenleyen Society of the Steadfast olsa da oyuncular Ascendant Order'a ve kaotik planlarına karşı dikkatli olmalı.

    Daha önce keşfedilmemiş bir bölge olan Systres Takımadası'nda Akdeniz'in göz kamaştırıcı rüzgârlı sahillerinden esinlenildi. Hem insanların, hem elflerin soyundan gelen Bretonların vatanı olan büyüleyici High Isle diyarı da burada yer alıyor. Elitler feodal bir topluluk olan Gonfalon Bay'de yaşıyor. Burası High Isle'daki tüm politikanın merkezi. Merhametsizlik burada en önemli erdemlerden biri. Oyuncuların arkalarını kollamaları gerek!

    Geçtiğimiz yıl ESO oyunculara Yoldaşları getirdi. 2022'de de ZeniMax Online Studios bu sistemi geliştirecek. Oyuncular iki yepyeni yoldaşa; sokaklarda büyüyen ve büyüye ilgi duyan bir Khajiit olan Ember ve oyunculara yardımcı olmayı görev bilen heyecanlı bir şövalye olan Breton Isobel'e erişebilecek.

    2022'de ayrıca Tales of Tribute adında, ESO dünyası içinde oynanabilen yepyeni bir kart oyunu geliyor. High Isle'da icat edilen bu eşsiz kaynak toplama oyunu PvP ve PvE olarak oynanabiliyor. Oyuncular Tales'in kendi seviye sistemi ile sıralamada yükselebilir. Ayrıca mobilyalar ve Transmute Stone'lar gibi güzel ödüller var. Hatta dünyada belirli NPC'lere karşı oynayarak bir hikâyeyi ilerletmek de mümkün.

    Ana oyuna gelen yamanın bir parçası olarak High Isle'ın çıkışıyla birlikte oyuncular PC/Mac ve Stadia için 6 Haziran'da; Xbox ve PlayStation konsolları için ise 21 Haziran'da oyunu İspanyolca metinlerle oynayabilecek. Seslendirmeler her zamanki gibi İngilizce kalacak olsa da gelecek güncellemelerdeki metinler ve altyazılar da İspanyolca'ya çevrilecek.


    Oyuncular yeni Bölüm için ESO Store'dan, tercih ettikleri mağazadan veya platform mağazasından ön alım yapabilir. High Isle PC/Mac ve Stadia'da 6 Haziran 2022'de; Xbox ve PlayStation konsollarında ise 21 Haziran 2022'de çıkacak. Son güncellemeler ve bilgiler için gözünüzü resmi internet sitesinden ve forumlardan ayırmayın.

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  • The Elder Scrolls Online - High Isle Chapter Preview Gameplay Trailer | PS5, PS4

    https://www.playstation.com/en-us/games/the-elder-scrolls-online/ Something is amiss in High Isle, the home of the chivalric Breton elite. The idyllic Systres Archipelago is now on the brink of total catastrophe, and a sinister cabal works from the shadows to throw all of Tamriel into unending conflict. Team up with new Companions and allies, explore stunning new lands, play a hand of the all-new deck building card game, Tales of Tribute, and continue your Legacy of the Bretons adventure in The Elder Scrolls Online: High Isle. The Elder Scrolls Online: High Isle will arrive on PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 June 21.
  • The Elder Scrolls Online - Celebrity Behind-the-Scenes Video | PS5 & PS4 Games

    https://www.playstation.com/en-us/games/the-elder-scrolls-online/ We are thrilled to welcome actor Billy Boyd into the world of Tamriel! Check out this behind-the-scenes video to learn more about Boyd’s character Brahgas, the affable Wood Elf who helps introduce players to ESO’s new deck-building card game Tales of Tribute - coming as part of the High Isle Chapter. The Elder Scrolls Online: High Isle arrives for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 on June 21. Pre-purchase High Isle now to gain immediate access to the Palefrost Elk mount and bonus rewards at launch. #ps5games #ps4games
  • The Elder Scrolls Online - Set Sail for High Isle | PS5 & PS4 GamesThe Elder Scrolls Online

    https://www.playstation.com/en-us/games/the-elder-scrolls-online/ Explore locations never-before-seen in an Elder Scrolls game—the secluded isles of the Systres Archipelago—and confront the sinister Ascendant Order. Are you ready to set sail for High Isle and protect the Legacy of the Bretons? The Elder Scrolls Online: High Isle Chapter is now live for arrives for PlayStation 5 an PlayStation 4 on June 21. #ps5games #ps4games
  • The Elder Scrolls Online: High Isle - Official Gameplay Launch Trailer | PS5 & PS4 Games

    Venture into the Systres Archipelago and defend the Legacy of the Bretons in The Elder Scroll Online: High Isle. The chaos of war has made its way to the home of the Breton elite as a sinister organization rises from amidst the chaos. Now more than ever, the Bretons of High Isle need heroes. Explore a stunning world never-before-seen in the Elder Scrolls series, unravel a dread conspiracy at the heart of the Breton nobility, and play a hand of an all-new deckbuilding card game in ESO’s latest Chapter. The Elder Scrolls Online: High Isle is now live on PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4. #PS5Games #PS4Games
  • The First 17 Minutes of The Elder Scrolls Online: High Isle Gameplay

    Check out the First 17 minutes of The Elder Scrolls Online: High Isle. We stroll through the new area, High Isle, as we uncover how mysterious ship wreckage was cast on its shores. In this The Elder Scrolls Online Gameplay video we show the start of Bethesda Softworks newest ESO 2022 expansion, ESO High Isle. Named after the new location, The Elder Scrolls Online: High Isle story begins as a quest to find what's behind the Storm that caused the wreckage. Please enjoy this ESO gameplay looking at the opening minutes. 00:00 Talk to Lady Arabelle Davaux 03:38 Investigate the Inn 06:23 Investigate the Shallows 08:20 Search the Cave 11:50 Investigate the Lighthouse 14:20 Retrieve the Lighthouse Idol #IGN #ElderScrolls #Gaming
  • The Elder Scrolls Online - Bill Nighy as High King Emeric | PS5 & PS4 Games

    https://www.playstation.com/en-us/games/the-elder-scrolls-online/ Legendary actor Bill Nighy returns to the world of Tamriel! Reprising his role as the voice of the Daggerfall Covenant’s unwavering leader High King Emeric for the first time in over eight years, watch Nighy discuss his noble character and where he stands at this point in the Legacy of the Bretons year-long adventure. The Elder Scrolls Online: High Isle now live for PlayStation®5 and PlayStation®4.
  • Selamlar;

    30 yıl pc serüvenimden sonra komple ps5 platformuna geçmiş bulunmaktayım. Hemen ESO indirdim fakat tek başıma bir yere kadar gider. Aktif guild, takım var mı?

    Psn id: Thradruil

    Ek olarak gold satan var mı?

  • Ebuu kullanıcısına yanıt
    Aktif Türk guild var eklerim seni ayrıca 5m de gold satıyorum dostum yardımcı

    < Bu ileti iOS uygulamasından atıldı >
  • V.avci V kullanıcısına yanıt
    Süper olur hocam. Discord falan varsa onu da at özelden. Konuşalım :)

    < Bu ileti iOS uygulamasından atıldı >
  • The Elder Scrolls Online: Shadow Over Morrowind - Sinematik Duyuru Fragmanı | PS5 & PS4 Games

    https://www.playstation.com/en-us/games/the-elder-scrolls-online/ Defend the secrets of Hermaeus Mora and fight to preserve reality itself with The Elder Scrolls Online: Necrom, part of the Shadow Over Morrowind saga. Master the new Arcanist class, explore Morrowind’s Telvanni Peninsula, and walk between worlds as you experience a new adventure that takes you from Tamriel into the mind-bending realm of Apocrypha itself. The Elder Scrolls Online: Necrom arrives for PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4 on June 20. Pre-purchase Necrom today to receive unique bonus rewards at launch and immediate access to the Sadrith Mora Spore Steed mount and Sadrith Mora Spore Pony pet*. Pre-purchase The Elder Scrolls Online Collection: Necrom now to also get immediate access to the ESO base game and all six previous Chapters. *Sadrith Mora Spore Pony pet is only available until April 18, 2023. #ps5 #ps5games #ps4 #ps4games #elderscrollsonline
  • The Elder Scrolls Online - Return to Morrowind Part 2 | PS5 & PS4 Games

    https://www.playstation.com/en-us/games/the-elder-scrolls-online/ Return to Morrowind with us as members of ESO’s development and community teams prepare for the launch of Necrom by recounting their early experiences exploring Vvardenfell and sharing what makes this part of Tamriel so special to them. The Elder Scrolls Online: Necrom is part of the Shadow Over Morrowind adventure and arrives for PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4 on June 20, 2023. Pre-purchase Necrom now to receive unique bonus rewards at launch and immediate access to the Sadrith Mora Spore Steed mount and Sadrith Mora Spore Pony pet*. Don't miss out! *Available with pre-purchases until April 18, 2023 #ps5 #ps5games #ps4 #ps4games #theelderscrolls
  • The Elder Scrolls Online: Necrom - Wield the Power of the Arcanist | PS5 & PS4 Games

    https://www.playstation.com/en-us/games/the-elder-scrolls-online/ Draw power from Apocrypha itself and master three new Skill Lines with the Arcanist, an all-new class arriving with The Elder Scrolls Online: Necrom. Lay low your enemies with beams of eldritch light, protect yourself behind writhing tentacles, and summon healing shards of Oblivion to revitalize you and your allies. Manipulate arcane energies to further amplify your forbidden abilities, but be warned, there is a price to be paid when calling upon the unknown. Will you wield the power of the Arcanist? The Elder Scrolls Online: Necrom is part of the Shadow Over Morrowind adventure and arrives for PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4 on June 20, 2023. Pre-purchase Necrom now to receive unique bonus rewards at launch and immediate access to the Sadrith Mora Spore Steed mount and Sadrith Mora Spore Pony pet*. Don't miss out! *Sadrith Mora Spore Pony pet is only available until April 18, 2023 #ps5 #ps5games #ps4 #ps4games #theelderscrolls #theelderscrollsonline
  • The Elder Scrolls Online: Necrom - Venture into the Unknown | PS5 & PS4 Games

    https://www.playstation.com/en-us/games/the-elder-scrolls-online/ Return to Morrowind and discover the mysteries and dangers of the Telvanni Peninsula and Apocrypha in The Elder Scrolls Online: Necrom. Wield unknowable arcane powers as you explore two all-new enigmatic zones, investigate and unravel a Daedric conspiracy, and fight on behalf of Hermaeus Mora to preserve reality itself. The Elder Scrolls Online: Necrom is part of the Shadow Over Morrowind adventure and arrives for PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4 on June 20, 2023. Pre-purchase Necrom now to receive unique bonus rewards at launch and immediate access to the Sadrith Mora Spore Steed mount. #ps5 #ps5games #ps4games #ps4 #elderscrollsonline
  • The Elder Scrolls Online - Journey to Necrom

    Bethesda Softworksyoutube
    Discover the adventures you can have in Tamriel right now and learn about the mysteries to come in The Elder Scrolls Online: Necrom. Are you ready to explore an all-new Telvanni Peninsula and Apocrypha, wield the eldritch energies of the Arcanist class, and delve into the secrets of Hermaeus Mora? The Elder Scrolls Online: Necrom is part of the Shadow Over Morrowind adventure and is now live on PC/Mac and arrives June 20 for Xbox and PlayStation consoles. Pre-purchase Necrom now on Xbox or PlayStation consoles to receive unique bonus rewards at launch and immediate access to the Sadrith Mora Spore Steed mount. Official Site: https://www.elderscrollsonline.com Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/ElderScrollsOnline Twitter: https://twitter.com/TESOnline Instagram: https://instagram.com/elderscrollsonline ESRB Rating: MATURE with Blood and Gore, Sexual Themes, Use of Alcohol, and Violence. Online interactions not rated by the ESRB.
  • The Elder Scrolls Online - Ascent of the Arcanist | PS5 & PS4 Games

    https://www.playstation.com/en-us/games/the-elder-scrolls-online/ Begin your journey into the eldritch energies of Apocrypha and level up your Arcanist character to unlock a free limited-time Crown Store reward bundle. Reach level 10 to receive magical rewards including face and body markings, a torchbug pet, and more during the Ascent of the Arcanist promotion—now live until July 28, 2023! The Elder Scrolls Online: Necrom is now live on PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4. #ps5 #ps5games #ps4 #ps4games #theelderscrolls
  • The Elder Scrolls Online - Endless Archive Oynanış Fragmanı | PS5 & PS4 Games

    https://www.playstation.com/en-us/games/the-elder-scrolls-online/ Discover an unending challenge as you battle your way through randomly generated arenas in the Endless Archive, a free brand-new PvE experience for The Elder Scrolls Online. Face waves of monsters and boss encounters as you venture into the archive and unlock unique rewards and greater challenges the deeper you progress—you’re only limited by your preparation, skills, and determination! The Endless Archive is part of the free Update 40 base-game patch and is now live on PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5—good luck! #ps5 #ps5games #ps4 #ps4games
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