2 haftadır forumda dolanıyorum hala bir öneri malesef alamadım. Arkadaşlarımın birkaçı bazı tvler önerdi ama daha geniş kapsamlı öneriler varsa çok ama çok sevineceğim.Tekrar aradığım özellikleri sayayım 1-SD yayınım var, maç izleyeceğim. 2-ps3 alacagım. Hem oyun hem de film için kullancağım. 3-3000-3500 lira bütçem var tv için.LCD veya LED olabilir. 4-2-3 metre izleme mesafesi avr. 5- İleride bniraz geliştikçe DIGU...'te HD kanalları almak istiyorum
Yorumları bekliyorum
3.350 TL den 3.000 TL ye düşen Full LED LG 42LE8500 almanı öneririm.
42LE8900 modeli de var LD yapabiliyor. O da teknosa da falan malesef yok. İB de de yok
Merhaba herkese
lg 42LE8500 ve sony 40NX705 arasında kaldım 2 tviyide beğendim açıkcası ama yan yana göle göremedim.Ustalardan hala yorum alamadım. İkisi arasında hangiisni tercih etsem SD yayın ve PS3 için kullanacağım
LE8500 yansıma yapıyor kendi gözlerimle gördüm. Yansıma olmasaydı bu TVyi almak üzereydim.
thanks for the detailed review, much appreciated. i'm a bit disappointed though that this tv got your award. i mean technically it seems to be pretty much the best thing you can get in the 42" led-class, but i really hate to see that this technology has been locked up behind a mirror.
i mean that's a trend that annoys me for quite some time now in the notebook and netbook segment where every company thought that shiny things sell better even though it makes them unusable in standard situations. there's no reason to make a tv reflect, it's a pure design decision that strongly interferes with usability.
apple tried this last year, now they are back to matt panels. asus tried it with their notebooks, now they offer matt again. and now the tv industry thinks they can succeed by trying the same thing once more?
i guess if they had not gotten the award purely because they followed the decision of the marketing department who voted for shiny that might have been a valuable lesson.
and looking at this years model lineup it seems most companies switched to glossy, which on the other hand makes it nearly impossible for me to get a device i can use.
i have a rather bright living room and white leather furniture, which means i'll watch myself in that tv instead of the movie. and believe me, that's not half as interesting as it sounds.
now that the 42lh9000 is not produced anymore an this one wont work for me, my shortlist looks rather empty. do you know of a matt tv in the 42" class with led and a scanning backlight that has a picture quality comparable the the lg? otherwise i guess i'll have to wait for next years lineup