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Jayce Ability Rework

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  • Jayce

    HP/5 reduced to 5 from 7
    HP/5 per Level reduced to 0.5 from 0.7
    MP/5 increased to 10 from 7
    MP/5 per level increased to 1.0 from 0.7
    Jayce may no longer level Transform but his abilities have 6 ranks.

    Hextech Capacitor ( Passive )

    * Now additionally grants 5 to 130 magic damage for the first attack after transformation, based on character level.

    Moved a portion of his transform passives onto his character passive.Additionally, Hextech Capacitor is weak at character levels 1-3 but stronger at 6 and 9 to smooth out power differences between the fact that he has multi-form abilities and no ultimate.

    To the Skies ( Q )

    * Mana Cost reduced to 30 at all ranks from 40/50/60/70/80
    * Damage rescaled to 25/75/125/175/225/275 (+0.6 Bonus) physical damage from 20/65/110/155/200 (+1.0 Bonus) physical damage

    To the Skies! had some early game spike power and late game spike power. Normalizing this curve such that you don’t have to stack a ton of early Attack Damage or a ton of late Penetration in order to utilize this ability effectively for burst.

    Static Field ( W )

    * Passive mana gain on-hit removed.
    * Damage rescaled to 60/110/160/210/260/310 (+1) from 100/170/240/310/380 (+1)

    * Basic Attacks during static field now deal an additional 10/15/20/25/30/35 (+0.2) magic damage on hit. Numbers even more highly experimental and subject to change on this one.
    * Cooldown rescaled to 13/12/11/10/9/8 from 10

    Static Field should encourage Jayce to stay in Hammer form and engage on his opponents for prolonged periods of time while his Cannon Transform is unavailable.

    Also experimenting with a W -> R -> W swap combo – though the current gameplay is a little unintuitive.

    Thundering Blow ( E )

    * Mana cost increased to 85 from 40/50/60/70/80
    * Now has a rank 6 that deals 23% health damage and up to 700 magic damage versus minions.

    Thundering Blow in top lane was often Jayce’s easy-mode button. If Jayce was in a bad spot – he could simply Thundering Blow to escape. Aggressively gating the Mana Cost on this ability means that eventually, Jayce’s second chances will run out.

    However, we wanted to preserve Jayce’s engagement pattern if he chooses to be active – hence the To the Skies! Mana changes.

    Transform: Mercury Hammer ( R )

    * Now grants 5 to 35 Armor and Magic Resistance, based on character level.

    Shock Blast ( Q )

    * Damage rescaled to 60/105/150/195/240/285 (+1.2 Bonus) from 60/115/170/225/280 (+1.2 Bonus) - Probably needs to be scaled up a tad.
    * Missile Speed increased to 1450 from 1350

    * Missile Width decreased to 50 from 60.
    * Missile Area of Effect decreased to 160 from 175

    * Accelerated Missile Width remains at 60.
    * Accelerated Missile Area of Effect decreased to 225 from 250
    * Accelerated Shock Blast initial speed increased to 2550 from 2350
    * Accelerated Shock blast now decays down to 1550 during flight

    Changes here are mostly to increase the dodgability of Shock Blast, especially from fog of war + acceleration gate circumstances.

    The acceleration of gate also favors using E after launching Q – as this will give the opponent the smallest amount of time to react.

    Hyper Charge ( W )

    * Damage reduced to 70/80/90/100/110/120% from 70/85/100/115/130%
    * Critical strikes now simply add 100% of your total AD to the damage (this can be further modified by critical strike damage) rather than being dependent on the rank of the skill.

    * Cooldown rescaled to 14/12/10/8/6/4 from 14/12/10/8/6
    * Cooldown now begins when Hyper Charge is fully consumed

    * Mana Cost rescaled to 30/38/46/54/62/70 from 40

    Hyper Charge harass becomes more dominating depending on the rank of the spell in a lot of cases. Early ranks of Hyper Charge tend to be less than mana efficient in a lot of ways. These changes are designed to reduce some of obtuse abuse cases of Hyper Charge with IE or priming the skill but to also make Hyper Charge’s cost roughly equivalent to its effect.

    Acceleration Gate ( E )

    * Mana Cost reduced to 20 from 50
    * Has a 6th rank that increases Movement Speed by 55%.

    Jayce brings Acceleration Gate as his primary team utility. The Jayce player should feel confident that his team contribution shouldn’t be necessarily gated by his playstyle or what he is forced to build. The cooldown nerfs in 3.9 should control Gate”s spamminess and uptime – and thus the Mana Cost here seems to be unnecessarily restricting him to Mana intensive builds.

    Transform: Mercury Cannon ( R )

    * No longer has an armor and magic resist reducing proc.

    This proc effect was mostly unnecessary – while it ensured Jayce made it to late game, the combined effect of the proc means that Jayce effectively ignored far too much of his opponent’s armor than was healthy.

    Çevirebilecek bi arkadaş olursa memnun kalırız

  • Sevineyim mi uzuleyim mi anlamadim

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  • SpyNerogy konuya , galiba böyle yazılıyor

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  • Ap Jayce falan deniliyodu noldu o iş beyler? Q ap mi vuruyor şimdi?
  • Mana buff

    < Bu ileti mobil sürüm kullanılarak atıldı >
  • bu ne zırvalık ya gene riot ne sacmalıyor tek yapmaları gereken q sunun damageini azıcık azaltıp w ya basıp direk stance değiştirip vurma bugunu fixlemekti

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi Placeb0 -- 12 Temmuz 2013; 23:56:21 >
  • çok aşırı nerf yada buff yok gibi sadece 6 kere yükseltebilcez skilleri

    edit: keşke nidalee'de de 6 kere yükseltsek skilleri

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi Guest-DE8CCE6C4 -- 13 Temmuz 2013; 0:03:57 >
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  • ölmüş gibi ama emin değilim
  • jayce e karşı counterplay yapmaya yönelik hamleler olmuş
    ultisine seviye arttırma yerine skilleri 5 değil 6 seviyeli olacak
    mana costlar karman çorman olmuş ama yapmak istedikleri jayce i yakın dövüşe daha çok sokmak daha çok risk almasını sağlamak
    şimdiki hali doğru ellerde free win çünkü
  • çok fazla mana sorunu vardı, artık yok. onun dışında shock blastın hızı gittikçe gate'den geçmeden önceki hızına kadar azalacak. yeni bir kombo eklemişler; stactic field açıkken basic attacklar fazladan vuracak w-r-w kombosu olmuş kısaca. e'sinin % hasarı 6. seviyede artmış. bence lanede burstü artmış gibi duruyor. ama artık kulelere eskisi kadar vuramayacak. bence yerinde bir değişiklik olmuş bana göre nerf'e biraz daha yakın ama mana sorununun çözülmesi jayce'le lane swwap yapanların işini kolaylaştıracak gibi . ama yine en sevdiğim şey olan görmediği adamları e + q ile almak zorlaştı
  • gayet iyi balans edilmiş o gereksiz lane avantajı üzerinden alınmış ve istenilen hasarı tekrar late game de vermesi için 6. seviyeeyi vermişler olafa gelecek olan bufflar gibi gayet akıllıca çalışmış morelloş

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi SupremeMasterr -- 13 Temmuz 2013; 2:38:00 >
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