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[AD] Mu Olsquad | S6 E3 | Dynamic Exp Drop:35 | Max 30 Reset

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  • Merhaba Arkadaslar,

    Bazılarınızın bildiği üzere MuOnlineWebs sitesinin developerıyım. Müşterilerimden birisiyle ortak oldum. 24.02.2017 Tarihinde açılıyor. Katılmak isteyen olursa bekleriz. Herkese iyi forumlar.

    Website : Website için tıklayınız
    Forum & Detaylı Bilgi : forum linki için tıklayınız

    Basic Ifo :

    - Season 6 Ep. 3
    - Dynamic Low Exp
    - 35% Drop
    - Party exp system (Solo = lowest exp, full party = highest exp)
    - All events working with nice rewards
    - Maximum of 2 guilds in an alliance
    - Elf soldier buff until level 300
    - Maximum of 3 accounts on same ip
    - Shops for a low exp server
    - Maximum of 9 HP pots stack and 50 mana pots stack (for PVP and PVM experience and to get rid of AUTO Q users and overpower tanks).
    - Create guild at level 200
    - Create DL,MG,RF at level 200
    - Create SUM at level 1 (you need to have 1 char level 1 before creating summ)
    - Reconnect system fully working
    - No WebShop, no CashShop, only VIP system & webcredits for premium modules.
    - Helper from level 1

    GamePlay Info

    OldSquad is going to offer you a nice & unique experience with build-base, dual stats, very interesting PvM and echilibrated PvP for all classes that can satisfy any kind of player(passive,farmer,pvp-lover,afk-er,competitive,etc.).

    We are introducing for first time into MU Online World a brand new GAMEPLAY based on a progressive style with 3 BIG STAGES !

    Some bonus gameplay info's :

    - SM,BK,SUMM,ELF will receive 3 points per level and 4 points per level after quest (and after level 220 each reset)
    - DL,MG,RF will receive 4 points per level
    - The points after reset won't be burned (they will remain)
    - Maximum of 30 resets divided on 3 stages [will be explained below]
    - Total points at 30 resets for SM,BK,ELF,SUMM : Around 42k
    - Total points at 30 resets for DL,MG,RF : Around 48k
    - First reset will be at 350, 2nd at 360, 3rd at 370... from 6th reset until 30th reset level required will be 400.
    - Grand Reset at 30 resets for bonus points + reward. [Maximum of 1 or 2 GR, we will decide]
    - Quest have low drops and Quest level 3 is really hard.
    - Kalimas will be populated !
    - 5 NON-PVP maps : Aida(1,2) and Atlans(1,2,3),CryWolf,Kalima5 and Kalima7 where you can only KS
    - NON-PVP maps have 75% EXP and 50% Drops
    - 4 Gens maps : Vulcanus, Swamp, Raklion and Relics
    - All other maps will be 100% PVP , with free KS(no ban), free PK(no ban).
    - PK clear will be off, so if you want to PK you must also wait 60-90 minutes to clear or you must kill mobs.
    - There won't be any ARENA (forget about leveling on the same place for 3 months, that's not how MU is supposed to be !)
    - Master level will be easy at the start and harder after some levels
    - Exp will be raised for lower resets/levels anytime we consider (to encourage new players)

    Info's about our STAGES:

    - Every stage will contain limited access to game features and also limit of resets [10,20 and 30].
    - The stage will be completed when a player will reach the maximum resets + level.
    - In the next day when the stage is completed the next stage features will be introduced and also a countdown of 7 days until the reset limits will be upgraded.

    Example :
    On 15 January ADMIN is the first player to make 10 resets and level 400 and complete the Stage 1.
    On 16 January the features from Stage 2 will be introduced and there will be a countdown of 7 days until the limit of resets will be modified to 20.
    On 23 January the limit also upgrade from 10 resets to 20 resets.

    On 25 February Splif is the first player to make 20 resets and level 400 and complete the Stage 2.
    On 26 February the features from Stage 3 will be introduced and there will be a countdown of 7 days until the limit of resets will be modified to 30.
    On 5 March t he limit also upgrade from 20 resets to 30 resets.
    [Finish example].

    Info's about every stage and a part of what you can access on it(there are more things not writed) :

    Stage 1 [0-10rr] :

    - 100% GLOBAL EXP [0-10rr]
    - Wings level 1,2
    - Limit of 3 accounts per IP
    - Maximum of 30 players in a guild (same for DL-GM)
    - Maximum of 10.000 points in a single stat (like you can't put more than 10.000 points to ene or vit or str, etc.)
    - Reset costs : 100.000.000 zen
    - BC 1-7
    - DS 1-6
    - CC 1-6
    Crywolf event (low-medium possibility to beat Balgass)
    -Kanturu event
    - WW
    - Rabbits
    - Goldens (1-5) + 1 budge dragon (no GGDs)
    - Arena Tournament [0-10 resets]
    - OldBoxes 1,2
    - Kundun
    CS will be from first week but for 1st Stage :
    - No access to Erohim
    - No access to Senior
    - Very low drop of ancients in lot
    (so for the first stage there will be only FUN,Low drops of ancients,JoGs, safe spots to exp but no erohim, no senior)
    - Access to VIP1
    - Access to ResetStats
    - Access to Chaos Machine (on site) only from +9 to + 11
    - Access to AddLuck
    - Access to Change Name
    - Access to Transfer Character
    - Access to Hide Inventory / Location
    - Access to Market but only for 5 items / day.
    Rewards for events :
    - CC4 : 30% chance of OldBox1, CC5 : 30% chance of OldBox2, CC6 : 30% chance of OldBox2 between default rewards
    - BC4,5 have 8% chance of OldBox1 , BC6 have 8% chance of OldBox2, BC7 have 15% chance of OldBox2 between default rewards
    - DS1-4 : Very low chance of dropping OldBox 1, DS5-7 Very low chance of dropping OldBox2 along with s4 spells
    - WW : 25% chance of OldBox 1 between default rewards
    - Rabbits : 25% chance of 1 JwL (Bless/Soul/Chaos)
    - Dark Elves : 20% chance to get OldBox2 between default rewards
    - Balgass : 100% chance to get 1 PoH
    - Participating players (crywolf) : 2 jewels (bless/soul) each
    - Maya hands : 2 jewels per hand and 10% chance to drop OldBox2 between 2 jewels
    - NightMare : 100% chance to get 1 exc weapon like platina,kundun,kb,etc.
    - Kundun : 30% chance to drop OldBox 2 between 3 ancients
    - Arena Tournament : 300 credits 1st place + HoF badge, 150 credits 2nd place, 100 credits 3rd place

    Stage 2 [11-20rr] :
    [Access to all things from Stage 1 + next things:]

    - 80% GLOBAL EXP [For 10-20rr, 0-10rr still have 100%]
    - Access to Quest3
    - Access to Swamp (special zone for ML + Hunt Flame of Condors
    - Limit of 4 accounts per IP
    - Maximum of 40 players in a guild (same for DL-GM)
    - Maximum of 20.000 points in a single stat (like you can't put more than 20.000 points to ene or vit or str, etc.)
    - Reset costs : 200.000.000
    - Wings level 3
    - BC 8 (opened the ML BC)
    - DS 7 (opened the ML DS)
    - CC 7 (opened th ML CC)
    - Crywolf event (medium possibility to beat Balgass)
    - Goldens(1-5) + 2 budge dragons + 3 GGD's
    - Arena Tournament 11-20 resets
    - OldBoxes 3,4
    - Medusa (for socket weapons)
    - Low droprate of ancients (in LoT)
    - CS : + access to Erohim and Senior for winners of CS
    - Access to VIP2
    - Access to Dual Stats
    - Access to Chaos Machine (on site) only from +9 to + 12
    - Access to Reset SkillTree
    - Access to Change Race
    - Access to Buy Zen
    - Access to Market but only for 10 items / day.
    - Access to Character Market
    Rewards for events :
    [Read info's about every event default rewards after this spoiler]
    - CC :
    - BC :
    - WW :
    - Rabbits :
    - Dark Elves :
    - Balgass :
    - Participating players (crywolf) :
    - Maya hands :
    - NightMare :
    - Kundun :
    - Arena Tournament :
    - Medusa :
    - Erohim :

    Stage 3 [21-30rr] :
    [Access to all things from Stage 1 and Stage 2 + next things:]

    - 60% GLOBAL EXP [For 20-30rr, 10-20rr still have 85% and 0-10rr still have 100%]
    - Access to Raklion (special zone for LVLup + hunt sockets + Selupan)
    - Limit of 5 accounts per IP
    - Maximum of 50 players in a guild (same for DL-GM)
    - Maximum of 30.000 points in a single stat (like you can't put more than 30.000 points to ene or vit or str, etc.)
    - Reset costs : 400.000.000
    - Wings level 4
    - Crywolf event (high possibility to beat Balgass)
    - Goldens(1-5) + 3 budge dragons + 5 GGD's
    - Arena Tournament 11-30 + Arena Tournament Grand Reset
    - OldBox 5
    - Selupan (for socket items)
    - Wings Protector (for wings level 4)
    - Medium droprate of ancients (in LoT)
    - Access to VIP3.
    - Access to Upgrader (From w3 to w4).
    - Access to Chaos Machine (from +9 to + 13)
    - Access to Market for 20 items/day.
    Rewards for events :
    - CC :
    - BC :
    - WW :
    - Rabbits :
    - Dark Elves :
    - Balgass :
    - Participating players (crywolf) :
    - Maya hands :
    - NightMare :
    - Kundun :
    - Arena Tournament :
    - Medusa :
    - Erohim :
    - Selupan :
    - Wings Protector :

    NOTE : After each stage all bosses and minibosses will be buffed up !
    NOTE2 : After each stage global experience will go down a little !

    This system will make the game more interesting and more skill/build-based (+long term) and also the entire balance of server (economy,pvp,pvm,etc.) will be balanced anytime.
    Also the gap between top 30 characters and the rest of the server will be lower
    Also any person who want to start after xx days from server start can recover easy(if he plays alot)

    [AD] Mu Olsquad | S6 E3 | Dynamic Exp Drop:35 | Max 30 Reset

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi ageofali -- 17 Şubat 2017; 11:15:35 >

  • Ben de birkaç gün sonra bu server'in konusunu açıp gelin beyler toplaşalım diyecektim.

    Beyler bu 24'ünden itibaren nasipse bu serverdeyim gelirseniz haberleşelim.
  • Hello OldSquaders & new comers,

    The Grand Opening has almost come (about 30 hours remaining).

    Tomorrow, Friday, 24 February at 19:00 GMT+2 server will be officially opened, you will be able to create characters, organise parties, and prepare for the greatest MU journey of your gamer life !

    At 20:00 GMT+2 Mobs will spawn and game will start officially !

    Let's make MU great again !

    Official client has been uploaded last night and it is recommended to get it and test it (you should be able to arrive until create character).If you have any problem with it let us know before the start so we can help you in time !

    We are expecting to break all of our previous records of online players, and for this we will need your support.

    Side notes :

    1). We added a new rule :
    Any "insistent" talks on /post or Gens Chat on other language than english will be punished with mute(6 hours),setzen 0,warn or even ban 1 day.
    Keep in mind that there are over 50% international players that will play and we must respect eachother.You can speak your own language on any other places like guild,normal chat,alliance,whisper,etc.

    We do provide support on your languages depended on the staff member, for now we can support the next languages :
    - (All of us except Hunter)
    - Romanian (@ADMIN,@Splif,@WhiteBK,@Cash,@Royal,@Rusell,@Hunter)
    - Turkish (@SouLSet)
    - German (@Splif)
    - Spain / Portuguese (@Hunter)

    2). Donations are opened on site, for the moment we can accept only PayPal/Western union or Bank Transfer for RO ppl.
    If you want to start with DL,RF,MG from level 1 you can get VIP.

    Cheers !

    OldSquad Team.

    Site :http://mu.oldsquad.ro
    Forum :http://oldsquad.ro/forum

  • Beyler saat 19:00'da açılıyor server. Gelen olursa bana yazsın WomenizeR olur nickim.
    Herkese iyi günler
  • Join now and enjoy the double exp for 2 hours from Bonus System !

    370+ online in less than 24 hours ! (with maximum of 3 accounts / ip and no /offstore or /offattack for fake online)
  • New record : 415 online, join us and help us to push to 500 ! :)

    Double exp from Bonus System will start in 4 hours, don't miss that !


    If you have any problems please don't hesitate to contact us on facebook : OldSquad MU Community | Facebook

    Cheers !
  • Because we reached over 450 online we released a nice update yesterday.

    Thanks for your support !

    Updates :

    - Reduced zen for 0-10 resets from 100kk to 80kk
    - Increased zen drop from mobs by 100%
    - Increased zen dropped from rabbits from 3kk to 4kk
    - Reduced zen for post from 300k to 200k
    - Increased Hearts,Silver and Gold Medals drop rates a little
    - Increase jewels drops a little (especially for chaos)
    - Increased tier2 spells droprate a little (rageful blow,mana shield,etc.) [mobs level 70-83]
    - Added Online Users on site rankings
    - Some small glitches fixed (like medium mana pots from 40 to 25 per stack after disconnect,etc.)
    - Increased exp for level 1-200 0 resets [newbies]
    - Fixed xtremetop100 vote for some ppl that wasn't able to vote before
    - Added Arena Tournament 0-10rr for both Saturday and Sunday [at 20:15]
    - Removed goldens +3+4+5 for the moment [HURAAAY]
    - Raised server slots to 600

  • Yapay Zeka’dan İlgili Konular
    Daha Fazla Göster
  • Hello,

    As we reached 510 online, there was another round of updates:

    - Added 2 spots atlans3 : 62 133, 137 128
    - Added 3 spots atlans2 : 234 68,196 103,231 104
    - Added 4 spots aida1 : 161 53,165 78,170 58 + fixed the one from the beggining that wasn't there
    - Added 5 spots tarkan1 : 112 79,114 68,106 42,57 76,34 77
    - Moved the 1st spot from icarus from warp a little upper
    - Raised the drop of ingredients for BC and DS
    - Rasied the drop of symbols of kundun
    - Raised the drop of sign of the lord
    - Raised exp for level 200-300 0 resets also [newbies]

    Enjoy ! :)
  • New record : 530 online, let's push to 550+ this evening ! :)

  • Hello,

    OldSquadMU - Max30RR has been succesfully opened on 24 February.
    Since the opening we are breaking the online records every day !

    More and more people are satisfied daily by our server, so we invite to try us and we can assure that you won't regret !

    Why to choose us ?

    - 0 lags, 0 downtimes, almost 0 real problems.
    - Awesome & Unique Gameplay System with highly configured environment.
    - Almost 550 players online with : No off-stores, No off-attacks, Maximum 3 acc per IP (fake players).
    - Real Time Professional Support from our staff [especially on facebook].
    - A real HARD game for players that want everything from this game to be valuable, even zen.
    - REAL NO PAY2WIN : No WebShop, No CashShop, No VIP-Server. You can only donate for VIP / Premium modules on site.
    - Balanced PvM & PvP for all classes.
    - Nice & Active athmosphere ingame.

    So what are you waiting for ?


    Site :

  • Today we raised our slots again and another round of updates.

    We reached 570+ online before the server maintenance !

    Join us and let's get to 700 this weekend ! ;p

    Don't forget about bonus exp from Saturday and Sunday, from 18:00 to 20:00 double exp !

    Enjoy !
  • Server'e gelecek varsa WomenizeR bana pm atsın.

    1 level DW / Sum wings falan var. Veririm size. İtem düşerse haber ederim vs.

    Herkese iyi forumlar.
  • There was a nice fight for the first CS, where United alliance won it, but after long figths with thr runner-ups alliances GROM and FURY.

    There was over 120 players fighting for the first CS, 3 big alliances :

    - United + Forever

    - GROM + HonoR

    - FURY + NewOrdeR

    All of them showed a very nice game and I'm glad I was there and enjoyed it.

    We had over 50 viewers on the live stream of Stripeink and we are aiming for more for the 2nd CS where I guess there will fight 4 alliances this time.

    Until then, join us and let's break more records ! Right now 580 online, aiming 600 tonight !


    < Bu ileti mobil sürüm kullanılarak atıldı >

  • bnde başladım server gayet güzel
  • Another record was achived yesterday : 630+ ONLINE.

    Thanks for your trust and support, we won't dissapoint you ! :p

    Join us for more records ! OldSquad MU - UNIQUE GAMEPLAY - LOW/MED - S6Ep3 - MAKE MU GREAT AGAIN !
  • Hello,

    Today we'll have our second Castle Siege, there will be again 3 big alliances fighting for new rewards and FAME :

    - United + Forever (Defenders)
    - FURY + REGAL
    - GROM + Vikings

    We hope to see another big & nice fights from this guilds like we had last week !

    As we said, for the 1st Castle Siege you didn't had the full rewards from it as it was announced before server start, but starting from this CS winners will have new things :

    - Erohim (Random respawn time but after more than 22-25 hours)
    - Higher droprate for ancients
    - Higher droprate for JoG
    - Senior MIX

    May the most organised alliance win !

    #Also yesterday we had another record : 665 ONLINE !

    Join us for the best MU-Online experience of your life !

    Site :https://mu.oldsquad.ro

  • New record today : 680+ and growing, soon we'll hit the 700 objective and we'll add the 2nd sub-server :)

    Also we got a big upgrade on site, a nice work from our web developer : SouLSeT.

  • 680+ online and growing !

    Join us :http://mu.oldsquad.ro
  • adamlar harbiden yapmış yani server çok kaliteli beyler gelenleri bekleriz
  • Hello,

    Today we hitted our previous objective (700 online), it's a great record for us, and rewards are coming for your support !

    Tomorrow (hour will be announced later on) we will have another round of updates.

    I will post the changelog on site/forum, later on.

    One of the most important things from updates :

    - Open the subserver (more details and consequences soon)
    - Some important fixes
    - Characters balance improves

    !!!Important : There will be a full server updates (with client also and with full disconnects) smile.png

    Stay tunned !


    Site :http://mu.oldsquad.ro
Sayfa: 12345
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