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[AD] Mu Olsquad | S6 E3 | Dynamic Exp Drop:35 | Max 30 Reset (4. sayfa)

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  • OldSquad isn't sleeping !

    #12AM #SleepIsForTheWeek #MakeMUGreatAgain!

    [AD] Mu Olsquad | S6 E3 | Dynamic Exp Drop:35 | Max 30 Reset

    [AD] Mu Olsquad | S6 E3 | Dynamic Exp Drop:35 | Max 30 Reset

    Join us !


  • Yesterday we had a full maintenance and we also released the Grand Reset !
    You can only do 1 GR and because the majority of top players went for it, it's the best time to join us and fight for supremacy on the most professional MU Online server !

    What are you waiting ? Join us :https://mu.oldsquad.ro
  • We released our brand new Forum theme, taste it ! 


    Enjoy !
  • Hello,

    4 months have passed since our Max30RR has started.

    We improved a lot during this period and we finally brought this server near perfection !

    Even if our record was near 900 online when everything was fresh we still have 500+ online on peak times daily (still a lot of newbies).

    We also boosted newbies exp for first 12 resets (from 250% to 120% exp) - so it's never too late to join us !

    Furthermore, we successfully released the Grand Reset few days ago and majority of top players went for it, so it's the best time to catch up ! (There is Max 1 GR)

    Also we released our brand new forum theme that we hope you'll enjoy it :https://oldsquad.ro/forum

    And the last news that we have for you is the NON RESET SERVER that will be back at the end of August / early of September - Probably it will be the best non reset server from 2017 - don't miss it if you're a non reset lover !

    Meanwhile join us !



  • Soon new surprises, join us !

  • If you're bored of fake online counts / boring gameplay's / pay2win experiences / unexperienced teams / low-term servers - then you're in the right place.

    Join us for a real MU experience !


    #Make MU Great Again !
  • Golden Months competition has started !

    Also new updates coming this days !

    Quality on this game is a very rare thing, so don't miss your chance and join us !


    #NonReset is coming back on september, stay tunned !
  • Latest updates have been released yesterday !

    Join us if you're looking for a unique MU Online experience and a high quality and stability server.


    #Make MU Great Again !
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: OldSquad

    Latest updates have been released yesterday !

    Join us if you're looking for a unique MU Online experience and a high quality and stability server.


    #Make MU Great Again !

    Don't miss your chance to be a part of a great community !
  • Valla Serverı Merak Ettim Doğrusunu Söylemek Gerekirse :)
  • If you're bored of fake online counts / boring gameplay's / pay2win experiences / unexperienced teams / low-term servers - then you're in the right place.

    Join us for a real MU experience !


    #Make MU Great Again !
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: OldSquad

    If you're bored of fake online counts / boring gameplay's / pay2win experiences / unexperienced teams / low-term servers - then you're in the right place.

    Join us for a real MU experience !


    #Make MU Great Again !

    Join us !
  • Websiteye türkçe dil desteği eklenmiştir !

  • Hello OldSquaders and Guests,

    I want to bring you the latest News & Updates that have been applied on past days and yesterday:

    - Completed Localization of SITE in 8 different languages (PL and BG incoming next days also).
    (You can switch to your own Language by pressing on the Flag - TOP RIGHT of SITE).
    - Implemented a new feature : First time you're visiting our SITE you must choose your Language (English also).
    - Adjusted SMG PvP power as it was way too underrated at this level of game.
    - Increased the Ancient Items drop chance from DS5-7 a little. (Not sure if it needs another restart or not).
    - Added Exc. PSS and Phoenix Soul Items with the same chance of drop like other Socket Armors / Weapons in Raklion.
    - From now on server restarts / maintenances PARTY will REMAIN.
    - A new little boost in exp for lower resets (newbies) (Not sure if it needs another restart or not).
    - Suprise already revealed by the top player : 29th reset after GR have low exp and last reset have a very low exp (to extend the last steps until 'MAX').
    - Fixed some small glitches/reports regarding Site and Server.
    - New Helper : DeepHouse


    - Updated forum to the latest version (4.2) including many new things.
    Full info on what is new you can find (if you are interested) here : [URL]https://invisioncommunity.com/news/invision-community-42-r1030[/url]

    Most of the things are already UP in the last days or from this moment (exceptions can be the 2 lines marked that if they're not yet live they will be on the next restart).

    Next things we're working on ?

    - Localization of forum contents for each language.
    - Finishing the SSO (Single Sign ON) - 1 acc for all servers + forum.
    - Some new functions on Site like Guild Vault.
    - NonRR Server.

    Also don't forget about first edition of OldSquad Golden Months that will finish in 4 days !

    Make the good choice, choose quality, choose to join us !



    #OldSquad - Make MU Great Again !

  • Today is the last day of the first edition of OldSquad Golden Months Event.

    You can view the almost-final rankings here :https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/1667-oldsquad-golden-months-rankings/

    Join us !

  • Soon we will reveal a big part of the Non-Reset info !

    Join us !

  • New updates on Max30RR and new info about Non-RR soon ! 

    Join us !


    < Bu ileti mobil sürüm kullanılarak atıldı >
  • Hello OldSquaders & Guests,

    Before revealing the upcoming updates I am proud to announce that we are the first MU Online Community that is 99,99% bugless (after this updates).Finally, after hard work, we have successfully repaired the last remaining bugs that have been reported since the beginning so far.

    Furthermore, I am really proud that we almost reached 6 months since server started and there is still a big activity ingame.For this I want to thank to all players that remained with us and trusted us on this journey and I really hope that we will always be able to please you and to meet your expectations !

    More Info : https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/1786-updates-11082017-next-level/?tab=comments#comment-21768

    Also open-beta of the OldSquadMU - Non-Reset will be up at the end of the month, while official opening will be on September.

    More Info about it soon.

    Join us for an outstanding experience of MU Online !


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