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3d Mark 2013 v1.1 yayınlandı

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  • 3d mark 2013 ün yeni sürümü yayınlandı.

    Link http://www.techpowerup.com/downloads/2242/futuremark-3dmark-2013-v1-10/

    Version History

    This update adds the Ice Storm Extreme test and fixes issues when testing systems with multiple GPUs. 3DMark scores will increase slightly on systems with two GPUs and significantly on systems with three or four GPUs.


    The Ice Storm Extreme benchmark test has been added to 3DMark Advanced Edition. Ice Storm Extreme is a Direct3D feature level 9 benchmark test for Windows tablets, ultrabooks and notebooks. Ice Storm Extreme raises the rendering resolution from 720p to 1080p and uses higher quality textures and post-processing effects in the graphics tests to create a more demanding load for the latest mobile devices. You can compare Ice Storm and Ice Storm Extreme scores from Windows and Android devices.


    3DMark now works correctly on systems with up to four GPUs.

    Fixed the issue caused by Windows update KB2670838, which added partial DX11.1 support to Windows 7.

    Fixed a problem with the bloom post-processing effect when using very high rendering resolutions in custom settings.

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi Terminator T-800 -- 8 Mayıs 2013; 1:31:41 >

  • Özellikle windows 7 deki çoklu gpu kullanımındaki sorun giderilmiş.Mesela gtx 670 SLI sistemimde gereken skoru alabiliyor program.

     3d Mark 2013 v1.1 yayınlandı

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi Terminator T-800 -- 8 Mayıs 2013; 1:24:23 >
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