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Zalman TNN 300 fanless case

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  •  Zalman TNN 300 fanless case
     Zalman TNN 300 fanless case

    If you're after a quiet life then QuietPC are the company to turn to, in the computing department at least, and for a little over five hundred pounds of your hard earned they'll deliver you the biggest, heaviest, µATX form factor case we've ever seen here at bit-tech. 15Kg give or take and as big as most standard ATX cases (33x23x47cm) but don't be deceived by these statistics, this is truly an awesome case, we'll show you why...

     Zalman TNN 300 fanless case

    Inside the TNN 300

    Upon emptying the large box the TNN 300 arrives in you're introduced to the behemoth that is fifteen kilograms almost entirely constructed from aluminium. Think about how light aluminium is as a material, and then imagine 15KG of it. Believe me, that's a lot of aluminium.

     Zalman TNN 300 fanless case

     Zalman TNN 300 fanless case

    Zalman market their TNN 300 as a 'compact fanless computer enclosure', and indeed it is a computer case without a fan in sight. It is also a power supply, a heatsink for your CPU and graphics card, and has many additional features which make it ideal for housing your HTPC. We'll investigate the later towards the end of the review, first it's time to take a serious look at the vast amounts of black anodised aluminium used in the construction of this case.

     Zalman TNN 300 fanless case

     Zalman TNN 300 fanless case

    This really is a case like no other, and frankly I could understand someone not taking to its aesthetics. However, its rugged, functional styling had me won over from my first sight. The left-hand panel of the case houses its integrated, very efficient, 350W power supply. The right panel is similarly fashioned, but is actually connected to the CPU block via heatpipes. A flat panel which protrudes from the front of the case is also connected via heatpipes, to a heatsink fitted to your graphics card. A similar protrusion from the rear helps to cool your CPU and to top everything off the whole case sits on a rotating pedestal.

     Zalman TNN 300 fanless case

     Zalman TNN 300 fanless case

    One of the few ways in which this case is similar to most others is that the primary access point to its innards is the left hand side panel. Thumbscrews hold it in place along with a very sturdy sliding clip. The left panel is quite heavy since the power supply is attached to it, so Zalman provide a special nut to keep the side panel propped up while you're working inside. I'd imagine it could be very painful if the panel fell closed while you still had a hand in the case.

     Zalman TNN 300 fanless case

     Zalman TNN 300 fanless case

     Zalman TNN 300 fanless case


    Zalman must have gone to great lengths to organise all of the parts of this case. Components needed for every stage of installation are clearly separated and labelled, and the installation procedure (which is far from simple) is made pleasant by clear and concise instructions. The process is quite time consuming but as long as the parts you're trying to install are compatible with the case (there's a list here) then you shouldn't have any real difficulties.

     Zalman TNN 300 fanless case

     Zalman TNN 300 fanless case

    As with most cases, the first thing to be installed is your motherboard. You'll need to fit a proprietary CPU clip and back-plate, a very common procedure when installing a non-standard heatsink, and some funny little blue aluminium cylinders.

    These cylinders are supplied with a sticky thermal compound on either end. They're supposed to be placed under components on your motherboard around the CPU area which generate heat and would, in any other case, be cooled by air flow around the socket. As there are no fans to generate airflow in Zalman's TNN 300, the cylinders are supplied to make a direct thermal link between these hot components and the right hand side panel of the case (which acts as a radiator to cool them).

     Zalman TNN 300 fanless case

     Zalman TNN 300 fanless case

    The CPU block itself is a thing of beauty. It's comprised of two sections which fit together to sandwich the six heatpipes introduced earlier. Zalman supplies large tube of thermal paste to ensure good contact between the CPU and the block and also between the heatpipes and the block.

     Zalman TNN 300 fanless case

     Zalman TNN 300 fanless case

    The clip which actually holds the block in place is easy to fit; Zalman have a lot of experience in this field with their long history of making top quality CPU coolers.

    The process involved in installing the GPU block on your graphics card of choice is somewhat similar to that used to install the CPU block. You start by removing the cooler which came with your card, which depending on the manufacturer can be anything from a breeze to a great ordeal - care and patience should see you through though. The GPU block only cools the graphic processor, Zalman supply some small stick-on heatsinks for the memory chips on your graphics card. The lower side of the block bolts onto your card then the upper side sandwiches the three heatpipes in place.

     Zalman TNN 300 fanless case

    With the tricky bits done, all that's left is to install a hard drive or two (max) and an optical drive. The drives screw on to removable black aluminium plates; while these are functional, it does mean you have to unscrew six screws to remove a drive which is quite time consuming. This is considerably less time consuming, however, than it would take to change your processor, your graphics card, or your motherboard - in fact, that's a general flaw of this case. Don't hope to be swapping component in and out of it often, there's a real feeling of 'once they're in there, they're in there to stay'.

     Zalman TNN 300 fanless case

     Zalman TNN 300 fanless case

     Zalman TNN 300 fanless case


    With everything installed the only remaining task is to connect the integrated power supply. There are no surprises here - all the modern connectors are catered for.

     Zalman TNN 300 fanless case

     Zalman TNN 300 fanless case

    What is it like when you switch it on? The obvious is that it's very quiet indeed, but not silent - it's surprising just how much noise a hard drive makes. If you're building a system from scratch to be centred around this case, it's definitely worth doing your homework and buying the quietest hard drive you can find. With a single Western Digital WD800 (7,200RPM) drive fitted, the case sounds much like a modern laptop. Very quiet indeed.

    We installed a Socket 754 Athlon 64 3200+ into the system to test its ability to keep a processor cool. After several hours of Prime 95, its temperature was somewhere between 50 and 60ºC - warm, but acceptable for a near silent system. Likewise, the installed NVIDIA Geforce FX 5900XT remained at a very stable temperature even when put under extreme load for a long time.

    I was caught off balance when I first discovered that Zalman intended this case to used as a Home Theatre PC, mainly because of its size and price. There are several small, almost silent, PC solutions designed for the home theatre market where the whole system is priced at less than just this case alone.

    However, after using the TNN 300 as a Home Theatre PC for a few weeks now, I am delighted to say that it really does excel. Firstly, there's the extra power of having a 'proper' system in the case. None of this low power CPU nonsense: you can have an Athlon 64 running at 2GHz, with a gigabyte of fast RAM to help it along, a very big standard sized hard drive (or two) and a cheap DVD writer. Its size is countered by its quirky looks; it certainly draws attention. It was designed to be looked at, so where better to put it than next to the thing you watch most? Zalman even put it on a rotating pedestal; one that works very well, I might add.

    yaklaşık olaraka 450£ den satılıması düşünülüyormuş. İngilizcesi olmayan arkadaşlar okuyamıcak ama onlarda elektronik sözlüklerden faydalansıınlar bi zahmet.


  • Tr de istersen dijitalcenter da var 1.515 YTL valal sahsen ben sesiz diye bu parayi kasaya vericegime omur boyu fan sesi dinlerim :)

    350W fansız güç kaynağı
    Pasif CPU ve VDA soğutma blokları
    Uyumlu CPU'lar

    Termal Dizayn gücü ( ısı üretimi) 70W a kadar olan CPU'lar


    Soket 478
    Celeron Northwood serisi :2.8 GHz'e kadar
    P4 Northwood serisi : 2.8 / 2.8C GHz'e kadar


    Sempron Paris 3100+ (1.8 GHz)
    Soket 939
    3500+'a kadar (2.2 GHz)

    Uyumlu Video Kartlar:

    GPU soğutucu bloğu montaj delikleri olan tüm video kartlar


    Boyutları: 325X230x470
    Ağırlık: 10 kg
    Güç Kaynağı: TNN350APF-V1

    Giriş Voltajı: AC 100 - 240V
    Maksimum Çıkış: 350W
    Form Faktörü: SFX 12 V
    Verimlilik: 350W tam yükleme altında %80
    Çıkış Voltajı: +3,3V , +5V, +12V1, +12V2, -12V +5VSB
    CPU Soğutucusu:6 heatpipe (ısı taşıma kapasitesi:150W)
    VGA Soğutucusu: 3 heatpipe (ısı taşıma kapasitesi:75W)

    Tam Sesiz:

    İçerisinde hiç fan içermediği için hiç ses üretmez.


    Fanları olmadığı için kasa içerisine toz girişi minimumda gerçekleriş


    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi ilhuns -- 11 Kasım 2005, 23:16:11 >

  • walladijitale uzu nzamdır girmiyodum görmemişim ksurua bakma fiyatını düzletiyorum.
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