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yeni server mı açılcak?

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  • yeni server mı açılcak herkez karus,elmorant kavgasına başlamış

  • ewt galiba RONARK adında bi server açılcak
  • upp?
  • ok saol
  • Hello Knight Online Players,

    Some exciting things are coming very soon to Knight Online!

    A new world is coming! The world of Ronark will be ready for you to explore shortly so keep checking back for updates! In addition to this, a new Power-Up Store is going to be implemented so keep your eyes peeled!

    We will be continuing to add content and make changes to the game to improve the gaming experience for all of our players. Make sure to keep visiting the website for any news on these and other changes that are on the way. Good luck in your adventuring and thank you for your continued support in Knight Online!

    -The Knight Online Team

    Knightın sitesinden alıntı
  • Ne zmn açılcak acaba bi fikri olan war mı tahmin=?
  • quote:

    Orjinalden alıntı: oguzaslan66

    Hello Knight Online Players,

    Some exciting things are coming very soon to Knight Online!

    A new world is coming! The world of Ronark will be ready for you to explore shortly so keep checking back for updates! In addition to this, a new Power-Up Store is going to be implemented so keep your eyes peeled!

    We will be continuing to add content and make changes to the game to improve the gaming experience for all of our players. Make sure to keep visiting the website for any news on these and other changes that are on the way. Good luck in your adventuring and thank you for your continued support in Knight Online!

    -The Knight Online Team

    Knightın sitesinden alıntı


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    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi sNaP_21 -- 27 Şubat 2007; 19:25:01 >
  • acaba ne zamana açarlar ya Logos gib olmasinda
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