Steamworks nedir? Steamworks, Valve tarafından oyun geliştiricilerine sunulmuş bir API uygulamasıdır. Bu uygulama ile Steam'i ortak bir platform haline getirmek amaçlanmaktadır.
Steamworks desteği ne işe yarar? Steamworks desteği bulunan oyunlar Steam'in sunmuş olduğu tüm ayrıcalıklardan faydalanabilmektedir. Bu ayrıcalıklardan bazıları;
Achievements sistemi (XBL Achievemet ve PSN Trophy sistemi benzeri) Valve Anti Cheat (VAC) (Hile koruma sistemidir.) Cloud Saving (Bu özellik sayesinde oyunu nerede oynarsanız oynayın savelerinizi online Steam profilinize kayıtlı olduğu için kaybetmezsiniz.) Steam topluluğu desteği Arkadaş listesi desteği Otomatik oyun güncellemeleri Oyun içi sesli chat entegrasyonu Steam sunucuları kalitesi ile online oyun
Steamworks nasıl kullanılır? Eğer oyunu Steam üzerinden satın aldıysanız direkt olarak Steam'in ayrıcalıklarından faydalanabilmektesiniz. Steamworks'ün kullanıldığı alan kutulu olarak almış olduğunuz oyun Steamworks desteği sunuyorsa kutudan çıkan "retail" cd-key ile oyununuzu Steam'e kayıt edebilir ve Steam üzerinden oyunu indirip oynayabilirsiniz. Steam'e kayıtlı oyunlar indirme limiti olmaksızın asla silinmez veya iptal olmaz.
2012: Q.U.B.E. (only STEAM version) Choplifter HD The Blackwell Legacy (only STEAM version) Blackwell Unbound (only STEAM version) Blackwell Convergence (only STEAM version) Blackwell Deception (only STEAM version) Dustforce Unstoppable Gorg Sonic the Hedgehog 4 - EP I Sonic CD Storm in a Teacup
ÇOK YAKINDA Alan Wake Aliens: Colonial Marines All Zombies Must Die! Contagion Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Dear Esther DiRT showdown DOTA 2 Jagged Alliance - Back in Action (only STEAM version) King Arthur II: The Role-Playing Wargame Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning (only STEAM version) Kings and Castles Natural Selection 2 Orion: Prelude OverGrowth (only STEAM version) Postal III Quantum Conundrum Risen 2: Dark Waters Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2 Snuggle Truck Super MNC Tactical Intervention The Darkness II Toki Tori 2 Torchlight II (only STEAM version) Total War: Shogun 2 - Fall of the Samurai Wargame: European Escalation
2005: Day of Defeat: Source Dystopia (Steamworks features added at a later date from release) Half-Life 2: Lost Coast Psychonauts(Steamworks features were added in 2011 after a content update) Synergy (Steamworks features added at a later date from release)
2006: Dark Messiah of Might and Magic Defcon Garry's Mod Prey (Does not require steam to play BUT can be activated on steam with an un-used code) Red Orchestra: Ostfront 41-45 SiN Episodes: Emergence The Ship
2007: Age of Chivalry Aquaria Bullet Candy Commander Keen (Note: Steamworks was added in 2011 during Quake-con) Doom II: Hell on Earth (Note: Steamworks was added in 2011 during Quake-con) Doom 3 (Note: Steamworks was added in 2011 during Quake-con) Doom 3: Resurrection of Evil (Note: Steamworks was added in 2011 during Quake-con) Final Doom (Note: Steamworks was added in 2011 during Quake-con) Half-Life 2: Episode Two Heretic (Note: Steamworks was added in 2011 during Quake-con) Hexen (Note: Steamworks was added in 2011 during Quake-con) Hexen II (Note: Steamworks was added in 2011 during Quake-con) INSURGENCY: Modern Infantry Combat Lost Planet: Extreme Condition Master Levels for Doom II Mr. Robot Portal Quake (Note: Steamworks was added in 2011 during Quake-con) Quake II (Note: Steamworks was added in 2011 during Quake-con) Quake II Mission Pack: Ground Zero (Note: Steamworks was added in 2011 during Quake-con) Quake II Mission Pack: The Reckoning (Note: Steamworks was added in 2011 during Quake-con) Quake III Arena (Note: Steamworks was added in 2011 during Quake-con) Quake III: Team Arena (Note: Steamworks was added in 2011 during Quake-con) Quake Mission Pack 1: Scourge of Armagon (Note: Steamworks was added in 2011 during Quake-con) Quake Mission Pack 2: Dissolution of Eternity (Note: Steamworks was added in 2011 during Quake-con) Return to Castle Wolfenstein (Note: Steamworks was added in 2011 during Quake-con) Spear of Destiny (Note: Steamworks was added in 2011 during Quake-con) Team Fortress 2 Ultimate Doom (Note: Steamworks was added in 2011 during Quake-con) Wolfenstein 3D (Note: Steamworks was added in 2011 during Quake-con)
2008: 4 Elements Audiosurf Buccaneer: The Pursuit of Infamy Chaos Theory Children of the Nile: Alexandria Children of the Nile: Enhanced Edition Defense Grid: The Awakening D.I.P.R.I.P. Warm Up Eternity's Child Football Manager 2009 Galactic Bowling Gravitron 2 Hinterland Iron Grip: Warlord Left 4 Dead Mare Nostrum Mosby's Confederacy Multiwinia Ninja Reflex Peggle Nights Penguins Arena: Sedna's World Penny Arcade Adventures: On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness, Episode One Penny Arcade Adventures: On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness, Episode Two Planet Busters Project Aftermath Space Trader: Merchant Marine Spectraball Tank Universal The Wonderful End of the World Trials 2: Second Edition World of Goo X³: Terran Conflict
2009: AaAaAA!!! - A Reckless Disregard for Gravity AI War: Fleet Command Altitude And Yet It Moves America's Army 3 Bad Rats: the Rats' Revenge Big Brain Wolf Bionic Commando Borderlands Braid Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Champions Online: Free for All Cogs Dreamkiller Droplitz Empire: Total War Eufloria Everyday Genius: SquareLogic F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin Fallen Earth: Blood Sports Flock! Football Manager 2010 Foreign Legion: Buckets of Blood Harvest: Massive Encounter Killing Floor King Arthur - The Role-playing Game Larva Mortus Left 4 Dead 2 Light of Altair Lucidity™ Madballs in Babo:Invasion Magnetis Mayhem Intergalactic Metal Drift Mevo and The Grooveriders Nancy Drew®: Ransom of the Seven Ships Nation Red Obulis Osmos Pirates, Vikings, and Knights II Plants vs. Zombies Quantz RailWorks Rogue Warrior Sacraboar Saints Row 2 SAW Serious Sam HD: The First Encounter Silent Hill Homecoming Shattered Horizon STAR TREK®: D-A-C Texas Cheat'Em The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (Note: Steamworks was added in 2011 during Quake-con) The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind (Note: Steamworks was added in 2011 during Quake-con) The Last Remnant The Maw Torchlight Trine Unreal Tournament 3 Velvet Assassin Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II Zeno Clash Zombie Bowl-o-Rama Zombie Driver Zuma's Revenge!
2010: Air Forte Alien Breed: Impact Alien Breed 2: Assault Alien Breed 3: Descent Alien Swarm Aliens vs. Predator Arcadia Axel & Pixel Beat Hazard BIT.TRIP BEAT Blade Kitten Bloody Good Time Bob Came in Pieces Booster Trooper Borderlands: Game of the Year Edition Burn Zombie Burn! Call of Duty: Black Ops Chime Clickr Clones Commander: Conquest of the Americas Darksiders Dark Void™ Zero DeathSpank DeathSpank: Thongs of Virtue Delve Deeper Diamond Dan Disciples III - Renaissance Steam Special Edition Doc Clock: The Toasted Sandwich of Time DogFighter Eversion Faerie Solitaire Fallout: New Vegas Flight Control HD Fluttabyes Football Manager 2011 Fortix Front Mission Evolved Galcon Fusion Global Agenda Greed Corp Grotesque Tactics: Evil Heroes Guardians of Graxia Ion Assault Jolly Rover Just Cause 2 Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days KrissX Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light Lead and Gold: Gangs of the Wild West Mafia II Metro 2033 Mole Control Monkey Island™ 2 Special Edition: LeChuck’s Revenge™ Mount & Blade: Warband MX vs. ATV Reflex Nancy Drew: Warnings at Waverly Academy Napoleon: Total War Nimbus NyxQuest: Kindred Spirits Pound of Ground Plain Sight Poker Night at the Inventory Power of Defense ProtoGalaxy Puzzle Dimension Puzzle Chronicles Puzzle Quest 2 Puzzler World R.U.S.E.™ RailWorks 2 (Note: Direct upgrade from RailWorks 1) Razor2: Hidden Skies Rhythm Zone Risen Rocket Knight RUSH SEASON OF MYSTERY: The Cherry Blossom Murders Secret of the Magic Crystals Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter Shank Shatter Ship Simulator Extremes Sid Meier's Civilization V Sniper: Ghost Warrior Sol Survivor Stargate Resistance Super Laser Racer Super Meat Boy Supreme Commander 2 Swarm Arena Swords & Soldiers System Protocol One The Ball The Misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom The Polynomial Tidalis Toki Tori Top Gun Turba Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II: Chaos Rising Wings of Prey Winter Voices Worms: Reloaded Zen Bound 2 Zero Gear Ziro
2011: A.R.E.S.: Extinction Agenda (only STEAM version) Drawn: The Painted Tower (only STEAM version) Apox (only STEAM version) Magicka Monday Night Combat Breach Crasher Trino Zeit² Who's That Flying?! Test Drive Unlimited 2 (only STEAM version) Revenge of the Titans (only STEAM version) BIT.TRIP RUNNER Men of War: Assault Squad (only STEAM version) Fate of the World (only STEAM version) B.U.T.T.O.N. (only STEAM version) Warhammer 40.000 Dawn of War II Retribution RISK: Factions Atom Zombie Smasher (only STEAM version) Homefront Total War: Shogun 2 Cloning Clyde Post Apocalyptic Mayhem Ghostbusters: Sanctum of Slime (only STEAM version) IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover Hoard Anomaly: Warzone Earth (only STEAM version) Dino D-Day Shadow Harvest: Phantom Ops Sanctum Portal 2 Cargo – The Quest for Gravity (only STEAM version) Your Doodles Are Bugged! (only STEAM version) Capsized (only STEAM version) Universe Sandbox (only STEAM version) Mount&Blade: With Fire and Sword (only STEAM version) Dwarfs!? Fortix 2 (only STEAM version) Hydrophobia Prophecy Garshasp: The Monster Slayer (only STEAM version) The First Templar (only STEAM version) Brink DETOUR The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings (only STEAM version) Ancients of Ooga (only STEAM version) Frozen Synapse (only STEAM version) Hamilton's Great Adventure (only STEAM version) Jamestown Vertex Dispenser Red Faction: Armaggeddon Duke Nukem Forever Magic: The Gathering - Duels of the Planeswalkers 2012 Dungeon Siege III Solar 2 (only STEAM version) Critical Mass (only STEAM version) F.E.A.R. 3 Puzzle Agent 2 (only STEAM version) Dungeons of Dredmore Dungeons and Dragons: Daggerdale (only STEAM version) Air Conflicts: Secret Wars (only STEAM version) Tobe's Vertical Adventure (only STEAM version) Lucid (only STEAM version) Runespell: Overture Defy Gravity Extended Dead Horde E.Y.E.- Divine Cybermancy Limbo (only STEAM version) Pirates of Black Cove (only STEAM version) Quake IV (only STEAM version) EDGE Space Pirates and Zombies (only STEAM version) Hacker Evolution Duality (only STEAM version) Bastion (only STEAM version) Avadon: The Black Fortress (only STEAM version) Alien Hallway (only STEAM version) Blocks That Matter (only STEAM version) Deus Ex: Human Revolution Achron (only STEAM version) Serious Sam Double D The Baconing Puzzle Pirates (only STEAM version) Tropico 4 (only STEAM version) Wasteland Angel Dead Island Warhammer 40.000: Space Marine Rock of Ages Call of Juarez: The Cartel Men of War: Vietnam (only STEAM version) Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad Hard Reset Astro Tripper Xotic (only STEAM version) Demolition, Inc. Bunch of Heroes Might & Magic Clash of Heroes Railworks 3 Nuclear Dawn GundeadiGne Hitogata Happa Gundemonium Recollection Dungeons - The Dark Lord (only STEAM version) Worms Ultimate Mayhem A Game of Thrones - Genesis The Binding Of Isaac Fate of the World: Tipping Point (only STEAM version) PC Gamer Digital Rise of Immortals (only STEAM version) Glowfish (only STEAM version) RAGE The Cursed Crusade Orcs Must Die! Disciples III - Resurrection (only STEAM version) Memoir '44 Online (only STEAM version) Rugby Challenge Costume Quest Smash Cars Alien Zombie Megadeath Dungeon Defenders (only STEAM version) Worms Crazy Golf Lightfish Payday The Heist Cities XL 2012 (only STEAM version) Sequence Football Manager 2012 Data Jammers: FastForward Airline Tycoon 2 (only STEAM version) Stronghold 3 The Haunted: Hells Reach Arcania: Fall of Setarrif (only STEAM version) Lord of the Rings: War in the North Gemini Rue (only STEAM version) Global Ops: Commando Libya (only STEAM version) Renegade Ops Ignite (only STEAM version) inMomentum Nancy Drew: Alibi in Ashes (only STEAM version) Sonic Generations DC Universe Online (only STEAM version) Sword of the Stars II: Lords of Winter (only STEAM version) Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 L.A. Noire (only STEAM version) The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim Saints Row: The Third Rochard Sideway New York Jurassic Park: The Game (only STEAM version) Sins of a Solar Empire: Trinity (only STEAM version) Waves SkyDrift Grotesque Tactics 2 – Dungeons and Donuts Batman: Arkham City (only STEAM version) Serious Sam 3: BFE Cave Story+ (only STEAM version) AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA!!! for the Awesome Galactic Civilizations II: Ultimate Edition (only STEAM version) APB Reloaded (only STEAM version) Trine 2 Flatout 3: Chaos & Destruction Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon Demigod (only STEAM version) PoxNora (only STEAM version)
bu konu resmi steam forumlarından alıntıdır. kaynak.