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RozaMu 99.62T [1.0M] Exp & Drops: 80x & 50%

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  • Beyler Biz 15 turk bu serverdeyiz buyrun gelin server cok guzel ve zor
    TRTEAM Guildimizin ismi gelin birlikte oynuyalım,

    RozaMu 0.99.62T [1.0M] version
    Experience & Drop 80x & 50%
    Points per Level BK/SM/ELF - 5 | MG/DL - 7
    PK Clear Cost 10ml x Pk Count (command /pkclear or through the website) command /pkclear or through the website
    Guild create level 200 Level required
    Max items level +13 +28
    Server Events Click here -> Server Events to view it
    Bless Bug Off
    Webshop No, only Market and Premium Options
    Spawn All maps
    PVP Balanced Pvp - every character is equal (we've tested the balance on all max resets)
    Reset Info
    Max Level 400 Level
    Max Resets 80 (First max reset will be 5 as there will be invasions for non excellent items. Also, in this way you will have the opportunity to prepare your zen as it will require you 25m x reset. Week later resets will be increased +5 until 20 resets and after 20 resets they will increase +2 every week.)
    Reset Level 350 (for chars over 20 resets, res level is 400)
    Reset Cost 25,000,000 zen x Reset Number (if you are VIP cost 12,500,000)
    Keep stats after reset No
    Points per Reset BK/ELF 410/400
    Points per Reset SM/MG 430/470
    Points per Reset DL 470
    Speed Bug - this is tested without weapon!
    Magic Gladiator: 15 agility = 1 speed

    [Agility: 25 - 12,100] [Speed: 1-807 ]

    [Agility: 12,100 - 13,770] [Speed: 802-918] No Works
    [Agility: 13,771 - 17,085] [Speed: 919-1139] Works
    [Agility: 17,086 - 22,050] [Speed: 1140-1470] No Works
    [Agility: 22,105 - 26,805] [Speed: 1473-1787] Works
    After [Agility: 27,050] [Speed: 1805] No Works
    Soul Master: 10 agility = 1 speed

    [Agility: 1 - 4,460] [Speed: 1-446 ]

    [Agility: 4,461 - 4,850] [Speed: 447-485] No Works
    [Agility: 4,851 - 6,000] [Speed: 486-600] Works
    [Agility: 6,070 - 6,920] [Speed: 607-692] No Works
    [Agility: 6,921 - 8,530] [Speed: 693-853] Works
    [Agility: 8,531 - 11,050] [Speed: 854-1105] No Works
    [Agility: 11,051 - 13,530] [Speed: 1106-1353] Works
    After [Agility: 13,540] [Speed: 1354] No Works
    Success Rates
    2nd level Wings 90% Maximum possible
    Jewel of Soul 60% (45% if no luck)
    Jewel of Life 60% (45% if no luck)
    Item +10 75% (65% if no luck)
    Item +11 70% (60% if no luck)
    Item +12 65% (55% if no luck)
    Item +13 60% (50% if no luck)
    Mana Shield formula
    Start Percent 10%
    Agility per 1% 550 Agility
    Energy per 1% 950 Energy
    Mana Shield Max 75%
    Blade Knight Swell of Life
    Agility per 1% 400 Agility
    Energy per 1% 80 Energy
    Party bonus exp
    SM, BK, Elf Party bonus
    SM, BK, Elf, MG, DL Golden party bonus

  • whatssap grubumuzda var 05392949479
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