Server Information 97D +99I Link: Opened Today 11/15/2017 #NO DONATES AVAIBLE. #SKILL SERVER # Host from: Germany # Greece: Server Private # Server Exp: 75x # Server Drop: 60% # Monster HP: 100% # Jewel of Bless Bug: OFF # Mana Shield Defence rate: 15% (AT START) # Level Resets: 350 on WebSite or Reset # Clear Skills on Resets: YES # Clear Points on Resets: YES # Clear Inventory on Resets: YES # Max Resets: 15 # Maximum points: 7098 - 8146 For MG # Points Leve Up: BK-5-ELF-5-SM-5-MG-8 # Zen Resets: 1.000.000 zen # PK Clear: 20,000,000 zen (In Game type /pkclear) # Box in Shop: No # Trade commands: Allowed # Move to Stadium: You need to 255lvl. # Golden Invasions: 5 Goldens +1,+2,+3,+4,+5 per 2 hour. # Quest System: Enable for now Succes Rate: # Jewel of Bless: 100% # Jewel of Soul / + Luck: 50% / 70% # Jewel of Life: 50% # Item +10 / + Luck: 70% / 75% # Item +11 / + Luck: 60% / 65% Command System /post, /addstr, /addagi, /addvit, /addene, /pkclear, /time, /exit, /buy, /sell, /online,/questinfo, /marry, /acceptmarry, /tracemarry, /marrystatus, /divorce, /getmarry Server Events: * Blood Castle Event* Devil Square Event * Happy Hour x100 * Party exp event* Lucky Jevels * Sky Event(HOT) Special Event Rewards* Blood Castle (1/6) (+1/+5) Box of Kundun Protection ClientMuEmu + Base Block From MuBeta