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KBT 30 level icin Ticket attim

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  • Evet beyler problem neymis ogrenecegiz umarim. Cevap gelince buraya editlerim. Yerinizi alin

    Edit: cevap geldi beyler

    Greetings Summoner,

    Thank you for your interest in the Turkish closed beta test! This test aims to gather players of League of Legends in Turkey in order to provide a preview and to perform tests on server limits, connections, and game performance on the new platform. We also hope to collect feedback and suggestions from players who participate in this test.

    At this time, we are no longer sending entry codes for the beta. Please check your email and follow the link inside to create your beta account.

    The closed beta will be available until all necessary tests have been performed. Please note that the servers may become temporarily unavailable during certain points of the closed beta, and that certain features and game modes may be missing or taken out due to focus testing.

    Participants in the closed beta will be set to level 30 and have full access to all Champions. We have given a generous amount of RP and IP for players to unlock content for use within the closed beta environment.

    Once the beta has ended, all Summoner progress will be erased, but your contribution to the future of League of Legends in Turkey will never be forgotten! At the end of the test, all participants will receive the champion Katarina and her Sandstorm Katarina skin. Those who participated in the closed beta test will receive an email with a unique code to redeem these rewards. In order to redeem your code, go to the store and select the "Codes" tab.

    If you have any additional questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to let me know.

    I wish you the best of luck on the Fields of Justice!

    "1...2...I'm coming for you..."

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi Selami Şahin 1.6 ie -- 30 Ağustos 2012; 11:04:16 >
    < Bu ileti tablet sürüm kullanılarak atıldı >

  • Zamanla hallolacak bir sorun. Bu kadar fazla kişi aynı anda girdi aynı anda kullanıcı hesapları tanımlandı falan. Biraz müsamaha göstermek gerek bence. En geç yarına kadar herkes normal olur. Şu anda bile, 2 oyun attım relogladım geldi ip rp lvl ım diyenler var bir sürü. Sabırlı olun kısacası.İlk anda 30 lvl başlayanların çoğunluğu da oyuna daha önceden giriş yapanlar.
  • ben de 1 leveldim 1 oyun attım suan 30 levelim ve 100k ip 100k rp var
  • geldi onlar.
  • Up cevap geldi

    < Bu ileti tablet sürüm kullanılarak atıldı >
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