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  • Türk gelenek ve görenekleri ile ilgili yazı.

    In Anatolia, born makes happy to people. But born have some rules. Pregnant women can't look Bear, Monkey and Camel. She cant eat Fish, Rabbit, Head. She can't go funeral and can't look dead bodys. When child born, everybody should give a gold to baby. Turkey have 2 religious festival. Festival of sacrifices and Festival of candy. In this festivals, children kisses older's hands and put on the forehead. I gained 200 TL when i child, i can't forget it. People being more generous than normal. :) In normal life, Turkey have some traditions. For example, if im sitting in bus, when i see an oldman i give my chair to oldman. In Turkey, neighbor is too important. We helping ourselves and we often visit them. When visiters come, we give them lemon cologne, coffee and candy. Generally visiters coming for dinner. I love Turkey, maybe europe thinking we're narrow minded country but its not real.

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi Dancing Bear -- 13 Nisan 2012; 11:48:11 >

  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: brscngznc

    Türk gelenek ve görenekleri ile ilgili yazı.

    In Anatolia, born makes happy to people. But born have some rules. Pregnant women can't look Bear, Monkey and Camel. She cant eat Fish, Rabbit, Head. She can't go funeral and can't look dead bodys. When child born, everybody should give a gold to baby. Turkey have 2 religious festival. Festival of sacrifices and Festival of candy. In this festivals, children kisses older's hands and put on the forehead. I gained 200 TL when i child, i can't forget it. People being more generous than normal. :) In normal life, Turkey have some traditions. For example, if im sitting in bus, when i see an oldman i give my chair to oldman. In Turkey, neighbor is too important. We helping ourselves and we often visit them. When visiters come, we give them lemon cologne, coffee and candy. Generally visiters coming for dinner. I love Turkey, maybe europe thinking we're narrow minded country but its not real.

    Aklım erdiğince birşeyler yazıyorum. İnşallah seni yanıltmam.

    -İlk cümle 'In Anatolia birth makes people happy.' olacak.
    -Born doğmak fiilinin geçmiş hali. Sen sanırım doğum demek istiyorsun. Birth olacak.
    -'She cant eat Fish, Rabbit, Head' cümlesinde head kelle-paçadaki kelle anlamındaysa 'boiled sheep´s head' tavsiye ederim.
    -Body çoğulu bodies olur.
    -I gained 200 TL when i "WAS A" child.
    - People being more generous than normal. :) 'İnsanlar normalden daha cömertti.' diyeceksen 'People were more generous than normal' olması lazım
    - 'when i see an oldman i give my chair to oldman.' I give my chair (Sandalyemi veririm.) biraz bodoslama bi çeviri olmuş. Asıl anlatılmak istenen yer vermek olduğundan yerine 'when ( İF TE OLABİLİR.) i see an old people, i give my place him to sit.' daha doğru olur bence.
    -Neighbor (komşu) amerikan ingilizcesi, ingiliz ingilizcesi ile yazıyorsan neighbour; eğer komşu değilde komşuluk kast ediyorsan neighbourhood
    -We help (Cümle geniş zamanda kurulduğundan -ing takısı olmasın.) ourselves and we often visit them ( Them yerine eachother yani birbirimizi daha şık olur bence)
    - Eve gelen misafir için guest daha doğru bir kelime. Visitor müze ziyaretçisindeki ziyaretçi anlamında kullanılır. Guest daha samimidir.
    - 'Generally visiters coming for dinner' Aynı hatayı 2 kere gördüğüm için müsadenle açıklayayım. Generally yani genellikle geniş zamanı ifade eden bir kavramdır. Arkasından -ing eki yani şimdiki zaman eki alan fiil olmaz. Doğrusu 'Generally guests come for dinner'

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