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GeForce 306.02 Beta çıktı

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  •  GeForce 306.02 Beta çıktı



    he new NVIDIA GeForce 306.02 beta drivers are now available to download. Recommended for players of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, Darksiders 2, Guild Wars 2, and MechWarrior Online, the GeForce 306.02 beta drivers add realistic ambient occlusion shadowing to each of the listed games, in addition to adding NVIDIA Control Panel MSAA and CSAA anti-aliasing support to Darksiders 2.

    SLI users will find a range of performance enhancing profiles for titles such as Alan Wake's American Nightmare, Darksiders 2, Orcs Must Die! 2, Planetside 2, Shogun 2: Total War, Sleeping Dogs, and The Secret World. SLI users will also be interested to know that profiles for Borderlands 2 and F1 2012 have been implemented ahead of their respective release dates. On the 3D Vision front we have new and updated profiles for A New Dawn, the yet-to-be-released, highly-anticipated Dishonored, End of Nations, The Secret World, and many more.

    New & Updated SLI Profiles

    Alan Wake's American Nightmare
    Borderlands 2
    Darksiders 2
    F1 2012
    Orcs Must Die! 2
    PlanetSide 2 (Updated)
    Shogun 2: Total War (Updated)
    Sleeping Dogs (Please note that we are currently evaluating SLI bit 0x0C4010F5, which may result in higher performance for users)
    The Secret World (Updated)
    New & Updated 3D Vision Profiles
    A New Dawn – Rated Fair
    Alan Wake's American Nightmare – Rated Not Recommended
    All Zombies Must Die! Scorepocalypse – Rated Good
    ARMA 2: Operation Arrowhead – Rated Fair
    Bang Bang Racing – Rated Excellent
    Brave – Rated 3D Vision Ready
    Devil May Cry 4 - Rated Fair
    Dishonored – Rated Good
    End of Nations – Rated Good
    London 2012 The Official Video Game – Rated Fair
    Mad Doc Jr.'s Doom Rails – Rated Excellent
    Raiderz – Rated Fair
    Roller Coaster Rampage – Rated 3D Vision Ready
    SCANIA Truck Driving Simulator – Rated Fair
    Test Drive: Ferrari Racing Legends – Rated Good
    The Secret World – Rated Good

    NVIDIA Surround

    Surround settings now persist after new driver install.
    Fixed Single-GPU Issues

    Windows Vista & Windows 7

    3D Surround, 4-way SLI: The NVIDIA Control Panel -> Configure Displays for Surround user-assistance screen does not show the correct GPUs to connect the displays on a 4-way SLI system.
    GeForce 400 series: After installing the VGA driver and then choosing the ‘restart later’ option, the display goes blank when subsequently installing the NVIDIA driver.
    GeForce GT 650M: "No compatible hardware found" error occurs when installing the driver.
    GeForce GTS 400 series: Rendering is not visible with some DirectX 9 applications when Shader model 3.0 is used.
    GeForce GTX 200 series: Mount & Blade Warband - Stuttering occurs during game-play.
    GeForce GTX 500 series, 3D Vision: Crysis 2 & DiRT Showdown - Residual images appear throughout the game if 3D Vision is enabled.
    GeForce GTX 600 series: Titan Quest - Gameplay is jerky and stutters with V-Sync enabled.

    Windows 8

    GeForce GTX 500 series, 3D Vision: Crysis 2 & Dirt Showdown - Residual images appear throughout the game if 3D Vision is enabled.
    Optimus Notebook: Blue-screen crash occurs pointing to dxgkrnl.sys when attempting to uninstall the driver using the Windows Device manager.
    SLI, Surround: Intel x59 or x79 - With Surround enabled, a blue-screen crash (0xA: IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL) may occur when enabling or disabling SLI or Surround modes. When re-installing the NVIDIA driver after uninstalling it, the driver may fail to install.

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi F.@.T.İ.H -- 28 Ağustos 2012; 12:35:03 >

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