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  • Evet arkadaşlar,merakla beklenen yama nihayet çıktı.Sıgames'in yayınladığı güncelleme de önemli değişiklikler mevcut.İngilizcesi iyi olan arkadaşlarımız türkçe karşılığını da yazarsa memnun oluruz.



    - Fixed rare crash when continuing game
    - Fixed another rare crash when continuing edited save game
    - Fixed crash testing rules in Advanced Editor
    - Fixed crash when searching invalid latitude value in Editor

    MATCH v1439

    - Fixed rare occurrence of stats incorrectly showing 255
    - Reduced instances of direct free kicks aimed too close to crossbar inflating woodwork stats
    - Fixed instances of throw ins taken just on pitch
    - Tweaked urgency of engagement of ball player in own half depending on defensive player's tactical settings
    - Improved general logic of when to attempt a tackle
    - Tweaked aim direction of sliding tackles
    - Reduced wild challenges slightly
    - Fixed keeper accelerating out of area after fielding ball
    - Fixed player ratings not updated quickly enough in some circumstances
    - Some tweaks to player ratings including weighting on headers, interceptions and tackles
    - Fixed poor detection of save quality
    - Reduced first time keeper clearances under little pressure when he has short distribution PI
    - Fixed strange ball movement after some instances of players pushing opponents while going to ariel ball
    - Fixed non marking of short corner option player
    - Reduced poor attempts to win corner off opponent
    - Reduced poor cross attempts that had little chance of completion
    - Reduced pointless shot attempts slightly
    - Fixed quick free kick direction facing
    - Fixed blocked crosses being set as completed crosses in stats
    - Fixed short corners being set as crosses in stats
    - Fixed players going through bench
    - Fixed subs running on pitch after friendly win
    - Improved keeper kick out from hands contact point
    - Fixed issues with depth and width values after human tactical changes
    - Fixed player standing at wrong end of pitch when following "stand in front of keeper at free kick" instruction
    - Fixed bad goal kicks when the keeper kicks the ball out for an injury
    - Refined counter attack trigger point depending on team mentality setting
    - Improved player decision making during counter attack phase of play
    - Some general tweaks to on ball decision AI
    - Increased chance of player misjudging ball path slightly
    - Made it harder for player to kill pace on fast moving ball especially at speed
    - Improved ball velocity on some crosses
    - Fixed ball contact point issue when putting ball out of play for an injury
    - Added cross less often PI
    - Fixed some issues with kick off AI
    - Fixed some issues defending corners
    - Fixed some keeper positioning and facing issues, including coming out inviting easy lobs
    - Some tweaks to pass AI
    - Tweaked d-line position slightly
    - Fixed some further engagement of ball player issues
    - Tweaked default cross aim slightly
    - Reduced further attempts to buy corner off opponent
    - Increased long shots slightly
    - Fixed keeper misjudging occasional headed back pass
    - Reduced penalty scored % slightly
    - Fine-tuned CCC detection very slightly
    - Reduced overhit mid-range passes caused by physics interface flaw not player error
    - Tweaked player movement at dead balls slightly
    - Reduced defensive headers that are aimed too close to own goal
    - Small tweaks to shot and pass accuracy


    - Improved Match Plan substitution logic
    - Increased individual player training to prevent players becoming unhappy with workload
    - Fixed mid-season Budget news item sometimes not appearing
    - Fixed user not being able to declare interest in jobs when AI Managers are 'insecure'


    - User can now 'scan for graphics' to manually index Workshop graphics
    - User can start challenges from Workshop
    - Game will now index files without a config
    - Kits can now be uploaded to Workshop
    - Manually deleted files will no longer produce error for users
    - Italian Hero Achievement fixed


    - Fixed rare instance where No Sacking would not unlock
    - Can now turn off IGE before creating a new game
    - User can add second nationalities
    - Can now move players between AI clubs
    - Can now transfer free agents using 'move to other clubs' option
    - Future transfers cleared when free agents are moved


    - Fixed rare example of clubs incorrectly failing FFP
    - AI will now always register players when user is on holiday
    - Stopped Swedish Second Divisions changing number of teams
    - Spanish "B" Team Squad Numbers now remembered between matches
    - Stopped players returning from their end of season break too early
    - Stopped Scottish Premiership Playoff matches being scheduled for consecutive days
    - Fixed rare example of Belgian season not being scheduled
    - Fixed scheduling of Copa Libertadores & Sudamericana when removing South American leagues
    - Fixed Italian transfer window dates
    - Fixed overage rules in Russian U21 league
    - Fixed Scottish Premiership Relegation Playoff scheduling
    - Stopped assistant manager arranging reserve friendlies when already in a reserve league
    - Fixed North American Gold Cup attendances
    - Fixed Belgian Pro League European Playoff Final scheduling when cup winners qualify
    - Set 2015 Asian Cup Qualifying groups as per real life
    - Fixed English League Cup / EURO Cup fixture clashes
    - Fixed English FA Cup replays being scheduled during international breaks
    - Fixed 2015 U20 World Cup scheduling


    - Reduced player bonus demands in contract negotiations
    - Stopped former staff generating scout reports
    - Stopped AI clubs bidding on players they cannot afford
    - Improved AI shortlisting for Spanish B teams
    - Stopped out of contract players from being agent owned
    - Fixed expiry date being set in the past for transfer targets
    - Improved logic of AI co-ownership offers
    - Fixed user being unable to Approach To Sign player after deal falls though
    - Fixed semi-pro sides being unable to offer non-contracts


    - Fixed Continue button disappearing before penalty shootouts
    - Fixed text overrun on GK attribute octagons
    - Fixed code displayed in board meeting
    - Fixed match focus not state saving


    - Fixed tactical familiarity not adjusting when some strategies changed
    - Fixed formation familiarity being lost in certain circumstances


    - Fixed Offer to Clubs screen changing when other users navigate
    - Fixed warning message when clients attempt to join network game

  • İnşallah o lanet olası frikiklerin üst direk den dönme olayını düzeltmişlerdir ve Forvet oyuncuları artık gol atar kardeşim tek forvet oynatıyorum kanat adamlarım forvet den 2 kat fazla gol atıyo.Belki dersiniz forveti kimmiş diye suarezi de denedim lewandoski yi de banamısın demedi gol atmıyo asist yapıyor
  • Her topun direkten dönme sorunu düzelmiş.
  • Maç motorundaki mallıklar devam ediyor. Bomboş pozisyonda iki defans oyuncusu topu alamıyor rakip gelip gol atıyor.
  • NeCRiS kullanıcısına yanıt
    Aynen öyle uzun uzun iyilestirmeler yazılmış ama değişen pek bisey yok

    < Bu ileti mobil sürüm kullanılarak atıldı >
  • benim oynadığım save dosyam var, güncellersem bozulur mu acaba? oyun orjinal değil de
  • mikailc78 kullanıcısına yanıt
    Bozulmaz dostum.

    Oyunun içine etmişler iyice en dandik takım bile Barça gibi oynuyo benim takım amatör gibi.
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    PES 2009 1.3 Patch Çıktı
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  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: daysin

    Bozulmaz dostum.

    Oyunun içine etmişler iyice en dandik takım bile Barça gibi oynuyo benim takım amatör gibi.

    güncelledim, 14.1.3 tü..

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  • oyunda düzelmeler var mı

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi mhmtkyl17 -- 23 Aralık 2013; 19:06:38 >
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