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Fm 08 Mükemmel bir taktik buldum 'V.8.0.2'

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  • Arkadaşlar internette taktik ararken harika bir taktik buldum zayıf"kayserispor" ve güçlü"r.madrid" iki takımda denedim gayet güzel sonuçlar verdi dizilim resimdeki gibi

     Fm 08 Mükemmel bir taktik buldum 'V.8.0.2'

    Taktigi veren arkadaş villarealde denemiş ve gayet güzel sonuçlar almış hangi mevkiye ne tür oyuncular gerekir sorusuna ise taktigi veren arkadaşdan alıntı yapıyorum ingilizcem zayıf olduğu için çevirin bir zahmet


    GK: Everyone has their own preferences on GK attributes. I personally like high reflexes and command of the area and low eccentricity and tendency to punch.

    Fullbacks: They do make the odd forward run, but not really enough to get caught out. Its nice to have a fullback with a bit of pace though and obviously good tackling.

    Centrebacks: Obviously you just need a solid centreback for the level you are at here. I prefer one tall and one fast. I've been using Gonzalo Rodriguez and Federico Fazio and they have been fine, and there are plenty better than them currently on the market.

    Central Midfielder with the barrow: You need a DM here. Decent passer, but most importantly good concentration and tackling. I have Flamini and again on the game there are better than him yet the tactic works well here and he gets good ratings.

    MRC: This is for your general MC player, the all rounder. Bit of a box-to-box guy. Same forward runs as the Defensive guy but more attacking mentality. The main difference with him and the MLC is while the team is set to short passing, these two are on mixed and this obviously gives them a little freedom to pick out the striker or the wide players runs.

    MLC: I play an AMC here, this guy will get a lot of assists. Needs to be a good passer like the MRC. Will get forward more than the other central midfielders and occasionally break the midfield line I mentioned before.

    Wingers: I've been playing central attacking midfielders in these positions and they have been fine. Lord knows how much better I'd be doing with a couple of deadly crossers.

    The lone striker: I've got Giuseppe Rossi and Oscar Cardozo and they are so different, yet the tactic works just as well with both of them. Rossi got 14 in 17 games and Cardozo hit 24 in 21 league games. Rossi did play against some of the better defences more though so that may explain Cardozo scoring a few more. A good finisher is the only thing you really need here. A bit of pace always helps, but Cardozo did well despite only having 11 for pace.

    Something else that adds more merit to the effectiveness of the tactic is that I only had 22 first team players registered this season and they still made it through to the final of the Spanish cup as well as winning La Liga, Champions League and the Club World Championship.

    Opposition Instructions & Team-Talks:


    Obviously you know your own players and how they will react to certain comments, but I've found these work well for me.

    At home - Always for the supporters. At half time if you are winning - Don't let the performance drop, Drawing - Pleased, Losing - You can win this or I expect better.

    Away - Always tell the team they can win this. Half time winning - Encourage/Don't let performance drop, Drawing - You can win this, Losing - You can win this or I expect better.

    In cup games I always use 'You can win this' at the beginning. In all games, no matter how big the victory, the players never get anymore than 'Pleased'. Even if we lose or draw, I don't go lower than 'Sympathise'. As far as media talks go, I don't talk about former players and I always say I think we can win this. If you are really worried about the opposition then play down talk of winning the game and then tell your players that they can win. 90% of the time it works a treat.

    Opposition Instructions

    GK - Nothing

    DR, DL, DC - Nothing

    DM - Close Down

    MR, ML, MC - Close Down

    AMR, AML, AMC* - Hard Tackling and Weaker Foot

    ST - Hard Tackling and Weaker Foot

    *My Defensive Midfielder is always set to man-mark the oppositions AMC. It pretty much nulifies the threat from that player.


    Ve işte taktik için link:Tıkla

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi HollowFlea -- 29 Haziran 2009; 22:06:35 >

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