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  • Hello Knight Online Players,

    Our weekly maintenance is complete and we made a lot of changes!

    1-Winter is over and Spring has arrived. You will notice the season change in Knight Online!

    2-We know it has been a long time coming for the exchange of the Christmas and Valentine�s Day items, but now Bilbor in Moradon is ready to change them out for you!

    3-Players will now no longer gain experience or Noah from monsters that are 14 levels or more below their level.

    4-For our players that are running Microsoft Windows Vista, we welcome you back to the game. We have now added Vista compatibility for Knight Online!

    We thank you for your patience and welcome you back into the Knight Online World!

    -The Knight Online Team

    1. kıs bitti bahar geldi
    2-christmas ve valentines day itemları bilboardan degıstırılebılır
    3-oyuncular kendi lvl lerinin 14 lvl ve daha altındakı yaratıklardan exp ve para alamayacak
    4vista uyumlu

    canavar lvl leri buradan ogrenebilirsiniz ---> http://www.kodb.info/mobstats.php

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi leocoaster -- 29 Mart 2007; 11:39:36 >

  • evet şimdi denedim ezik şeyler kesince ex ve para gelmedi tyon kestim geldi
  • eyw guzel anlattın :P
  • quote:

    Orjinalden alıntı: leocoaster

    Hello Knight Online Players,

    Our weekly maintenance is complete and we made a lot of changes!

    1-Winter is over and Spring has arrived. You will notice the season change in Knight Online!

    2-We know it has been a long time coming for the exchange of the Christmas and Valentine�s Day items, but now Bilbor in Moradon is ready to change them out for you!

    3-Players will now no longer gain experience or Noah from monsters that are 14 levels or more below their level.

    4-For our players that are running Microsoft Windows Vista, we welcome you back to the game. We have now added Vista compatibility for Knight Online!

    We thank you for your patience and welcome you back into the Knight Online World!

    -The Knight Online Team

    1. kıs bitti bahar geldi
    2-christmas ve valentines day itemları bilboardan degıstırılebılır
    3-oyuncular kendi lvl lerinin 14 lvl ve daha altındakı yaratıklardan exp ve para alamayacak
    4vista uyumlu

    Kısaca oraya oyunun b.ku cıktı yazsalar daha kolay olurmus

  • Vista mı var sende Tyon kesen arkadasım
  • quote:

    Orjinalden alıntı: ILecKMySharDI

    Vista mı var sende Tyon kesen arkadasım

    xp home
  • koxpa önlem işte gidipte tyona haungaya yüksek lwl ler koxp kuramıuacak
  • Yapay Zeka’dan İlgili Konular
    Daha Fazla Göster
  • ya girsinde yeter zaten kim kesicek solucan fln
  • quote:

    Orjinalden alıntı: leocoaster

    Hello Knight Online Players,

    Our weekly maintenance is complete and we made a lot of changes!

    1-Winter is over and Spring has arrived. You will notice the season change in Knight Online!

    2-We know it has been a long time coming for the exchange of the Christmas and Valentine�s Day items, but now Bilbor in Moradon is ready to change them out for you!

    3-Players will now no longer gain experience or Noah from monsters that are 14 levels or more below their level.

    4-For our players that are running Microsoft Windows Vista, we welcome you back to the game. We have now added Vista compatibility for Knight Online!

    We thank you for your patience and welcome you back into the Knight Online World!

    -The Knight Online Team

    1. kıs bitti bahar geldi
    2-christmas ve valentines day itemları bilboardan degıstırılebılır
    3-oyuncular kendi lvl lerinin 14 lvl ve daha altındakı yaratıklardan exp ve para alamayacak
    4vista uyumlu

    canavar lvl leri buradan ogrenebilirsiniz ---> http://www.kodb.info/mobstats.php

    Eğer böyle ise falconlar 100 lvl miş. 65 mageler artık aoe ile apos riote troll kesebilicekler.

  • pffff ne sacma sey ya off artık saber totthda kesmeıcem 55 lvl ben bole oyunn te
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