Aşşağıdaki yazıyı bir siteden tesadüfen buldum harika bir kaynak buyrun.
There seems to be a lot of theories about how enchanting works and what is the best chance of getting an enchantment stone to stick. I was looking for some hard data rather than personal experiences and came across a post in the Aion forums that I thought would be good to share here.
The data comes from a Russian Aion GM who tested enchanting with 10,000 stones. The stones were different level types and tested with and without supplements.
The first graph down below indicates that the level of stone is capped at +30 levels. A higher than +30 stone does not increase the success rate, but nor does it decrease the success rate. From the data, we can summarize that using too high a stone is unnecessary expenditure. At the same time, it dispels the myth that too high a stone decreases the success rate.
The graph also indicates that every time you increase the level of stone by 5 the chance of success increases by 10% until it hits the cap of +30 on the item. An example using an eternal 55 AP item would be;
L80 Enchantment stone = 50% probability. L85 Enchantment stone = 60% probability. L90 Enchantment stone = 70% probability. L95 Enchantment stone = 80% probability.
Anything above L95 Enchantment stone remains at approximately 80%.
We can also increase the probability in another fashion by using supplements as the next two graphs indicate.
The above data indicates that by using a lvl 80 stone on an eternal piece of gear without supplements the probability of it sticking is 51.5%.
From these supplement graphs we can see that supplements add roughly 5% increased chance of success for lesser supplements, 10% chance of success for normal supplements and 15% increased chance of success for greater supplements.
As Mortred who originally shared the data with the NA community pointed out, assuming that the developers use the same methodology throughout and it appears to be that way since it was a GM that produced the data, then we can make some tentative conclusions on combining the two methods of increasing probability. The following list summarizes the findings from the combined data:
L80 Enchantment stone + greater supplement = 65% probability. L85 Enchantment stone + greater supplement = 75% probability. L90 Enchantment stone + greater supplement = 85% probability. L95 Enchantment stone + greater supplement = 95% probability.
L80 Enchantment stone + normal supplement = 60% probability. L85 Enchantment stone + normal supplement = 70% probability. L90 Enchantment stone + normal supplement = 80% probability. L95 Enchantment stone + normal supplement = 90% probability.
L80 Enchantment stone + lesser supplement = 55% probability. L85 Enchantment stone + lesser supplement = 65% probability. L90 Enchantment stone + lesser supplement = 75% probability. L95 Enchantment stone + lesser supplement = 85% probability.
It is important to note that by enchanting the item, the item lvl itself does not increase. In other words using the above example, a L95 Enchantment stone + greater supplement has a 95% probability of success at attempt 1 and remains at 95% on a ninth try. It does not differ, no matter how many times the item has been enchanted. For example, if you used a L100 stone with greater supplements on the final enchant, it still only has a 95% chance of success.
Also, a 95% success rate is not a 100% success rate. It is capped at 95% in case that has not been made clear.
It is quite feasible to attempt the 95% method and fail continuously until the end of time. It is not probable, we can say that it will unlikely pan out that way, but it is feasible and violates no known scientific principle. All it means is that each individual attempt has a much higher probability of succeeding and that each individual attempt does not influence the next or the next. The only thing that would guarantee success are the 100% success enchantment supplements currently sold in Korea.
Enchanting from +10 to +15 has not been tested in a similar vein but from what people are saying on the forums there seems to be a different mechanic involved than getting an item to +10.
The other thing to note, that while this data is the best available indication of how enchantment stones and supplements work (at least that I could find), purely from a scientific perspective a couple of other things would need to occur before it would be really considered conclusive. Not the least being replication and sample size, possible experimenter bias etc. In layman’s terms the procedure would have to be replicated a number of times with the same findings as this data set gives us, by other independent people. It would also be preferable, if the sample size (number of stones used) were increased. Nonetheless, despite these experimental short comings and others I have not mentioned here, this seems to be the best indication we have to date on the enchantment procedure.
As a side note, personally I cringe when an assumption is made without it being tested thoroughly. So in reality the procedure should have been to actually test the differing stone level with supplements as per first graph with the addition of supplements to see what influence they have on different lvl stones. But like I said, its the only data we have to go on and at the least it does give some preliminary indications on how it all works.
Personal Experiences
I should also mention that a number of people have different methods that seem to work well for them, which might contradict the data. That is ok because there is a scientific valid explanation for this as well. I am not going to go into it here for the sake of brevity, but if interested in the explanation just grab me online on vent. The long and short of it is if some method works for you that contradicts the data, keeping on doing it. Seriously!
Hope the post clarifies how enchantment works and is of benefit to people.
güzel paylaşım yararlı olucaktır ;)
Hazırlayan GM'in ellerine sağlık, çok faydalı bir araştırma olmuş. Sanada teşekkürler, foruma taşımışsın görmüş olduk
Evet bende bu yazıyı bulduğumda altın bulmuş gibi sevindim zira L85 ile eternal 55 level silahı neden +10 yapamıyorum diye bas bas bağrıyordum ee normalmiş zaten olmaması
birisi türkçeye çevirirse ingilizcesi zayıf olan arkadaşlarda faydalanır ingilizcesi sağlam arkadaşlar el atsın bir zahmet çok yararlı bir konu
+90 ve suplement ile bas geçerse bu yazıdan , yanarsa kaderden kısmetten bilirsiniz.
Yukarıda ki yazının esası budur.
aslında anlaşılmayacak birşey yok kısaca anlatim rusyada bir gm 10.000 + basma taşı deneyerek bu sonuçlara ulaşmış. mantıken 10.000 tane denemede neyse o yüzdeyi ortaya çıkartabiliriz. ve diyorki itemin levelinden + 30 lvl büyük taş basın daha fazlasını basmanız şansınızı yükseltmicektir şansınızı farklı çeşitlerde suppliments ler kulanarak arttırabilirsiniz. mesela L55 eternal iteme L95 den fazla taş basmanızın bir anlamı yok zira şansımız aynıymış. ve geçme şansı en fazla %95 e kadar çıktığınızı söylüyor hiç bir zaman %100 şansınız yok. L150 de kullansanız yanabilir. yukardaki yazıya istinaden 55 level eternal basarken kullanmanız gereken en yüksek taş L95 ..
L95 Enchantment stone + greater supplement = 95% probability. şeklinde şansınız en fazla %95 oluyor daha fazlasını yakalayamazsınız. benim abudik kubudik ingilizcem ile bunları anladım.