Ok nvm as long you bump my thread . I will keep it like this . This is free advert to post any gameserver. and im happy with it to keep update.
it was just for info, for like not wasting your time here :)
Server update 30/10/2012
- Fixed move restrictions in dungeon race and pvp event - Character without gens cant see other gens logo fixed - Auto disable cashshop, events and gens when eds server is not available - Blocked tracemarry to duel room - Fixed adding multiple items main inventory space check issue using RewardItem - Optimized jewel gamble event, now will not do sql query in every bet - Update cheatlist - Enable all lucky items ticket - Re-config Cash Shop
Server update 07/11/2012
- Fixed RF equiped weapon master - Fixed Increase PVP defence rate ML -/clearinv can delete locked or insured item fixed -/reset trade or any item transaction exploit fixed -Block cashshop when account is locked -Added reset stat item support -Added item period support (pets and pendants) -Update czit list -Add lorencia PK ring
Server update 04/12/2012
- Block opening cashshop window when character is in transaction mode like trade etc. - ML Berskerker skill fixed. - Socket option fire (socket option 0) is not included in socket slot count fixed. - Saphire necklace option to increase mana after killing monster fixed. - Create sleep skill time delay - Update 25 cheats list - Dupe scan - New pkclear require 50m and 5 Jewel of Creations - Update BC reward (x10 Gemstones) - Update CC reward (Talisman of Chaos Assembly) - Increase CC ancient items drop rate 5% more - Add new Loren Market map (Talk to NPC Julia 124 144 at lorencia town) - Fix all 1st lucky items in X-shop.
I just started today. But seing people with +13's ( I assume ) kinda dissapointing. Tought this would be little harder.. Any tips for fruther improvement for me?:) Trying to vote as possible but its little slow to save up
biri bana yardım etsin oyunu indirdim launcher actım yukleme yaptı sarta basıyom oyun aclır gibi oluyo sonra gidiyo pc vin7 kurulu
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