GRAND OFFICIAL OPENING 25 . 12 . 2016 DO NOT LOST THIS CHANCES OFFICIAL SERVER : OFFICIAL FORUM : REGISTER ON : WEBSHOP ON : VOTE REWARD : ( WHEN WILL BE OPENED ) STATISTIC : ITS MAKED BIG EFFORT FOR MAKE BALANCED ( PVP ) FOR ALL CLASSES (BK vs SM / BK vs DL / BK vs MG / BK vs ELF ) ITS BALANCED PREMIUM GUARD BY ( LIVEGUARD ) LAST UPDATE PREMIUM ANTIDDOS BY (DDOS PRO) NEVER DOWN SERVER WILL BE FOR A LONG TERM - Version: Season III Episode I Custom - Experience: 350x - Item drop: 65% - BlessBug : Off - Points per level: 5/7 - Maximum Points: 32000 - Max level: 400 - Level for reset: 400 - Grand Reset: 60 resets ( = 4000 credits ) - Ancient + Excellent F.O. - Exchange online hours for credits - Vote for credits - WebShop ON EVENTS : - Q&A - Hide and Seek - Scramble - Bring Me Event - Mathimatecal Event - Race Event - Drop Event ( Every Days For Special for new Players ) - PK Event - Last Man Standing - Kill The GM Event - Catch Me If you Can Event - Guild PK Event - Wich Song is this ? Event SPECIAL EVENTS : - Blood Castle - -Chaos Castle- -Devil Square- -CASTLE SIEGE ONLINE ( EVERY SUNDAY )- -SPECIL EVENT BY GM ( TRANSFORM EVENT EVERY 2-3 DAYS ) COMMANDS : /post /buystats - 5000 points for 500 credits /str -> Add Points to Strength /agi -> Add Points to Agility /ene -> Add Points to Energy /com -> Add Points to Command /vit -> Add Points to Vitality /marry [name] -> for marry with another charcater /pkclear -> Clear murderer status /reset - Reset your character from game. 400 level required. /request off -> Deny all requests from players. /request on -> Allow all requests from players.