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Mafia II (2011) [ANA KONU] (2. sayfa)

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  • Adamların o zamanlar yaptıkları görüntüler hala kaliteli ve beğiniliyorsa firmanın nasıl bir başarıya imza attığını anlamak pek zor değil. MAFİA 2 çıkmayacak diyenlere kapak olsun
  • İlk oyunun tadını veremez bence(inşallah verir),herşeyin ilki güzeldir.Ama yinede geliyor olması sevindirici
  • eywalla...çok sevindim...
  • kaynak ?
  • Vay efsane geri dönüyor demek acayip sevindim
  • Eğer Mafia'nın devamı niteliğinde bir oyun olacaksa Tommy öldüğü için işleri epey zor görünüyor.
    Haber doğruysa çıkmasını sabırsızlıkla bekliyeceğiz orası ayrı.
  • bi şekilde bağlarlar oyunu Saltuk bu oyunun 2.versiyonunun çıkacağı aşikar bişeydi (bence), 2008 ortası anca oynarız oyunu yine bi başyapıt olur inşallah
  • buhabere sevindim tsk ler buzamana kadar oynadigim en iyi oyundan bitanesi oyun bittiginde kendime gelemedim zaten.

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi GFBurak -- 18 Ağustos 2007; 18:34:42 >
  • "mafiasurce.de" sitesinden bi haber:


    Mafia 2: Wird Mafia 2 heute enthüllt?

    Ein Sprecher von Take 2 hat der Games-Site ComputerAndVideoGames.com (CVG) mitgeteilt, dass heute ihr Programm zur Games Convention veröffentlicht wird. Dabei solle auch Mafia 2 angekündigt werden.

    Der Publisher 2K Games – eine Tochterfirma von Take 2 – hat bereits ihr Line-up veröffentlicht. Da sich Mafia 2 nicht in diesem Line-up befindet, wird es höchstwahrscheinlich nicht von 2K Games vertrieben werden, wie teilweise angenommen wurde.
    Auch der Publisher D3, mit dem Illusion Softworks nun laut einer Pressemitteilung zusammenarbeitet (MafiaSource.de berichtete), hat ihr Line-up bereits veröffentlicht. Hierbei wurden die folgenden vier Spiele angegeben:

    * Dark Sector (PS3, Xbox 360)
    * Dragon Blade: Wrath of Fire (Wii)
    * Ben 10: Protector of Earth (Wii, PS2, PSP, NDS)
    * Ed, Edd ‘n’ Eddy: Scam of the Century (NDS)

    Ob und welches dieser Spiele von Illusion Softworks entwickelt wird, ist nicht bekannt. Sollte es allerdings um eines der oben genannten Spiele handeln, heißt das Spiel vermutlich "Dark Sector".

    Sobald auch Take 2 ihr Line-up veröffentlicht hat, werden wir euch davon berichten.

    News bei ComputerAndVideoGames.com
    Aktuelle Line-up-Liste bei EuroGamer.com

    Hepsini tercüme etmeyeceğim ama Take 2 yeni oyunla ilgili oyunun bilgilerinin yayımlanmaya hazr olduğunu belirtmiş. Yeni oyunun adı muhtemelen "Dark Sector" olabilirmiş.

    (Haber ne kadar doğru bir bilgim yok sadece ekleyeyim dedim...)


    bi haber daha:


    Take Two hints at Mafia 2 reveal later today

    ///Friday 17-Aug-2007 10:01 ///
    AM Publisher tells us to "watch this space" as it prepares to reveal Leipzig line-up today

    ake Two has hinted to CVG that we may well see an announcement on Mafia 2 later today, after we spoke to the publisher about a rumour circulating on the sequel's reveal at Leipzig next week.

    "Watch this space", a Take Two spokesperson told us, saying that it's announcing its Games Convention line-up this afternoon.

    It's been reported that a trailer for the sequel will be shown at the Games Convention in Leipzig next week, word hitting the internet that a Mafia 2 trailer has been rated by the USK, Germany's independent videogame ratings body.

    Regular readers may recall that Mafia developer Illusion Softworks confirmed with us way back in 2003 that Mafia 2 was in development, but we've heard nothing on the game since. But it appears that's about to change.

    Oh boy, let's hope the sequel really is announced. Stay tuned...

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi auto_motive -- 18 Ağustos 2007; 18:53:55 >
  • quote:

    Orjinalden alıntı: yt1990

    "mafiasurce.de" sitesinden bi haber:


    Mafia 2: Wird Mafia 2 heute enthüllt?
    * Dark Sector (PS3, Xbox 360)
    * Dragon Blade: Wrath of Fire (Wii)
    * Ben 10: Protector of Earth (Wii, PS2, PSP, NDS)
    * Ed, Edd ‘n’ Eddy: Scam of the Century (NDS)

    Pc yi göremedim orada
  • bununla ilgili zaten bi topic vardı
  • quote:

    Orjinalden alıntı: erozbey90

    bununla ilgili zaten bi topic vardı

    evet mafia 2 ile ilgili 2-3 topic vardı zaten
  • hele şükür bee iyi bi haber oldu artık seneye yazın çıkarsa oynarız
  • quote:

    Orjinalden alıntı: TRQX

    kaynak ?


    Take-Two Returning to Mafia
    German ratings board reveals a sequel to Mafia is on its way.
    by Rob Burman, IGN UK
    UK, August 17, 2007 - That cheeky German ratings board - the USK - has done it again. This time it's revealed that Take-Two is set to unveil a sequel to its mobster action game Mafia, during the Leipzig Games Convention next week.

    While the title won't be playable at the show, Mafia 2 will be shown in trailer form. However, apart from the fact the trailer's rated 16 years and over, the USK's listing doesn't provide a great deal of info about the follow-up. Looks like we'll just have to wait until the event kicks off next week to find out more


    Take Two hints at Mafia 2 reveal later today
    Friday 17-Aug-2007 10:01 AM Publisher tells us to "watch this space" as it prepares to reveal Leipzig line-up today
    Take Two has hinted to CVG that we may well see an announcement on Mafia 2 later today, after we spoke to the publisher about a rumour circulating on the sequel's reveal at Leipzig next week.

    "Watch this space", a Take Two spokesperson told us, saying that it's announcing its Games Convention line-up this afternoon.

    It's been reported that a trailer for the sequel will be shown at the Games Convention in Leipzig next week, word hitting the internet that a Mafia 2 trailer has been rated by the USK, Germany's independent videogame ratings body.

    Regular readers may recall that Mafia developer Illusion Softworks confirmed with us way back in 2003 that Mafia 2 was in development, but we've heard nothing on the game since. But it appears that's about to change.

    Oh boy, let's hope the sequel really is announced. Stay tuned...


    Mafia 2 set for Leipzig unveiling?
    German ratings board reveals a Games Convention trailer for sequel to 2002 PC game.
    By Brendan Sinclair, GameSpot
    Posted Aug 17, 2007 11:41 am PT
    Take-Two Interactive is apparently working on a reunion for "la famiglia," as Czech site Tiscali Games today spotted a listing on the German ratings board's database for a Mafia 2 promotional trailer to debut at next week's Games Convention in Leipzig, Germany.

    This is not the first time a game's existence has been discovered via the Unterhaltungssoftware Selbstkontrolle (USK). Late last month, the ratings board leaked word of the next World of Warcraft expansion, Wrath of the Lich King. As with Mafia 2, that entry was not a rating for the game itself, but a rating for the promotional trailer meant to be revealed at Leipzig. Also much like the Wrath of the Lich King entry, the Mafia sequel listing was quickly pulled after it started circulating around news sites. A representative with Take-Two had not returned GameSpot's request for comment as of press time.

    Originally released on the PC in 2002, Illusion Softworks' Mafia received a fair amount of critical acclaim for its combination of a Grand Theft Auto III-style living city with some of the structure and set pieces of traditional third-person action games. The game made it to the PlayStation 2 and Xbox in 2004, but reviews indicated it had lost something in the translation.

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi Project Scorpio -- 18 Ağustos 2007; 22:53:18 >
  • way be çok iyi oldu bu haber 1. oyunu başka arkadaşta ara ara oynamıştım çok etkileyici idi
  • quote:

    Take-Two Returning to Mafia
    German ratings board reveals a sequel to Mafia is on its way.
    by Rob Burman, IGN UK
    UK, August 17, 2007 - That cheeky German ratings board - the USK - has done it again. This time it's revealed that Take-Two is set to unveil a sequel to its mobster action game Mafia, during the Leipzig Games Convention next week.

    While the title won't be playable at the show, Mafia 2 will be shown in trailer form. However, apart from the fact the trailer's rated 16 years and over, the USK's listing doesn't provide a great deal of info about the follow-up. Looks like we'll just have to wait until the event kicks off next week to find out more

    Trailer'in bile 16 yaş sınırı ile gelecek olması ilginç, kan gövdeyi götürecek demek ki
  • bu seferde ek paket olarak kurtlar vadisi pusu yaparlar geçen mafyada kurtlar vadisini yapmışlardı ek paket olarak ama güzel dii
  • Çok şükür geliyor demek yorumlara ve kaynağada bakarsak bu sefer harbiden geliyor

    Video geldimi acaba
  • ''IGN'in haberine göre Alman derecelendirme kuruluşu USK yine yapacağını yaptı ve Take Two'nun yıllardır hafızalardan silinmeyen Mafia oyununun halefi için önümüzdeki hafta Liepzig fuarında resmi duyuru yapılacağını sızdırdı.

    Mafia 2 Liepzig'de oynanabilir olarak olmasa da tanıtım videosu ile fuarda yerini alacak. USK'nın trailer için yayınladığı 16+ etiketi dışında oyun hakkında henüz detaylar netleşmese de firmanın verileri PC, PlayStation 3 ve Xbox 360 platformunda oyunun çıkacağını gösteriyor. Ama öyle görünüyor ki ilk oyunu sevenler gelecek haftaki duyuruyu ve videoyu sabırsızlıkla bekleyecekler.''

    kaynak :http://xbox360.ign.com/articles/813/813460p1.html
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