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New Skins in the Store
* Siren Cassiopeia * Desperada Cassiopeia * Santa Gragas * Reindeer Kog’Maw * Silent Night Sona * Re-Gift Amumu * Ragdoll Poppy * Candy Cane Miss Fortune * Nutcracko
Snowdown Showdown Spoils
* The Winter Map is back for the Showdown! * Red and Blue Eggnog to provide Health and Mana * Minions with elf and reindeer hats * Festive skins * Festive Tier 3 runes * Festive landing page v1.25.13
* Improved Leaver Buster - will now automaticaly ban leavers. This works similar to a 'driving points" system for driver's licenses. o You gain ‘leave points’ by leaving games, and if you have enough leave points, you will be suspended or banned. o You lose ‘leave points’ by having good behavior – by completing your games, and not leaving over a long period of time. * Mastery saving has been improved o Repseccing your masteries no longer saves an empty mastery page to the server. This means you’ll never accidentally enter the game with no masteries. o You can now remove saved mastery points individually without having to return all your points. o When you have unsaved changes in your rune page or mastery page, you will now be prompted to save when navigating away. * Lowered the volume level of audio in at all slider positions. You may want to adjust the audio levels in as a result. * Fixed a bug where viewing another users Champions would display your own Champions instead. This option is now greyed out when viewing another users profile. * Fixed a bug where the "Play Again" button would not work at the End of Game screen for arranged teams * Fixed a bug where you could not select the "Random" marker in Champion Selection * Fixed a bug where would crash at certain resolutions
* Noxious Blast - Cassiopeia blasts an area with a delayed high damage poison, granting her increased Movement Speed if she hits a champion. * Miasma - Cassiopeia releases a growing cloud of poison, lightly damaging and slowing any enemy that happens to pass through it. * Twin Fang - Cassiopeia lets loose a damaging attack at her target. If the target is poisoned the cooldown of this spell is refreshed. * Petrifying Gaze (Ultimate) - Cassiopeia releases a swirl of magical energy from her eyes, stunning any enemies in front of her that are facing her and slowing any others with their back turned. * Deadly Cadence (Passive) - After casting a spell any subsequent spellcasts will cost 10% less for 5 seconds. This ability stacks up to 5 times.
* Rupture delay reduced to 0.75 seconds from 0.8 * Carnivore health restored reduced to 34-68 from 40-82 * Carnivore mana restored reduced to 7-15.5 from 8-16.5
* Base damage increased to 47.6 from 45 * Damage per level increased to 3 from 2.6 * Base attack speed increased to 0.665 from 0.658
* Terrify cooldown changed to 14/13/12/11/10 from 12 * Terrify mana cost reduced to 65/80/95/110/125 from 65/85/105/125/145 * Drain mana cost reduced to 80/90/100/110/120 from 80/95/110/125/140 * Crowstorm mana cost reduced to 150/200/250 from 200/300/400
* Decisive Strike attack damage ratio increased to 120% from 100% * Decisive Strike base damage reduced to 30/45/60/75/90 from 40/60/80/100/120 * Judgment o Base damage per second changed to 60/90/120/150/180 from 30/70/110/150/190 o Scaling increased to 100% per second from 70% o Now scales off of only bonus attack damage rather than all attack damage
* Drunken Rage damage reduction reduced to 10/12/14/16/18% from 10/14/18/22/26% * Drunken Rage mana restoration changed to 40/55/70/85/100 from 50/60/70/80/90 * Explosive Cask cooldown increased to 90/75/60 seconds from 60
* Bouncing Blades o Now scales off of 80% bonus attack damage (instead of 100% of all attack damage) o Base damage increased to 60/95/130/165/200 o Now has a 0.35 ability power ratio * Death Lotus o Base damage decreased to 40/50/60 from 50/65/80 o Now scales off of both attack damage and ability power rather than one or the other o Now hits the closest 3 targets rather than 3 random targets o Cooldown reduced to 60/55/50 seconds from 60
* Ethereal Chains root duration increased to 1/1.3/1.6/1.9/2.2 seconds from 1/1.25/1.5/1.75/2 * Mimic cooldown reduced to 40/32/24 seconds from 40/35/30
* Seismic Shard slow and haste changed to 14/17/20/23/26% from 10/15/20/25/30% * Seismic Shard cast range reduced to 625 from 700 * Ground Slam mana cost increased to 60/65/70/75/80 from 60
* Null Zone percent of health damage increased to 5/6/7/8/9% from 4/5/6/7/8% * Null Zone no longer has a minimum damage dealt * Voidlings now spawn after 4 casts instead of after 5
* Mace of Spades now resets the attack timer when used * Iron Man shield generation reduced to 20/25/30% from 30% * Iron Man shield decay increased to 5% from 3%
* Fixed a bug where she would have lower base damage in cougar form than human form
* Undertow now deal physical damage instead of magic damage * Vicious Strikes health scaling changed to 0.5% at all ranks from 0.3/0.6/0.9/1.2/1.5% * Vicious Strikes base damage changed to 10/17/24/31/38 from 12/18/24/30/36 * Ragnarok damage reduction reduced to 20/30/40 from 25/45/65
* Spear Toss base damage reduced at earlier ranks to 16/28/40/52/64 from 20/31/42/53/64 * Heartseeker Spear scaling damage reduced at earlier ranks to 20/25/30/35/40% from 24/28/32/36/40%
* Fixed a bug with Diplomatic Immunity where the particles didn't display for their full duration at ranks 2 and 3 * Fixed a bug with Diplomatic Immunity where the tooltip didn't reflect the increase in duration when ranking up * Fixed a bug with Diplomatic Immunity where the leveling tooltip didn't reflect the increase in duration with higher ranks
* Carrion Renewal now restores mana instantly
* Spray and Pray o Now fires a maximum of 5/6/7 shots o Duration increased to 12 seconds from 6 o Now increases Twitch's attack damage by 15/25/35 instead of providing 30/45/60% Attack Speed
* Tiger Stance o Initial damage is now 150% attack damage plus 40/80/120/160/200 from 180/210/240/270/300% attack damage o Persistent effect no longer splits Udyr's attacks o Udyr now gains half attack speed for 5 seconds after activating Tiger and half while in Tiger stance * Phoenix Stance base damage of activation effect reduced to 10/18/26/34/42 from 15/25/35/45/55 * Phoenix Stance base damage of on hit effect increased to 50/90/130/170/210 from 40/80/120/160/200
* Fixed a bug that was causing Urgot's auto-attack to have a slight delay when clicking a unit for the first time * Range increased to 425 from 400 * Attack damage reduced to 51.6 from 54.1 * Attack damage per level increased to 3.6 from 3.1 * Acid Hunter o Base damage reduced to 15/45/75/105/135 from 30/60/90/120/150 o Attack damage ratio increased to 0.85 from 0.7 * Terror Capacitor base shield changed to 80/140/200/260/320 from 80/120/160/200/240 * Noxian Corrosive Charge o Now deals physical damage instead of magic damage o Damage changed to 75/130/185/240/295 (+0.6 bonus attack damage) from 100/155/210/265/320 o Now reduces 12/14/16/18/20% of the target's armor instead of 10/15/20/25/30 flat armor * Updated recommended items
* Banshee's Veil o Health reduced to 375 from 450 o Mana reduced to 375 from 400 o Magic resist reduced to 50 from 57 * Elixir of Agility o Now grants 12-22% Attack Speed and 8% Critical Chance, reduced from 15-25% Attack Speed and 15% Critical Chance o Cost reduced to 250 from 300 * Elixir of Brilliance o Now grants 20-40 Ability Power and 10% Cooldown Reduction, reduced from 31-65 Ability Power and 10% Cooldown Reduction o Cost reduced to 250 from 300 * Elixir of Fortitude o Now grants 140-235 Health and +10 Attack Damage, reduced from 230-400 Health and +11-28 Attack Damage o Cost reduced to 250 from 300 * Infinity Edge attack damage reduced to 75 from 80 * Innervating Locket has been removed * Last Whisper o Combine path changed: now requires Pickaxe and Long Sword, instead of Recurve Bow and Long Sword o Upgrade cost increased to 700 from 500 o Now provides +40 Attack Damage and 40% Armor Penetration * Phantom Dancer o Upgrade cost reduced to 400 from 900 o No longer provides Dodge Chance * Randuin's Omen o Armor reduced to 80 from 90 o Cooldown reduction reduced to 8% from 15% * Shurelya's Reverie o Move speed duration increased to 3 seconds from 2 o Health regeneration increased to 30 from 25 o Mana regeneration increased to 15 from 12 * Sight Ward o Health reduced to 1 and armor reduced to 0 o Reduced collision and spellhit sizes o Duration reduced to 3 minutes from 4.5 * Vision Ward o Health reduced to 1 and armor reduced to 0 o Reduced collision and spellhit sizes o Duration reduced to 3 minutes from 3.5 * Wriggle's Lantern Ward o Health reduced to 1 and armor reduced to 0 o Reduced collision and spellhit sizes * Spirit Visage o Now builds out of Kindlegem instead of Ruby Crystal o Upgrade cost reduced to 300 from 375 (total cost increased to 1550 from 1250) o Health increased to 250 from 200 * Sunfire Cape o Upgrade cost increased to 800 from 700 o Passive is now unique * Warden's Mail o Armor reduced to 50 from 60 o Health regeneration reduced to 20 from 25
Summoner Spells
* Flash no longer pops projectiles * Flash cooldown increased to 255 seconds, from 240
* Flat energy, energy per level, and energy regen per level runes increased 10% * Flat energy regen runes increased 5%
* Minion count on the scoreboard will now only update for Champions that you have vision of * Solo lanes will see a slight reduction in their experience gain. Junglers and Dual lanes will be unaffected. * Dragon no longer provides any global experience, but provides more global gold * All turrets now provide less global experience, but more global gold * Baron Nashor can now be debuffed with non-disables (for example, poisons) * "Healing" due to a level up will now be adjusted by a portion of your missing health. In general, less health will mean less recovery. Healing from Catalyst the Protector remains unaffected. * Monster AI has been improved and will now attempt to switch to a nearby target when you leave their leash range. Monsters can now reaggro if anyone in their camp is attacked while they are retreating.
* Vladimir - changed volume balance of spells.
Bu yeter ! Improved Leaver Buster - will now automaticaly ban leavers. This works similar to a 'driving points" system for driver's licenses o You gain ‘leave points’ by leaving games, and if you have enough leave points, you will be suspended or banned. o You lose ‘leave points’ by having good behavior – by completing your games, and not leaving over a long period of time.
Yuh bütün itemlere nerf gelmiş . Sunfire cape pasifi unique olmuş . Ap itemleri pek ellememişler gibi bu yeterli benim için
Olaf'ı daha yeni almıştım ama bu nerflerden sonra oynamama gerek yok. Garen de aynı şekilde. Twitch'i önceki nerfler yüzünden çoktan bırakmıştım bunlar etkilemedi o yüzden. Katarina'ya geri dönebilirim ya da warwick oynarım belki.
Genel olarak üzdü beni bu patch :/
Genel olarak güzel olmuş. Özellikle sunfire'ın unique olması çok iyi. Bir tek Innervating Locket in kaldırılmasına üzüldüm
Oyunun yarısı nerf yemiş diyip geçmek lazım :D
Fena degil. leaver protection ise yarar ama orta vadede. LeBlanci tekrar bufflamislar guzel olmus yoksa harbiden cekilmezdi kahri. Ezreal da Buff dan nasibini almis bence guzel olmus. Itemlarda bahsee nin dusurulmesi fena sayilmaz ama yinede alan icin etkili koruma saglar. Tek aklimda kalan Rod Of Ages yaparken kullandigim itemlarda dusmusmudur yoksa aynimi kalmistir bilmiyorum. denemek lazim.
Sanırım artık Katarina hybrid olarak kullanılabilecek.AP seçip bouncing blade de düşük damage'a katlanmak, veya AD seçip etkisiz shunpo'yu kullanmak zorunda değiliz. AP ve AD birlikte kasıp, sadece AP veya AD kastığımızda shunponun veya bouncing blade'in birinin nuke olmasındansa, ikisini de kuvvetlendirip yine de aynı derecede(belki daha da etkili) bir ultiye ulaşabiliriz.Tabii hybrid buildde sadece ap ve ad kasıldığındaki shunpo ve bouncing blade damagelarına ulaşamamız gayet normal.
Uzun süre Katarina ile oynadım, en sonuncusu 2 hafta önce olarak.Full ap bir build kullanıyodum, fakat bu son patchden sonra full ap yerine o full ap buildine bir ad item eklemek daha cazip geliyor tamamen hybrid bir builde göre, böylece bouncing blade'i sadece health regen. reduction olarak kullanmaktan kurtulup biraz daha etkili bir yeteneğe sahip olabiliriz.Katarina'nın Lich Banesiz tower push konusundaki eksikliği de bir nebze azalır.
INNERVATING LOCKET OP ITEM diye konu açarsanız böyle olur işte :( kaç defa dedim size yapmayın, etmeyin. eray league of legends'e çalışıyo. adam direk yetiştirdi op olduğunu ve eşya silindi. yapcak bişi yok artık beyler . daha dikkatli olun. * Innervating Locket has been removed
Swain! Instant! Mana! :D
Şu _Marvel_ 'nin konusunda onunla dalga geçenleri, ''Locket itemi op mi haha noob'' diyenleri şimdi görmek istiyorum.Udyr'a çok üzüldüm yeni almıştım ve locket itemi çektiğim an çok işe yarıyordu bence.Tw çok kötü olmuş,Olaf bana göre oynanmıcak hale getirilmiş.Şuraları anlayamadım ama
Udyr: * Tiger Stance o Initial damage is now 150% attack damage plus 40/80/120/160/200 from 180/210/240/270/300% attack damage
Tiger stance nin ne özelliği vardı udyr olduğumda genel olarak hiç kullanmıyodum
* Solo lanes will see a slight reduction in their experience gain. Junglers and Dual lanes will be unaffected. * Dragon no longer provides any global experience, but provides more global gold * All turrets now provide less global experience, but more global gold * "Healing" due to a level up will now be adjusted by a portion of your missing health. In general, less health will mean less recovery. Healing from Catalyst the Protector remains unaffected.
Solo lanelerle ilgili olanı tam anlamadım sololarda artık yavaş felan mı kasıcak? Dragon kesince sanırım daha fazla gold gelicek ama ex gelmiycek,turretlerde aynı şekilde? Healing kısmını anlayamadım
- Solo kasanlarda daha az exp alacak. Jungle ve 2 kisi kasanlarda degisiklik yok. Yani mid dekiler cosmayacak artik ^^ - Dragonu kesinde global exp gitmeyecek sadece yakindakiler ama global gold artirilmis dedigin gibi - Kuleler daha az global exp vercek ama daha fazla global gold verecek. - Healleme olayi senin o anki healine gore calisacak. Yani az heal varsa az healing yapacak.
Orijinalden alıntı: gsliyim
Şu _Marvel_ 'nin konusunda onunla dalga geçenleri, ''Locket itemi op mi haha noob'' diyenleri şimdi görmek istiyorum.Udyr'a çok üzüldüm yeni almıştım ve locket itemi çektiğim an çok işe yarıyordu bence.Tw çok kötü olmuş,Olaf bana göre oynanmıcak hale getirilmiş.Şuraları anlayamadım ama
Udyr: * Tiger Stance o Initial damage is now 150% attack damage plus 40/80/120/160/200 from 180/210/240/270/300% attack damage
Tiger stance nin ne özelliği vardı udyr olduğumda genel olarak hiç kullanmıyodum
* Solo lanes will see a slight reduction in their experience gain. Junglers and Dual lanes will be unaffected. * Dragon no longer provides any global experience, but provides more global gold * All turrets now provide less global experience, but more global gold * "Healing" due to a level up will now be adjusted by a portion of your missing health. In general, less health will mean less recovery. Healing from Catalyst the Protector remains unaffected.
Solo lanelerle ilgili olanı tam anlamadım sololarda artık yavaş felan mı kasıcak? Dragon kesince sanırım daha fazla gold gelicek ama ex gelmiycek,turretlerde aynı şekilde? Healing kısmını anlayamadım
Solo lanelerde exp. bölünmediği için solo champ daha çok exp. alıyordu, solo lanede alınan exp miktarını biraz azaltmışlar.Dual lane ve junglerlar etkilenmeyecekmiş. Dragon kesilince, dragonun yakınında olmasan da herkese gelen bir global exp. vardı.Bu kaldırıldı, dragon kesildiğinde sadece etrafında olanlara exp. gelecek, fakat herkese gelen para biraz daha fazla olacak. Dragondaki gibi kuleler de global exp veriyordu, onun da miktarını azaltmışlar, parasını arttırmışlar. Level atladığında belli bir miktar hp ve mana kazanıyorduk, artık level atladığımız sıradaki hp mizin oranına göre hp kazanıcaz.Yani %1 hp miz varken level atladığımızda eskisi gibi %50 ye kadar hp gelmeyecek.Level atladığın sırada ne kadar hp'n varsa onunla orantılı olarak hp kazanacaksın.Catalyst in level atlamadaki etkisi değişmedi
Orijinalden alıntı: Gurcellonline
- Solo kasanlarda daha az exp alacak. Jungle ve 2 kisi kasanlarda degisiklik yok. Yani mid dekiler cosmayacak artik ^^ - Dragonu kesinde global exp gitmeyecek sadece yakindakiler ama global gold artirilmis dedigin gibi - Kuleler daha az global exp vercek ama daha fazla global gold verecek. - Healleme olayi senin o anki healine gore calisacak. Yani az heal varsa az healing yapacak.
heal kötü oldu spelli etkicek mi ?
o kadarini bilemiyorum ama helaing spell zaten o toplan HP ne gore heal veriyordu sanirim.
Orijinalden alıntı: y0ndaime
tek kelime ile a.q katarinanın içine sıçtılar
Hatıra kalması amacıyla bu mesajı alıntı yapıyorum
Orijinalden alıntı: Gurcellonline
- Solo kasanlarda daha az exp alacak. Jungle ve 2 kisi kasanlarda degisiklik yok. Yani mid dekiler cosmayacak artik ^^
yinede coşabilirler,çok az düşürülmüş aldıkları exp.
Gelicek en anlamlı patch benim gözümde.Ezreale nerf yok o yeter.Urgota gelen değişiklikler çok iyi olmuş.Brolaf ağlıyodur.
Twtich oynuyordum fakat nerf yemiş karakter üzerine nerf yapmışlar attack speed kalkmış,ultisi vardi bi oda artik 6-7 atış için olacaksa direk hiç bir işe yaramayan bi karakter olmuş umarım yanılırım
Son nerflerden sonra twitch iyiydi ama bu patchde ultisi yalan olmuş